ORC Setup

ORC is the on-demand Otoy Render Cloud service. ORC uses the orbx scene file to render. Some of the advantages to using ORC are:

  • ORC offers high speed storage in addition to rendering.
  • ORC securely stores scenes by encrypting each file during the upload process.
  • Once jobs are finished rendering, they can be automatically shared through the service, enabling teams to have access to their renders as soon as they are done.
  • Users are able to specify the version of OctaneRender they want to render their job with, allowing them to ensure their cloud renders are identical to their local renders.
  • The cost of ORC jobs depends on your scene’s OctaneBench® score. Easily estimate the cost before you launch your render by determining your scene’s OctaneBench. Please visit OctaneBench®_ _to learn more.
  • RNDR™ tokens can be used to pay for jobs on ORC. Click here for information on RNDR.

This video will give you and overview of the entire process of using ORC. It was originally made for Octane V3, but it is still valid.

ORC Setup-ORC 设置 - 图1


First, review the information about Octane Render Cloud using this link.


Before using Octane Render Cloud, it is necessary to bake all simulation-dependent aspects of your scene before exporting to ORC. Features such as Mograph, dynamics, particles, hair, or cloth can require that the animation evaluation must start from frame zero for accurate calculation. However, cloud rendering work splits up the render tasks across networks of computers and GPUs, which means that all simulations or background processes will be incorrect unless previously baked.

Other optimizations include removing anything that is not used in the final scene. Objects that are hidden will still be converted and sent to the service. That will take time on your end and consume resources unnecessarily. Likewise, unassigned materials or unconverted Cinema 4D materials should also be removed.


Before using Cloud render you need to subscribe to ORC system and purchase RNDR tokens. To review the Pricing and Performance section regarding ORC, details are located here


Before committing to a final render on ORC you should double check what you are sending to the service by first loading your ORBX file into your local Octane Standalone application. If your scene does not render correctly in Octane Standalone, it will not render correctly in ORC.