LG - 机器学习 CV - 计算机视觉 CL - 计算与语言 AS - 音频与语音 RO - 机器人 (*表示值得重点关注)

1、[AI] Why AI is Harder Than We Think

M Mitchell
[Santa Fe Institute]

Since its beginning in the 1950s, the field of artificial intelligence has cycled several times between periods of optimistic predictions and massive investment (“AI spring”) and periods of disappointment, loss of confidence, and reduced funding (“AI winter”). Even with today’s seemingly fast pace of AI breakthroughs, the development of long-promised technologies such as self-driving cars, housekeeping robots, and conversational companions has turned out to be much harder than many people expected. One reason for these repeating cycles is our limited understanding of the nature and complexity of intelligence itself. In this paper I describe four fallacies in common assumptions made by AI researchers, which can lead to overconfident predictions about the field. I conclude by discussing the open questions spurred by these fallacies, including the age-old challenge of imbuing machines with humanlike common sense.


2、[LG] Bayesian Optimization is Superior to Random Search for Machine Learning Hyperparameter Tuning: Analysis of the Black-Box Optimization Challenge 2020

R Turner, D Eriksson, M McCourt, J Kiili, E Laaksonen, Z Xu, I Guyon
[Twitter & Facebook & SigOpt & Valohai & 4Paradigm & ChaLearn]
对机器学习超参调优来说贝叶斯优化要优于随机搜索:2020年黑盒优化挑战复盘。介绍了2020年NeurIPS 2020黑盒优化(BBO)挑战的结果和启示。该挑战强调了评估非微分优化器对调整机器学习模型超参数的重要性。这是第一个以机器学习为重点的黑盒优化挑战,基于在真实数据集上调优标准机器学习模型的(验证集)性能。这项比赛具有广泛的影响,因为黑盒优化(如贝叶斯优化)与几乎每个机器学习项目以及机器学习以外的许多应用中的超参调优有关。比赛结果决定性地证明了,贝叶斯优化相比随机搜索的好处。与随机搜索相比,顶尖的参赛者显示了超过100倍的样本效率提升。所有的顶尖团队都使用了某种形式的贝叶斯优化组合;热启动排行榜表明,即使是松散相关的问题,热启动也能产生巨大的性能收益;这项挑战为扩展提供了许多机会,以测试和推动黑盒优化的其他方面的界限。

This paper presents the results and insights from the black-box optimization (BBO) challenge at NeurIPS 2020 which ran from July-October, 2020. The challenge emphasized the importance of evaluating derivative-free optimizers for tuning the hyperparameters of machine learning models. This was the first black-box optimization challenge with a machine learning emphasis. It was based on tuning (validation set) performance of standard machine learning models on real datasets. This competition has widespread impact as black-box optimization (e.g., Bayesian optimization) is relevant for hyperparameter tuning in almost every machine learning project as well as many applications outside of machine learning. The final leaderboard was determined using the optimization performance on held-out (hidden) objective functions, where the optimizers ran without human intervention. Baselines were set using the default settings of several open-source black-box optimization packages as well as random search.


3、[LG] Outcome-Driven Reinforcement Learning via Variational Inference

T G. J. Rudner, V H. Pong, R McAllister, Y Gal, S Levine
[University of Oxford & UC Berkeley]

While reinforcement learning algorithms provide automated acquisition of optimal policies, practical application of such methods requires a number of design decisions, such as manually designing reward functions that not only define the task, but also provide sufficient shaping to accomplish it. In this paper, we discuss a new perspective on reinforcement learning, recasting it as the problem of inferring actions that achieve desired outcomes, rather than a problem of maximizing rewards. To solve the resulting outcome-directed inference problem, we establish a novel variational inference formulation that allows us to derive a well-shaped reward function which can be learned directly from environment interactions. From the corresponding variational objective, we also derive a new probabilistic Bellman backup operator reminiscent of the standard Bellman backup operator and use it to develop an off-policy algorithm to solve goal-directed tasks. We empirically demonstrate that this method eliminates the need to design reward functions and leads to effective goal-directed behaviors.


