What is Emission

“Emission” is a real-world phenomenon: there are many electrons in each atom or molecule, and these electrons can be found at various energy levels. In order for an electron to move from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, it needs to receive energy from the outside. But an electron can go from a higher energy level to a more stable lower energy level required by the law of “conservation of energy” and emit photons around it. The frequency of these emitted photons creates the emission spectrum, which is partially visible to human vision (in the range of 400-700 nanometers).

What is Emission-什么是发光 - 图1

Emission in Octane allows us to use any object as a light source (color temperature expressed in the Kelvin scale) via materials. Two types of emission are offered in OctaneRender®: Blackbody Emission and Texture Emission.