LG - 机器学习 CV - 计算机视觉 CL - 计算与语言 AS - 音频与语音 RO - 机器人

1、[CV] Are Convolutional Neural Networks or Transformers more like human vision?

S Tuli, I Dasgupta, E Grant, T L. Griffiths
[DeepMind & UC Berkeley & Princeton University]

Modern machine learning models for computer vision exceed humans in accuracy on specific visual recognition tasks, notably on datasets like ImageNet. However, high accuracy can be achieved in many ways. The particular decision function found by a machine learning system is determined not only by the data to which the system is exposed, but also the inductive biases of the model, which are typically harder to characterize. In this work, we follow a recent trend of in-depth behavioral analyses of neural network models that go beyond accuracy as an evaluation metric by looking at patterns of errors. Our focus is on comparing a suite of standard Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and a recently-proposed attention-based network, the Vision Transformer (ViT), which relaxes the translation-invariance constraint of CNNs and therefore represents a model with a weaker set of inductive biases. Attentionbased networks have previously been shown to achieve higher accuracy than CNNs on vision tasks, and we demonstrate, using new metrics for examining error consistency with more granularity, that their errors are also more consistent with those of humans. These results have implications both for building more human-like vision models, as well as for understanding visual object recognition in humans.


2、[ST] Polynomial methods in statistical inference: theory and practice

Y Wu, P Yang
[Yale University & Tsinghua University]

This survey provides an exposition of a suite of techniques based on the theory of polynomials, collectively referred to as polynomial methods, which have recently been applied to address several challenging problems in statistical inference successfully. Topics including polynomial approximation, polynomial interpolation and majorization, moment space and positive polynomials, orthogonal polynomials and Gaussian quadrature are discussed, with their major probabilistic and statistical applications in property estimation on large domains and learning mixture models. These techniques provide useful tools not only for the design of highly practical algorithms with provable optimality, but also for establishing the fundamental limits of the inference problems through the method of moment matching. The effectiveness of the polynomial method is demonstrated in concrete problems such as entropy and support size estimation, distinct elements problem, and learning Gaussian mixture models.


3、[CV] More Than Just Attention: Learning Cross-Modal Attentions with Contrastive Constraints

Y Chen, J Yuan, L Zhao, R Luo, L Davis, D N. Metaxas
[Rutgers University & Amazon.com Services]

Attention mechanisms have been widely applied to cross-modal tasks such as image captioning and information retrieval, and have achieved remarkable improvements due to its capability to learn fine-grained relevance across different modalities. However, existing attention models could be suboptimal and lack preciseness because there is no direct supervision involved during training. In this work, we propose Contrastive Content Re-sourcing (CCR) and Contrastive Content Swapping (CCS) constraints to address such limitation. These constraints supervise the training of attention models in a contrastive learning manner without requiring explicit attention annotations. Additionally, we introduce three metrics, namely Attention Precision, Recall and F1-Score, to quantitatively evaluate the attention quality. We evaluate the proposed constraints with cross-modal retrieval (image-text matching) task. The experiments on both Flickr30k and MS-COCO datasets demonstrate that integrating these attention constraints into two state-of-theart attention-based models improves the model performance in terms of both retrieval accuracy and attention metrics.


4、[CV] Birds of a Feather: Capturing Avian Shape Models from Images

Y Wang, N Kolotouros, K Daniilidis, M Badger
[University of Pennsylvania]

Animals are diverse in shape, but building a deformable shape model for a new species is not always possible due to the lack of 3D data. We present a method to capture new species using an articulated template and images of that species. In this work, we focus mainly on birds. Although birds represent almost twice the number of species as mammals, no accurate shape model is available. To capture a novel species, we first fit the articulated template to each training sample. By disentangling pose and shape, we learn a shape space that captures variation both among species and within each species from image evidence. We learn models of multiple species from the CUB dataset, and contribute new species-specific and multi-species shape models that are useful for downstream reconstruction tasks. Using a low-dimensional embedding, we show that our learned 3D shape space better reflects the phylogenetic relationships among birds than learned perceptual features.


5、[CL] Measuring Coding Challenge Competence With APPS

D Hendrycks, S Basart, S Kadavath, M Mazeika, A Arora, E Guo, C Burns, S Puranik, H He, D Song, J Steinhardt
[UC Berkeley & UChicago & UIUC & Cornell]

While programming is one of the most broadly applicable skills in modern society, modern machine learning models still cannot code solutions to basic problems. It can be difficult to accurately assess code generation performance, and there has been surprisingly little work on evaluating code generation in a way that is both flexible and rigorous. To meet this challenge, we introduce APPS, a benchmark for code generation. Unlike prior work in more restricted settings, our benchmark measures the ability of models to take an arbitrary natural language specification and generate Python code fulfilling this specification. Similar to how companies assess candidate software developers, we then evaluate models by checking their generated code on test cases. Our benchmark includes 10,000 problems, which range from having simple one-line solutions to being substantial algorithmic challenges. We fine-tune large language models on both GitHub and our training set, and we find that the prevalence of syntax errors is decreasing exponentially. Recent models such as GPT-Neo can pass approximately 15% of the test cases of introductory problems, so we find that machine learning models are beginning to learn how to code. As the social significance of automatic code generation increases over the coming years, our benchmark can provide an important measure for tracking advancements. “Everybody should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.” – Steve Jobs



[RO] Efficient and Robust LiDAR-Based End-to-End Navigation

Z Liu, A Amini, S Zhu, S Karaman, S Han, D Rus

[CL] Contrastive Learning for Many-to-many Multilingual Neural Machine Translation

X Pan, M Wang, L Wu, L Li
[ByteDance AI Lab]

[CV] VTNet: Visual Transformer Network for Object Goal Navigation

H Du, X Yu, L Zheng
[Australian National University & University of Technology Sydney]

[LG] DEHB: Evolutionary Hyberband for Scalable, Robust and Efficient Hyperparameter Optimization

N Awad, N Mallik, F Hutter
[University of Freiburg]