Texture Compression

OctaneRender® can dynamically compress textures to use 1/3 - 1/8 of the VRAM of normal RGBA, grayscale and float textures without compression. Compressed textures incur zero speed loss at render time, though there is an initial time hit the first time the textures are compressed. Texture Compression is a technology commonly used in GPUs to make VRAM more efficient. The names in the “Texture Import Type” menu may be confusing at first (in the image below) but these names are the methods currently used in GPU texture compression (BC[n] block formats). You can read more about these methods in the following links:
OctaneRender 可以动态压缩纹理,使用1/3-1/8的 VRAM 的正常 RGBA,灰度和浮动纹理没有压缩。压缩的纹理在渲染时会导致零速度损失,尽管在第一次压缩纹理时会有一个初始时间。是一种在 gpu 中常用的技术,用来提高 VRAM 的效率。“纹理导入类型”菜单中的名字一开始可能会让人困惑(如下图所示) ,但这些名字是当前用于 GPU 纹理压缩(BC [ n ]块格式)的方法。以下连结载有更多有关这些方法的资料:

Texture Compression【纹理压缩】 - 图1