
这可以作为matplotlib变换和自定义投影API的强化练习。 这个例子产生了一个所谓的SkewT-logP图,它是气象学中用于显示温度垂直剖面的常见图。 就matplotlib而言,复杂性来自于X轴和Y轴不正交。 这是通过在基本Axes变换中包含一个偏斜分量来处理的。 处理上下X轴具有不同数据范围的事实带来了额外的复杂性,这需要一系列用于刻度,棘轮和轴的自定义类来处理这一问题。

  1. from matplotlib.axes import Axes
  2. import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
  3. import matplotlib.axis as maxis
  4. import matplotlib.spines as mspines
  5. from matplotlib.projections import register_projection
  6. # The sole purpose of this class is to look at the upper, lower, or total
  7. # interval as appropriate and see what parts of the tick to draw, if any.
  8. class SkewXTick(maxis.XTick):
  9. def update_position(self, loc):
  10. # This ensures that the new value of the location is set before
  11. # any other updates take place
  12. self._loc = loc
  13. super().update_position(loc)
  14. def _has_default_loc(self):
  15. return self.get_loc() is None
  16. def _need_lower(self):
  17. return (self._has_default_loc() or
  18. transforms.interval_contains(self.axes.lower_xlim,
  19. self.get_loc()))
  20. def _need_upper(self):
  21. return (self._has_default_loc() or
  22. transforms.interval_contains(self.axes.upper_xlim,
  23. self.get_loc()))
  24. @property
  25. def gridOn(self):
  26. return (self._gridOn and (self._has_default_loc() or
  27. transforms.interval_contains(self.get_view_interval(),
  28. self.get_loc())))
  29. @gridOn.setter
  30. def gridOn(self, value):
  31. self._gridOn = value
  32. @property
  33. def tick1On(self):
  34. return self._tick1On and self._need_lower()
  35. @tick1On.setter
  36. def tick1On(self, value):
  37. self._tick1On = value
  38. @property
  39. def label1On(self):
  40. return self._label1On and self._need_lower()
  41. @label1On.setter
  42. def label1On(self, value):
  43. self._label1On = value
  44. @property
  45. def tick2On(self):
  46. return self._tick2On and self._need_upper()
  47. @tick2On.setter
  48. def tick2On(self, value):
  49. self._tick2On = value
  50. @property
  51. def label2On(self):
  52. return self._label2On and self._need_upper()
  53. @label2On.setter
  54. def label2On(self, value):
  55. self._label2On = value
  56. def get_view_interval(self):
  57. return self.axes.xaxis.get_view_interval()
  58. # This class exists to provide two separate sets of intervals to the tick,
  59. # as well as create instances of the custom tick
  60. class SkewXAxis(maxis.XAxis):
  61. def _get_tick(self, major):
  62. return SkewXTick(self.axes, None, '', major=major)
  63. def get_view_interval(self):
  64. return self.axes.upper_xlim[0], self.axes.lower_xlim[1]
  65. # This class exists to calculate the separate data range of the
  66. # upper X-axis and draw the spine there. It also provides this range
  67. # to the X-axis artist for ticking and gridlines
  68. class SkewSpine(mspines.Spine):
  69. def _adjust_location(self):
  70. pts = self._path.vertices
  71. if self.spine_type == 'top':
  72. pts[:, 0] = self.axes.upper_xlim
  73. else:
  74. pts[:, 0] = self.axes.lower_xlim
  75. # This class handles registration of the skew-xaxes as a projection as well
  76. # as setting up the appropriate transformations. It also overrides standard
  77. # spines and axes instances as appropriate.
  78. class SkewXAxes(Axes):
  79. # The projection must specify a name. This will be used be the
  80. # user to select the projection, i.e. ``subplot(111,
  81. # projection='skewx')``.
