Deactivation & Troubleshooting取消激活和故障排除

If you wish to work on a project over two different machines, one on “Computer A” and other one on “Computer B”, you can deactivate your license from your “Computer A” and reactivate in your Computer B” (and vice versa).
如果你希望在两台不同的机器上工作,一台在“计算机 a”上,另一台在“计算机 b”上,你可以在“计算机 a”上停用你的许可证,然后在“计算机 b”上重新激活(反之亦然)。

To deactivate your license, close Cinema 4D. Shutting down Cinema 4D will release the license from your computer. Then you can reactivate another machine just by using your Sign-in credentials (for further help see this section).
要停用你的许可证,关闭4d 电影院。关闭 Cinema 4D 将释放您的计算机的许可证。然后,您可以使用您的登录凭据重新激活另一台机器(有关详细信息,请参阅本节)。

If you wish to run Octane on more than one computer at the same time, you will need to purchase an additional license to do so.
如果您希望同时在多台计算机上运行 Octane,则需要购买额外的许可证。

You can learn more about licensing questions by referring to the FAQ document, located here
您可以通过参考位于此处的 FAQ 文档来了解更多关于许可问题的信息

Should you run into any issues with Cinema 4D failing to launch after installing the c4doctane plugin, delete the “otoycredentials” file from the file locations listed below; then try again to restart the application and sign in procedure.
如果你在安装了 c4doctane 插件之后遇到了 Cinema 4D 无法启动的任何问题,请从下面列出的文件位置中删除“ otoy

Windows: %APPDATA%/OctaneRender/otoy_credentials

OSX: ~/Library/OctaneRender/otoy_credentials (you may have to use Finder’s Go->Go To Folder… and type “~/Library/OctaneRender” - without the quotes - to get to that folder).

Additionally, you can run Octane Standalone and sign-out from the account section in that application.