LG - 机器学习 CV - 计算机视觉 CL - 计算与语言 AS - 音频与语音 RO - 机器人

1、[CV] BEiT: BERT Pre-Training of Image Transformers

H Bao, L Dong, F Wei
[Microsoft Research]

We introduce a self-supervised vision representation model BEIT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder representation from Image Transformers. Following BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) developed in the natural language processing area, we propose a masked image modeling task to pretrain vision Transformers. Specifically, each image has two views in our pre-training, i.e, image patches (such as 16× 16 pixels), and visual tokens (i.e., discrete tokens). We first “tokenize” the original image into visual tokens. Then we randomly mask some image patches and fed them into the backbone Transformer. The pre-training objective is to recover the original visual tokens based on the corrupted image patches. After pre-training BEIT, we directly fine-tune the model parameters on downstream tasks by appending task layers upon the pretrained encoder. Experimental results on image classification and semantic segmentation show that our model achieves competitive results with previous pre-training methods. For example, base-size BEIT achieves 83.2% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K, significantly outperforming from-scratch DeiT training (81.8%; Touvron et al., 2020) with the same setup. Moreover, large-size BEIT obtains 86.3% only using ImageNet-1K, even outperforming ViT-L with supervised pre-training on ImageNet-22K (85.2%; Dosovitskiy et al., 2020).


2、[LG] Controlling Neural Networks with Rule Representations

S Seo, S O. Arik, J Yoon, X Zhang, K Sohn, T Pfister
[Google Cloud AI]

We propose a novel training method to integrate rules into deep learning, in a way their strengths are controllable at inference. Deep Neural Networks with Controllable Rule Representations (DEEPCTRL) incorporates a rule encoder into the model coupled with a rule-based objective, enabling a shared representation for decision making. DEEPCTRL is agnostic to data type and model architecture. It can be applied to any kind of rule defined for inputs and outputs. The key aspect of DEEPCTRL is that it does not require retraining to adapt the rule strength – at inference, the user can adjust it based on the desired operation point on accuracy vs. rule verification ratio. In real-world domains where incorporating rules is critical – such as Physics, Retail and Healthcare – we show the effectiveness of DEEPCTRL in teaching rules for deep learning. DEEPCTRL improves the trust and reliability of the trained models by significantly increasing their rule verification ratio, while also providing accuracy gains at downstream tasks. Additionally, DEEPCTRL enables novel use cases such as hypothesis testing of the rules on data samples, and unsupervised adaptation based on shared rules between datasets.


3、[LG] Self-Supervised Learning with Kernel Dependence Maximization

Y Li, R Pogodin, D J. Sutherland, A Gretton
[DeepMind & UCL & UBC]

We approach self-supervised learning of image representations from a statistical dependence perspective, proposing Self-Supervised Learning with the HilbertSchmidt Independence Criterion (SSL-HSIC). SSL-HSIC maximizes dependence between representations of transformed versions of an image and the image identity, while minimizing the kernelized variance of those features. This self-supervised learning framework yields a new understanding of InfoNCE, a variational lower bound on the mutual information (MI) between different transformations. While the MI itself is known to have pathologies which can result in meaningless representations being learned, its bound is much better behaved: we show that it implicitly approximates SSL-HSIC (with a slightly different regularizer). Our approach also gives us insight into BYOL, since SSL-HSIC similarly learns local neighborhoods of samples. SSL-HSIC allows us to directly optimize statistical dependence in time linear in the batch size, without restrictive data assumptions or indirect mutual information estimators. Trained with or without a target network, SSL-HSIC matches the current state-of-the-art for standard linear evaluation on ImageNet [1], semi-supervised learning and transfer to other classification and vision tasks such as semantic segmentation, depth estimation and object recognition.


4、[LG] Learning Equivariant Energy Based Models with Equivariant Stein Variational Gradient Descent

P Jaini, L Holdijk, M Welling
[University of Amsterdam]

We focus on the problem of efficient sampling and learning of probability densities by incorporating symmetries in probabilistic models. We first introduce Equivariant Stein Variational Gradient Descent algorithm – an equivariant sampling method based on Stein’s identity for sampling from densities with symmetries. Equivariant SVGD explicitly incorporates symmetry information in a density through equivariant kernels which makes the resultant sampler efficient both in terms of sample complexity and the quality of generated samples. Subsequently, we define equivariant energy based models to model invariant densities that are learned using contrastive divergence. By utilizing our equivariant SVGD for training equivariant EBMs, we propose new ways of improving and scaling up training of energy based models. We apply these equivariant energy models for modelling joint densities in regression and classification tasks for image datasets, many-body particle systems and molecular structure generation.


5、[LG] Machine Learning Implicit Solvation for Molecular Dynamics

Y Chen, A Krämer, N E. Charron, B E. Husic, C Clementi, F Noé
[Freie Universität & Rice University]

Accurate modeling of the solvent environment for biological molecules is crucial for computational biology and drug design. A popular approach to achieve long simulation time scales for large system sizes is to incorporate the effect of the solvent in a mean-field fashion with implicit solvent models. However, a challenge with existing implicit solvent models is that they often lack accuracy or certain physical properties compared to explicit solvent models, as the many-body effects of the neglected solvent molecules is difficult to model as a mean field. Here, we leverage machine learning (ML) and multi-scale coarse graining (CG) in order to learn implicit solvent models that can approximate the energetic and thermodynamic properties of a given explicit solvent model with arbitrary accuracy, given enough training data. Following the previous ML—CG models CGnet and CGSchnet, we introduce ISSNet, a graph neural network, to model the implicit solvent potential of mean force. ISSNet can learn from explicit solvent simulation data and be readily applied to MD simulations. We compare the solute conformational distributions under different solvation treatments for two peptide systems. The results indicate that ISSNet models can outperform widely-used generalized Born and surface area models in reproducing the thermodynamics of small protein systems with respect to explicit solvent. The success of this novel method demonstrates the potential benefit of applying machine learning methods in accurate modeling of solvent effects for in silico research and biomedical applications.



[CL] Question Answering Infused Pre-training of General-Purpose Contextualized Representations

R Jia, M Lewis, L Zettlemoyer
[Facebook AI Research]

[LG] Revisiting Model Stitching to Compare Neural Representations

Y Bansal, P Nakkiran, B Barak
[Harvard University]

[CV] Dynamic Head: Unifying Object Detection Heads with Attentions

X Dai, Y Chen, B Xiao, D Chen, M Liu, L Yuan, L Zhang

[CL] Text Generation with Efficient (Soft) Q-Learning

H Guo, B Tan, Z Liu, E P. Xing, Z Hu
[CMU & UC San Diego]