  82. name = 'skewx'
  83. def _init_axis(self):
  84. # Taken from Axes and modified to use our modified X-axis
  85. self.xaxis = SkewXAxis(self)
  86. self.spines['top'].register_axis(self.xaxis)
  87. self.spines['bottom'].register_axis(self.xaxis)
  88. self.yaxis = maxis.YAxis(self)
  89. self.spines['left'].register_axis(self.yaxis)
  90. self.spines['right'].register_axis(self.yaxis)
  91. def _gen_axes_spines(self):
  92. spines = {'top': SkewSpine.linear_spine(self, 'top'),
  93. 'bottom': mspines.Spine.linear_spine(self, 'bottom'),
  94. 'left': mspines.Spine.linear_spine(self, 'left'),
  95. 'right': mspines.Spine.linear_spine(self, 'right')}
  96. return spines
  97. def _set_lim_and_transforms(self):
  98. """
  99. This is called once when the plot is created to set up all the
  100. transforms for the data, text and grids.
  101. """
  102. rot = 30
  103. # Get the standard transform setup from the Axes base class
  104. Axes._set_lim_and_transforms(self)
  105. # Need to put the skew in the middle, after the scale and limits,
  106. # but before the transAxes. This way, the skew is done in Axes
  107. # coordinates thus performing the transform around the proper origin
  108. # We keep the pre-transAxes transform around for other users, like the
  109. # spines for finding bounds
  110. self.transDataToAxes = self.transScale + \
  111. self.transLimits + transforms.Affine2D().skew_deg(rot, 0)
  112. # Create the full transform from Data to Pixels
  113. self.transData = self.transDataToAxes + self.transAxes
  114. # Blended transforms like this need to have the skewing applied using
  115. # both axes, in axes coords like before.
  116. self._xaxis_transform = (transforms.blended_transform_factory(
  117. self.transScale + self.transLimits,
  118. transforms.IdentityTransform()) +
  119. transforms.Affine2D().skew_deg(rot, 0)) + self.transAxes
  120. @property
  121. def lower_xlim(self):
  122. return self.axes.viewLim.intervalx
  123. @property
  124. def upper_xlim(self):
  125. pts = [[0., 1.], [1., 1.]]
  126. return self.transDataToAxes.inverted().transform(pts)[:, 0]
  127. # Now register the projection with matplotlib so the user can select
  128. # it.
  129. register_projection(SkewXAxes)
  130. if __name__ == '__main__':
  131. # Now make a simple example using the custom projection.
  132. from io import StringIO
  133. from matplotlib.ticker import (MultipleLocator, NullFormatter,
  134. ScalarFormatter)
  135. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  136. import numpy as np
  137. # Some examples data
  138. data_txt = '''
  139. 978.0 345 7.8 0.8 61 4.16 325 14 282.7 294.6 283.4
  140. 971.0 404 7.2 0.2 61 4.01 327 17 282.7 294.2 283.4
  141. 946.7 610 5.2 -1.8 61 3.56 335 26 282.8 293.0 283.4
  142. 944.0 634 5.0 -2.0 61 3.51 336 27 282.8 292.9 283.4
