Live Viewer Menus

The menu section in the OctaneRender® Live Viewer is where you will do much of the heavy lifting in Octane. If Live Viewer is the heartbeat of Octane, the Live Viewer menu section is the brains. Each menu in the menu section offers a variety of critical functions, with perhaps the most important menus being the Object and Materials menus. The menus are:
在 OctaneRender Live Viewer 中的菜单部分,你将在那里完成许多繁重的辛烷值工作。如果 Live Viewer 是辛烷的心跳,那么 Live Viewer 菜单部分就是大脑。菜单部分中的每个菜单都提供了各种关键功能,其中最重要的菜单可能是对象菜单和材质菜单。菜单如下:
File Menu文件菜单
Cloud Menu云菜单
Objects Menu对象菜单
Materials Menu材料目录
Compare Menu比较菜单
Options Menu选项菜单
Help Menu帮助菜单
GUI menu

We will discuss all of the menus in the following sections.

Live Viewer Menus【实时查看器菜单】 - 图1