W Coordinate

The W Coordinate texture node enables hair strands to receive a color gradient along the length of the entire strand. The W Coordinate is used to address the vertex coordinate system of each hair strand. Without the W Coordinate, Octane will apply a solid color along the entire length of a strand of hair.
W 坐标纹理节点使发丝能够沿着整个发丝的长度接收颜色渐变。W 坐标用于定位每根头发的顶点坐标系。没有 w 坐标,辛烷将申请沿整个头发长度的一个单一的颜色。

W Coordinate【W坐标】 - 图1


To use Hair in Octane, review the “Rendering / Hair Rendering” section, here. The following example material setup should be assigned to the hair object itself. Once an Octane Gradient node is created and the colors chosen, connect the W coordinate Node to the input section of the gradient. Finally, to see the hair render in Live Viewer, assign the Octane Object tag to the object to which you assigned the hair and check the “Render as Hair” option in the Hair tab of the tag.
要使用头发在辛烷,审查“渲染/头发渲染”部分,这里。下面的材质设置示例应该分配给头发对象本身。一旦辛烷值梯度节点创建和颜色选择,连接 w 坐标节点到输入部分的梯度。最后,要在 Live Viewer 中查看头发渲染,请将辛烷值对象标记分配给您分配头发的对象,并检查标记的头发标签中的“ Render as Hair”选项。

W Coordinate【W坐标】 - 图2