  143. 925.0 798 3.4 -2.6 65 3.43 340 32 282.8 292.7 283.4
  144. 911.8 914 2.4 -2.7 69 3.46 345 37 282.9 292.9 283.5
  145. 906.0 966 2.0 -2.7 71 3.47 348 39 283.0 293.0 283.6
  146. 877.9 1219 0.4 -3.2 77 3.46 0 48 283.9 293.9 284.5
  147. 850.0 1478 -1.3 -3.7 84 3.44 0 47 284.8 294.8 285.4
  148. 841.0 1563 -1.9 -3.8 87 3.45 358 45 285.0 295.0 285.6
  149. 823.0 1736 1.4 -0.7 86 4.44 353 42 290.3 303.3 291.0
  150. 813.6 1829 4.5 1.2 80 5.17 350 40 294.5 309.8 295.4
  151. 809.0 1875 6.0 2.2 77 5.57 347 39 296.6 313.2 297.6
  152. 798.0 1988 7.4 -0.6 57 4.61 340 35 299.2 313.3 300.1
  153. 791.0 2061 7.6 -1.4 53 4.39 335 33 300.2 313.6 301.0
  154. 783.9 2134 7.0 -1.7 54 4.32 330 31 300.4 313.6 301.2
  155. 755.1 2438 4.8 -3.1 57 4.06 300 24 301.2 313.7 301.9
  156. 727.3 2743 2.5 -4.4 60 3.81 285 29 301.9 313.8 302.6
  157. 700.5 3048 0.2 -5.8 64 3.57 275 31 302.7 313.8 303.3
  158. 700.0 3054 0.2 -5.8 64 3.56 280 31 302.7 313.8 303.3
  159. 698.0 3077 0.0 -6.0 64 3.52 280 31 302.7 313.7 303.4
  160. 687.0 3204 -0.1 -7.1 59 3.28 281 31 304.0 314.3 304.6
  161. 648.9 3658 -3.2 -10.9 55 2.59 285 30 305.5 313.8 305.9
  162. 631.0 3881 -4.7 -12.7 54 2.29 289 33 306.2 313.6 306.6
  163. 600.7 4267 -6.4 -16.7 44 1.73 295 39 308.6 314.3 308.9
  164. 592.0 4381 -6.9 -17.9 41 1.59 297 41 309.3 314.6 309.6
  165. 577.6 4572 -8.1 -19.6 39 1.41 300 44 310.1 314.9 310.3
  166. 555.3 4877 -10.0 -22.3 36 1.16 295 39 311.3 315.3 311.5
  167. 536.0 5151 -11.7 -24.7 33 0.97 304 39 312.4 315.8 312.6
  168. 533.8 5182 -11.9 -25.0 33 0.95 305 39 312.5 315.8 312.7
  169. 500.0 5680 -15.9 -29.9 29 0.64 290 44 313.6 315.9 313.7
  170. 472.3 6096 -19.7 -33.4 28 0.49 285 46 314.1 315.8 314.1
  171. 453.0 6401 -22.4 -36.0 28 0.39 300 50 314.4 315.8 314.4
  172. 400.0 7310 -30.7 -43.7 27 0.20 285 44 315.0 315.8 315.0
  173. 399.7 7315 -30.8 -43.8 27 0.20 285 44 315.0 315.8 315.0
  174. 387.0 7543 -33.1 -46.1 26 0.16 281 47 314.9 315.5 314.9
  175. 382.7 7620 -33.8 -46.8 26 0.15 280 48 315.0 315.6 315.0
  176. 342.0 8398 -40.5 -53.5 23 0.08 293 52 316.1 316.4 316.1
  177. 320.4 8839 -43.7 -56.7 22 0.06 300 54 317.6 317.8 317.6
  178. 318.0 8890 -44.1 -57.1 22 0.05 301 55 317.8 318.0 317.8
  179. 310.0 9060 -44.7 -58.7 19 0.04 304 61 319.2 319.4 319.2
  180. 306.1 9144 -43.9 -57.9 20 0.05 305 63 321.5 321.7 321.5
  181. 305.0 9169 -43.7 -57.7 20 0.05 303 63 322.1 322.4 322.1
  182. 300.0 9280 -43.5 -57.5 20 0.05 295 64 323.9 324.2 323.9
  183. 292.0 9462 -43.7 -58.7 17 0.05 293 67 326.2 326.4 326.2
  184. 276.0 9838 -47.1 -62.1 16 0.03 290 74 326.6 326.7 326.6
  185. 264.0 10132 -47.5 -62.5 16 0.03 288 79 330.1 330.3 330.1
  186. 251.0 10464 -49.7 -64.7 16 0.03 285 85 331.7 331.8 331.7
  187. 250.0 10490 -49.7 -64.7 16 0.03 285 85 332.1 332.2 332.1
  188. 247.0 10569 -48.7 -63.7 16 0.03 283 88 334.7 334.8 334.7
