RGB Spectrum

The RGB Spectrum node is used to assign any RGB color to your material or material channel. The RGB Spectrum node can be wired to any channel with a Texture input. The RGB Spectrum node is different than the Gaussian Spectrum node in a number of ways, most of which are described in the Gaussian Spectrum topic. The most important difference regarding RGB Spectrum and Gaussian is that the RGB Spectrum node uses simple RGB values, which limits the true range when rendering with high light intensity values.
RGB 光谱节点用于为材质或材质通道分配任何 RGB 颜色。RGB Spectrum 节点可以通过纹理输入连接到任何通道。RGB 光谱节点与高斯光谱节点在许多方面有所不同,其中大部分在高斯光谱专题中有所描述。RGB Spectrum 和 Gaussian 最重要的区别在于 RGB Spectrum 节点使用简单的 RGB 值,这限制了高光强渲染时的真实范围。

RGB Spectrum 【RGB颜色\光谱】 - 图1


Open the Node editor and prepare the setup as seen in the image below.
打开 Node 编辑器,准备如下图所示的设置。
RGB Spectrum 【RGB颜色\光谱】 - 图2