4、[CL] A Replication Study of Dense Passage Retriever

X Ma, K Sun, R Pradeep, J Lin
[University of Waterloo]
密集段落检索器的复现性研究。用习得密集表示进行文本检索,最近成为用稀疏词袋表征的”传统”文本检索的一个有希望的替代方案。最近一项备受关注的工作是用于端到端开放域问答的密集段落检索器(DPR)技术。本文提出对这项工作的复现性研究,从原作提供的模型开始,采用Pyserini IR工具包和PyGaggle神经文本排名库中的独立实现,实验结果在很大程度上验证了原论文的描述,另外得出两个重要发现,有助于更好地理解DPR:原作似乎低估了BM25基线的有效性,因此也低估了密集稀疏混合检索的结果;通过纳入来自检索器的证据和改进的答案跨度评分技术,能用与原作完全相同的模型来提高端到端问答效率。

Text retrieval using learned dense representations has recently emerged as a promising alternative to “traditional” text retrieval using sparse bag-of-words representations. One recent work that has garnered much attention is the dense passage retriever (DPR) technique proposed by Karpukhin et al. (2020) for end-to-end open-domain question answering. We present a replication study of this work, starting with model checkpoints provided by the authors, but otherwise from an independent implementation in our group’s Pyserini IR toolkit and PyGaggle neural text ranking library. Although our experimental results largely verify the claims of the original paper, we arrived at two important additional findings that contribute to a better understanding of DPR: First, it appears that the original authors under-report the effectiveness of the BM25 baseline and hence also dense—sparse hybrid retrieval results. Second, by incorporating evidence from the retriever and an improved answer span scoring technique, we are able to improve end-to-end question answering effectiveness using exactly the same models as in the original work.


5、[CV] Unsupervised 3D Shape Completion through GAN Inversion

J Zhang, X Chen, Z Cai, L Pan, H Zhao, S Yi, C K Yeo, B Dai, C C Loy
[Nanyang Technological University & SenseTime Research]

Most 3D shape completion approaches rely heavily on partial-complete shape pairs and learn in a fully supervised manner. Despite their impressive performances on in-domain data, when generalizing to partial shapes in other forms or real-world partial scans, they often obtain unsatisfactory results due to domain gaps. In contrast to previous fully supervised approaches, in this paper we present ShapeInversion, which introduces Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) inversion to shape completion for the first time. ShapeInversion uses a GAN pre-trained on complete shapes by searching for a latent code that gives a complete shape that best reconstructs the given partial input. In this way, ShapeInversion no longer needs paired training data, and is capable of incorporating the rich prior captured in a well-trained generative model. On the ShapeNet benchmark, the proposed ShapeInversion outperforms the SOTA unsupervised method, and is comparable with supervised methods that are learned using paired data. It also demonstrates remarkable generalization ability, giving robust results for real-world scans and partial inputs of various forms and incompleteness levels. Importantly, ShapeInversion naturally enables a series of additional abilities thanks to the involvement of a pre-trained GAN, such as producing multiple valid complete shapes for an ambiguous partial input, as well as shape manipulation and interpolation.



[CL] Visually grounded models of spoken language: A survey of datasets, architectures and evaluation techniques

G Chrupała
[Tilburg University]

[CL] Extractive and Abstractive Explanations for Fact-Checking and Evaluation of News

A Kazemi, Z Li, V Pérez-Rosas, R Mihalcea
[University of Michigan]

[CV] Rethinking BiSeNet For Real-time Semantic Segmentation

M Fan, S Lai, J Huang, X Wei, Z Chai, J Luo, X Wei

[CV] BasicVSR++: Improving Video Super-Resolution with Enhanced Propagation and Alignment

K C.K. Chan, S Zhou, X Xu, C C Loy
[Nanyang Technological University]