  189. 244.0 10649 -48.9 -63.9 16 0.03 280 91 335.6 335.7 335.6
  190. 243.3 10668 -48.9 -63.9 16 0.03 280 91 335.8 335.9 335.8
  191. 220.0 11327 -50.3 -65.3 15 0.03 280 85 343.5 343.6 343.5
  192. 212.0 11569 -50.5 -65.5 15 0.03 280 83 346.8 346.9 346.8
  193. 210.0 11631 -49.7 -64.7 16 0.03 280 83 349.0 349.1 349.0
  194. 200.0 11950 -49.9 -64.9 15 0.03 280 80 353.6 353.7 353.6
  195. 194.0 12149 -49.9 -64.9 15 0.03 279 78 356.7 356.8 356.7
  196. 183.0 12529 -51.3 -66.3 15 0.03 278 75 360.4 360.5 360.4
  197. 164.0 13233 -55.3 -68.3 18 0.02 277 69 365.2 365.3 365.2
  198. 152.0 13716 -56.5 -69.5 18 0.02 275 65 371.1 371.2 371.1
  199. 150.0 13800 -57.1 -70.1 18 0.02 275 64 371.5 371.6 371.5
  200. 136.0 14414 -60.5 -72.5 19 0.02 268 54 376.0 376.1 376.0
  201. 132.0 14600 -60.1 -72.1 19 0.02 265 51 380.0 380.1 380.0
  202. 131.4 14630 -60.2 -72.2 19 0.02 265 51 380.3 380.4 380.3
  203. 128.0 14792 -60.9 -72.9 19 0.02 266 50 381.9 382.0 381.9
  204. 125.0 14939 -60.1 -72.1 19 0.02 268 49 385.9 386.0 385.9
  205. 119.0 15240 -62.2 -73.8 20 0.01 270 48 387.4 387.5 387.4
  206. 112.0 15616 -64.9 -75.9 21 0.01 265 53 389.3 389.3 389.3
  207. 108.0 15838 -64.1 -75.1 21 0.01 265 58 394.8 394.9 394.8
  208. 107.8 15850 -64.1 -75.1 21 0.01 265 58 395.0 395.1 395.0
  209. 105.0 16010 -64.7 -75.7 21 0.01 272 50 396.9 396.9 396.9
  210. 103.0 16128 -62.9 -73.9 21 0.02 277 45 402.5 402.6 402.5
  211. 100.0 16310 -62.5 -73.5 21 0.02 285 36 406.7 406.8 406.7
  212. '''
  213. # Parse the data
  214. sound_data = StringIO(data_txt)
  215. p, h, T, Td = np.loadtxt(sound_data, usecols=range(0, 4), unpack=True)
  216. # Create a new figure. The dimensions here give a good aspect ratio
  217. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.5875, 6.2125))
  218. ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='skewx')
  219. plt.grid(True)
  220. # Plot the data using normal plotting functions, in this case using
  221. # log scaling in Y, as dictated by the typical meteorological plot
  222. ax.semilogy(T, p, color='C3')
  223. ax.semilogy(Td, p, color='C2')
  224. # An example of a slanted line at constant X
  225. l = ax.axvline(0, color='C0')
  226. # Disables the log-formatting that comes with semilogy
  227. ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter())
  228. ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(NullFormatter())
  229. ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(100, 1000, 10))
  230. ax.set_ylim(1050, 100)
  231. ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(10))
  232. ax.set_xlim(-50, 50)




  1. import matplotlib
  2. matplotlib.transforms
  3. matplotlib.spines
  4. matplotlib.spines.Spine
  5. matplotlib.spines.Spine.register_axis
  6. matplotlib.projections
  7. matplotlib.projections.register_projection
