

  1. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  2. import numpy as np
  3. from matplotlib.patches import Circle
  4. from matplotlib.offsetbox import (TextArea, DrawingArea, OffsetImage,
  5. AnnotationBbox)
  6. from matplotlib.cbook import get_sample_data
  7. if 1:
  8. fig, ax = plt.subplots()
  9. # Define a 1st position to annotate (display it with a marker)
  10. xy = (0.5, 0.7)
  11. ax.plot(xy[0], xy[1], ".r")
  12. # Annotate the 1st position with a text box ('Test 1')
  13. offsetbox = TextArea("Test 1", minimumdescent=False)
  14. ab = AnnotationBbox(offsetbox, xy,
  15. xybox=(-20, 40),
  16. xycoords='data',
  17. boxcoords="offset points",
  18. arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"))
  19. ax.add_artist(ab)
  20. # Annotate the 1st position with another text box ('Test')
  21. offsetbox = TextArea("Test", minimumdescent=False)
  22. ab = AnnotationBbox(offsetbox, xy,
  23. xybox=(1.02, xy[1]),
  24. xycoords='data',
  25. boxcoords=("axes fraction", "data"),
  26. box_alignment=(0., 0.5),
  27. arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"))
  28. ax.add_artist(ab)
  29. # Define a 2nd position to annotate (don't display with a marker this time)
  30. xy = [0.3, 0.55]
  31. # Annotate the 2nd position with a circle patch
  32. da = DrawingArea(20, 20, 0, 0)
  33. p = Circle((10, 10), 10)
  34. da.add_artist(p)
  35. ab = AnnotationBbox(da, xy,
  36. xybox=(1.02, xy[1]),
  37. xycoords='data',
  38. boxcoords=("axes fraction", "data"),
  39. box_alignment=(0., 0.5),
  40. arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"))
  41. ax.add_artist(ab)
  42. # Annotate the 2nd position with an image (a generated array of pixels)
  43. arr = np.arange(100).reshape((10, 10))
  44. im = OffsetImage(arr, zoom=2)
  45. im.image.axes = ax
  46. ab = AnnotationBbox(im, xy,
  47. xybox=(-50., 50.),
  48. xycoords='data',
  49. boxcoords="offset points",
  50. pad=0.3,
  51. arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"))
  52. ax.add_artist(ab)
  53. # Annotate the 2nd position with another image (a Grace Hopper portrait)
  54. fn = get_sample_data("grace_hopper.png", asfileobj=False)
  55. arr_img = plt.imread(fn, format='png')
  56. imagebox = OffsetImage(arr_img, zoom=0.2)
  57. imagebox.image.axes = ax
  58. ab = AnnotationBbox(imagebox, xy,
  59. xybox=(120., -80.),
  60. xycoords='data',
  61. boxcoords="offset points",
  62. pad=0.5,
  63. arrowprops=dict(
  64. arrowstyle="->",
  65. connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=3")
  66. )
  67. ax.add_artist(ab)
  68. # Fix the display limits to see everything
  69. ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
  70. ax.set_ylim(0, 1)
  71. plt.show()
