Post Processing

OctaneRender® includes the ability to add effects like glow, glare, bloom to your images after rendering. These effects can be saved directly with the images or as separate layers to add in the compositing application of your choice. The options are explained below:

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Enable/disable Post Processing. Disabled by default.


Controls the size and intensity of the halo around the sun, light source, or reflective glossy materials. It enhances the realism of rendering output when used correctly. If it is overused, it may look artificial and hazy.

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Glare power controls the size and intensity of the glare. The glare effect is more pronounced when it comes to the sun, the lights in the scene and reflective materials. Glare amount Controls the number of visible rays radiated or reflected. Glare angle is used to adjust the rotation of the glare relative to the object. A glare angle of -90 and 90 results to one main horizontal glare and a glare angle of 0 results to one main vertical glare. Glare blur Controls the sharpness of the glare. Smaller values will result to a crisp linear glare and this is softened as the value is set higher.

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Spectral Intensity is used to adjust the intensity distribution of the rays across a source. This affects the strength or weakness (brightness) of the radiant energy. Spectral Shift Used to adjust the displacement of the spectrum as the frequency of light emitted from a source changes.

Post Processing-后期效果 - 图4