LG - 机器学习 CV - 计算机视觉 CL - 计算与语言 AS - 音频与语音 RO - 机器人

1、[CV] Rethinking “Batch” in BatchNorm

Y Wu, J Johnson
[Facebook AI Research]

BatchNorm is a critical building block in modern convolutional neural networks. Its unique property of operating on “batches” instead of individual samples introduces significantly different behaviors from most other operations in deep learning. As a result, it leads to many hidden caveats that can negatively impact model’s performance in subtle ways. This paper thoroughly reviews such problems in visual recognition tasks, and shows that a key to address them is to rethink different choices in the concept of “batch” in BatchNorm. By presenting these caveats and their mitigations, we hope this review can help researchers use BatchNorm more effectively.


2、[AI] Texture Generation with Neural Cellular Automata

A Mordvintsev, E Niklasson, E Randazzo
[Google Research]

Neural Cellular Automata (NCA1) have shown a remarkable ability to learn the required rules to ”grow” images [20], classify morphologies [26] and segment images [28], as well as to do general computation such as path-finding [10]. We believe the inductive prior they introduce lends itself to the generation of textures. Textures in the natural world are often generated by variants of locally interacting reaction-diffusion systems. Human-made textures are likewise often generated in a local manner (textile weaving, for instance) or using rules with local dependencies (regular grids or geometric patterns). We demonstrate learning a texture generator from a single template image, with the generation method being embarrassingly parallel, exhibiting quick convergence and high fidelity of output, and requiring only some minimal assumptions around the un* Contributed equally. 1We use NCA to mean both Neural Cellular Automata and Neural Cellular Automaton in this work. derlying state manifold. Furthermore, we investigate properties of the learned models that are both useful and interesting, such as non-stationary dynamics and an inherent robustness to damage. Finally, we make qualitative claims that the behaviour exhibited by the NCA model is a learned, distributed, local algorithm to generate a texture, setting our method apart from existing work on texture generation. We discuss the advantages of such a paradigm.


3、[LG] Evading the Simplicity Bias: Training a Diverse Set of Models Discovers Solutions with Superior OOD Generalization

D Teney, E Abbasnejad, S Lucey, A v d Hengel
[Idiap Research Institute & University of Adelaide]

Neural networks trained with SGD were recently shown to rely preferentially on linearly-predictive features and can ignore complex, equally-predictive ones. This simplicity bias can explain their lack of robustness out of distribution (OOD). The more complex the task to learn, the more likely it is that statistical artifacts (i.e. selection biases, spurious correlations) are simpler than the mechanisms to learn. We demonstrate that the simplicity bias can be mitigated and OOD generalization improved. We train a set of similar models to fit the data in different ways using a penalty on the alignment of their input gradients. We show theoretically and empirically that this induces the learning of more complex predictive patterns. OOD generalization fundamentally requires information beyond i.i.d. examples, such as multiple training environments, counterfactual examples, or other side information. Our approach shows that we can defer this requirement to an independent model selection stage. We obtain SOTA results in visual recognition on biased data and generalization across visual domains. The method – the first to evade the simplicity bias – highlights the need for a better understanding and control of inductive biases in deep learning.


4、[LG] Deep physical neural networks enabled by a backpropagation algorithm for arbitrary physical systems

L G. Wright, T Onodera, M M. Stein, T Wang, D T. Schachter, Z Hu, P L. McMahon
[Cornell University]

Deep neural networks have become a pervasive tool in science and engineering. However, modern deep neural networks’ growing energy requirements now increasingly limit their scaling and broader use. We propose a radical alternative for implementing deep neural network models: Physical Neural Networks. We introduce a hybrid physical-digital algorithm called Physics-Aware Training to efficiently train sequences of controllable physical systems to act as deep neural networks. This method automatically trains the functionality of any sequence of real physical systems, directly, using backpropagation, the same technique used for modern deep neural networks. To illustrate their generality, we demonstrate physical neural networks with three diverse physical systems— optical, mechanical, and electrical. Physical neural networks may facilitate unconventional machine learning hardware that is orders of magnitude faster and more energy efficient than conventional electronic processors.


5、[CV] MOS: Towards Scaling Out-of-distribution Detection for Large Semantic Space

R Huang, Y Li
[University of Wisconsin-Madison]

Detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs is a central challenge for safely deploying machine learning models in the real world. Existing solutions are mainly driven by small datasets, with low resolution and very few class labels (e.g., CIFAR). As a result, OOD detection for largescale image classification tasks remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we bridge this critical gap by proposing a group-based OOD detection framework, along with a novel OOD scoring function termed MOS. Our key idea is to decompose the large semantic space into smaller groups with similar concepts, which allows simplifying the decision boundaries between invs. out-of-distribution data for effective OOD detection. Our method scales substantially better for high-dimensional class space than previous approaches. We evaluate models trained on ImageNet against four carefully curated OOD datasets, spanning diverse semantics. MOS establishes state-of-the-art performance, reducing the average FPR95 by 14.33% while achieving 6x speedup in inference compared to the previous best method.



[LG] Physics-informed attention-based neural network for solving non-linear partial differential equations

R Rodriguez-Torrado, P Ruiz, L Cueto-Felgueroso, M C Green, T Friesen, S Matringe, J Togelius
[OriGen.AI & Universidad Politecnica de Madrid & Hess Corporation]

[CV] A Good Image Generator Is What You Need for High-Resolution Video Synthesis

Y Tian, J Ren, M Chai, K Olszewski, X Peng, D N. Metaxas, S Tulyakov
[Rutgers University & Snap Inc & University of Delaware]

[CL] High-performance symbolic-numerics via multiple dispatch

S Gowda, Y Ma, A Cheli, M Gwozdz, V B. Shah, A Edelman, C Rackauckas
[MIT & Julia Computing & University of Pisa]

[LG] Tool- and Domain-Agnostic Parameterization of Style Transfer Effects Leveraging Pretrained Perceptual Metrics

H Yakura, Y Koyama, M Goto
[University of Tsukuba & AIST]