Composite AOV Output

The Composite AOV node connects to the Octane Renderer node. Each Octane Renderer node can accept multiple Composite AOV node inputs. The Composite AOV node is used to assemble result of the AOV composite network that you build within the node itself, using layers. Each node can add multiple layers via the Add Layer button. Layers can be removed with the Remove Layer button. Note that layers are removed starting at the top of the layer list. When a layer is added to the Composite AOV node, a new input pin will appear to the left of the node, and a Composite AOV Output Layer node (discussed here) will be created, with a corresponding input node as determined by the popup menu that appears when the button is clicked.

Composite AOV Output-复合式 AOV 输出 - 图1

The Add Layer button presents a popup menu when clicked. This menu configures the resulting node network preset per the choice made:



This is the standard render output, fully realized.

Beauty Passes

All of the sub-passes used to build up a final image, minus post process, motion blur, DOF, reflection and refraction, lighting direction passes, and more.

Post Processing Passes

This is a single post process AOV that contain all of the effects enabled in the Post Processing tab in the Octane Camera tag or Live Viewer > Settings > Post tab.

Info Passes

Info passes are used to drive a variety of post render effects in a composting application. These passes contain such attributes as motion vectors, light pass IDs, UV coordinates, etc.


A subset of the Info passes that have been normalized (into a value range of zero to one.)

Denoised Passes

These passes are denoised versions of several of the available beauty passes.

Material Passes

These passes offer basic materials information for Opacity, IOR, transmission and so on.

Lighting Passes

The Lighting Passes section contains passes for each of the 8 light IDs, along with the Sun and ambient lighting in the scene.

Render Layer Passes

There are three Render Layer passes available: Layer Shadows; Black Layer Shadows; and Layer Reflections.

Crypto Passes

Crypto Passes generate cryptomattes grouped by the name of the passes available.


This option will create a Composite AOV Output node in the AOV node editor.


This option will create a Composite AOV Output Layer node in the AOV node editor.


This option will create an Image AOV Output node in the AOV node editor.


The Color AOV Output node can be used for blending, background tinting, and so on. The Color AOV Output can be used as an input to a Composite AOV node, as a mask to the Composite AOV node or directly connected to the AOV Output Group.


This option will create a Render AOV Output node in the AOV node editor.