Cinema 4D Surfaces

Cinema 4D Surface shaders can be used in OctaneRender®. All of these textures are procedural. Some are also available natively in Octane, such as Noise, Checker, Turbulence. Many of these textures work very well in Octane. Keep resolution in mind, as Octane must bake these shaders, and that process consumes resources (see this section for details). It is possible to use aspects of these surfaces in the Node Editor, and connect them to any “Power”, “Texture” or “Amount” slot on other Octane Nodes. The following illustration shows all the Cinema 4D surface textures used by Octane.
电影院4 d 表面着色器可以用于八角焦距。所有这些纹理都是程序化的。有些辛烷也可以在本机,如噪声,检查,乱流。许多这些纹理工作很好辛烷值。请记住解决方案,因为辛烷值必须烘烤这些着色器,这个过程消耗资源(详细信息请参阅本节)。可以在节点编辑器中使用这些表面的各个方面,并将它们连接到其他辛烷值节点上的任何“功率”、“纹理”或“数量”槽。下面的插图显示了所有的 Cinema 4 d 表面纹理辛烷使用。

Cinema 4D Surfaces 【多重着色器】 - 图1

The surface images are obtained from Maxon website for display purpose only. All images rendered with Cinema 4D by Maxon Team. All Rights Reserved.
表面图片取自 Maxon 网站,只供展示之用。所有影院4 d 渲染图片由 Maxon Team 提供。保留所有权利。

Cinema 4D Surfaces 【多重着色器】 - 图2