How It Works它是如何工作的

When you start a render with OctaneRender®, the first step is that all of the data in the scene is collected and sent to the Octane Core Engine. Even though Octane is a GPU renderer, the CPU still plays an important part in the process, and that is in the compilation of the scene data. A fast CPU will shorten the scene export time and compilation process. Once the scene data in Octane Core Engine is processed, the compilation process starts (as noted by the “preparing” display in the Global Status Bar display at the bottom left corner of the main Cinema 4D interface). After this is done, the GPU takes over the process and the “image sampling” starts, and a final render will ultimately be produced. The following diagram illustrates the process:
使用 OctaneRender 开始渲染时,第一步是收集场景中的所有数据并发送到 octanine Core Engine。尽管 Octane 是一个 GPU 渲染器,CPU 在这个过程中仍然扮演着重要的角色,那就是场景数据的编译。快速的 CPU 将缩短场景导出时间和编译过程。一旦处理了 Octane Core Engine 中的场景数据,编译过程就开始了(主 Cinema 4D 界面左下角的 Global Status Bar 显示中的“ preparing”显示标明了这一点)。在这之后,GPU 接管的过程和“图像采样”开始,和最终渲染将最终产生。下面的图表说明了这个过程:

How It Works 【它是如何工作的】 - 图1

The relationship between GPU, Image sampling and Final render depends entirely on the performance of your graphics card. The more powerful and the more GPUs you have, the shorter the image sampling takes, so you get a quicker render.
GPU、图像采样和最终渲染之间的关系完全取决于显卡的性能。你的 gpu 越强大越多,图像采样所需的时间就越短,所以你得到的渲染效果就越快。

If the preparation/compilation process is taking too long, some investigation may be in order. Any background calculation that is required before the render will adversely affect both the scene export and the compilation process. Remove any objects or materials that is not used in the final render, as these items consume VRAM resources will require processing if present, regardless. Objects with more polygonal complexity than necessary will consume resources without any benefit in return and should be culled.
如果准备/汇编过程耗时过长,可能需要进行一些调查。渲染之前所需的任何背景计算都会对场景导出和编译过程产生不利影响。移除最终渲染中没有使用的任何对象或材质,因为这些项目消耗 VRAM 资源,无论如何都需要处理。多边形复杂度超过必要的对象将消耗资源而没有任何好处,因此应该被剔除。

It is always wise to “bake” any scene elements that require pre-processing prior to setting of a render: dynamics, Mograph elements such as the Delay Effector, particles, cloth dynamics, and so on all need to be pre-processed before scene collection and compilation can occur. Bake or remove these items to improve the speed and reliability of the final rendering.
在渲染设置之前“烘烤”任何需要预处理的场景元素总是明智的: 动态,Mograph 元素,如延迟效应器,粒子,布料动态等等,所有这些都需要在场景收集和编译之前进行预处理。烘烤或移除这些项目,以提高最终渲染的速度和可靠性。