Help Us Help You

From time to time, you may experience a crash or some other anomaly. We want to hear from you when this happens, so we can help get you past the issue, and help make OctaneRender® even better. We may ask for some direct help, either in the form of a scene file that can reliably reproduce your problem or via a log file that we can use to help see what is going on in your particular situation.


As there are several different places where you might see text files with Octane in the name, the file that is of the most importance to helping us to help you is called:

“octane_log.txt” — located in your Cinema 4D installation directory

When you post in the Octane forums or send emails to our technical support team, please make sure to include that file when you do so.

Note that we deal with customers from all over the world, in virtually every time zone. We come from different cultures and languages, just like you do. We will do our best to get to your issue as quickly as possible. We realize that you are frustrated and want a resolution — your help is imperative in helping us to achieve that mutual goal.


This request is one of the most important things you can do to help us resolve your issue. OctaneRender scenes can get rather complex. We can’t always understand what your goals are or why you are doing things in a certain way. Therefore, you need to strip out all of the non-essential scene items that do not contribute to causing you trouble. This will cost you some upfront time, but it will be rewarded with more effective service from us.


Octane is a professional’s tool, and we recognize that you may be dealing with data that you do not feel comfortable sharing. We understand. That said, if you label your scene files as confidential, we will handle these files with the utmost consideration and care, so that your confidential files remain confidential. We can provide you with a secure link to our confidential servers for you to transmit your files to us for review.