Install OctaneRender Standalone Edition安装 OctaneRender 独立版

Follow the steps below to install Octane Standalone. If there is a problem, see Deactivation & Troubleshooting:
按照下面的步骤安装辛烷单机。如果有问题,请参阅停用 & 故障排除:

Step 1: Log in to your Otoy Account, go to this link and download the latest stable release. You can also get the latest edition of Standalone from here.
步骤1: 登录你的 Otoy 账户,进入这个链接并下载最新的稳定版本。你也可以从这里得到最新的独立版本。

Step 2: After downloading the software, run the installer.
第二步: 下载软件后,运行安装程序。

Step 3: At first launch you will be prompted to using your Otoy account credentials. Enter your user account information (see below image)
第三步: 在第一次启动您将提示使用您的 Otoy 帐户凭据。输入您的用户帐户信息(见下图)

Install OctaneRender Standalone Edition【安装 OctaneRender 独立版】 - 图1

“Offline licensing” means that the licenses will not be released upon the application exit and will be locked to the current machine. In other words, it’s locked to that machine as long as the application running and no need for internet connection anymore. However, we strongly recommend that your internet connection is available for to use “Live Database” (see Live Database section)
“脱机许可”意味着在应用程序退出时不会释放许可证,并将其锁定到当前计算机。换句话说,只要应用程序运行并且不再需要互联网连接,它就被锁定在那台机器上。但是,我们强烈建议您的互联网连接可用于使用“ Live 数据库”(请参阅 Live Database 部分)

Step 4: Upon entering your credentials, Octane servers will validate your license. You can then use Octane once the validation is confirmed. Octane will keep a session alive if is continuous usage of Octane or an Octane plug-in.
步骤4: 在输入凭据后,Octane 服务器将验证您的许可证。一旦确认,您可以使用辛烷值。辛烷值将保持会议活着,如果是连续使用辛烷或辛烷插件。