Cosine Mix

The Cosine Mix texture node is used for mixing two textures together with a cosine wave. It is similar to the Mix texture, though the difference between the Cosine mix texture and the Mix texture is more apparent when the amount slider is shifted towards 0 or 1.
Cosmix 纹理节点用于将两个纹理和一个 cosmr 波混合在一起。它类似于 Mix 纹理,尽管当滑块向0或1移动时,cosmix 纹理和 Mix 纹理之间的差异更加明显。

Cosinemix 【余弦混合】 - 图1


Open the Node Editor and prepare the setup as seen in the image below. Here, two separate procedural textures are defined (marble and checks) and both are linked to the “Cosine Mix” node. An image texture is used for the amount slot. You can define any procedural, alpha, or image texture for the amount channel. If you define Alpha image, only alpha of your image will be mixed. This applies to all mix processes in Octane.
打开节点编辑器,准备设置,如下图所示。这里定义了两个独立的过程纹理(大理石纹理和检查纹理) ,它们都链接到“ cosmix”节点。数量槽使用图像纹理。您可以为数量通道定义任何过程纹理、 alpha 纹理或图像纹理。如果定义 Alpha 图像,则只有 Alpha 图像会被混合。这适用于所有的辛烷混合过程。

Cosinemix 【余弦混合】 - 图2