Material Passes

Material Passes and Material Pass AOVs include all characteristics associated with scene materials. For example, you can take material passes of all objects that contain roughness material on the scene and use them during compositing.

To enable material passes, go to _Render Settings > Octane Renderer panel > Render Settings tab > Material Passes group.** **_You will see the panel in the illustration below. To output a specific material pass, enable the toggle for that pass. Each pass is defined below.

Material Passes-材质通道 - 图1

Material Pass Type Result
This pass assigns a color to the camera ray’s hit point proportional to the opacity of the geometry. Grayscale value If all of the scene’s pixels are occluded by geometry and no background is visible, this pass will be all white.
Roughness Filter
This pass contains the material roughness at the camera ray’s hit point. Grayscale value Black is Roughness 0.0. White is Roughness 1.0
IOR Filter
This pass contains the material index of refraction at the camera ray’s hit point. Grayscale value
- All materials default to an IOR value of 1.3, therefore, this pass will appear very dark.
- Typical IOR values will be difficult to distinguish in Live Viewer.
Diffuse Filter
This pass contains the diffuse texture color of the diffuse and glossy materials. RGB values The unshaded color of the scene objects.
Reflection Filter
This pass contains the reflection texture value of the specular and glossy materials. Grayscale
- Materials with no reflection will be black.
- If Alpha is enabled, those same materials will appear as clear.
Refraction Filter
This pass contains the refraction texture color of the specular materials. RGB Values
- Objects with no refraction will appear as either black (no alpha) or clear (alpha).
- Specular materials only.
Transmission Filter
This pass contains the transmission texture color of the diffuse material. RGB Values Diffuse materials only.

The image below illustrates the Main render pass and the Roughness material pass.

Material Passes-材质通道 - 图2