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Tween类 参考
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类 Tween 继承关系图:
## Protected 成员函数
virtual void | updateHandler () |
| Update(float dt) will call this handler, you can handle your logic here. 更多…
virtual float | updateFrameData (float currentPercent) |
| Calculate which frame arrived, and if current frame have event, then call the event listener. 更多…
virtual void | setBetween (FrameData from, FrameData to, bool limit=true) |
| Calculate the between value of _from and _to, and give it to between frame data. 更多…
virtual FrameData | tweenNodeTo (float percent, FrameData node=nullptr) |
| According to the percent to calculate current FrameData with tween effect. 更多…
virtual void | tweenColorTo (float percent, FrameData node) |
| According to the percent to calculate current color with tween effect. 更多…
virtual void | arriveKeyFrame (FrameData keyFrameData) |
| Update display index and process the key frame event when arrived a key frame. 更多…
Protected 成员函数 继承自 ProcessBase |
virtual void | gotoFrame (int frameIndex) |
Protected 成员函数 继承自 Ref |
| Ref () |
| 构造函数 更多…
virtual void arriveKeyFrame | ( | FrameData * | keyFrameData | ) | |
| protectedvirtual |
Update display index and process the key frame event when arrived a key frame.
Create with a Bone.
virtual void gotoAndPause | ( | int | frameIndex | ) | |
| virtual |
virtual void gotoAndPlay | ( | int | frameIndex | ) | |
| virtual |
virtual bool init | ( | Bone * | bone | ) | |
| virtual |
Init with a Bone.
virtual void play | ( | MovementBoneData * | movementBoneData, | | | int | durationTo, | | | int | durationTween, | | | int | loop, | | | int | tweenEasing | | ) | | |
| virtual |
Start the Process.
- loop < 0 : use the value from MovementData get from Action Editor
- loop = 0 : this animation is not loop
- loop > 0 : this animation is loop
tweenEasingtween easing is used for calculate easing effect
- TWEEN_EASING_MAX : use the value from MovementData get from Action Editor
- -1 : fade out
- 0 : line
- 1 : fade in
- 2 : fade in and out
Calculate the between value of _from and _to, and give it to between frame data.
virtual void tweenColorTo | ( | float | percent, | | | FrameData * | node | | ) | | |
| protectedvirtual |
According to the percent to calculate current color with tween effect.
According to the percent to calculate current FrameData with tween effect.
virtual float updateFrameData | ( | float | currentPercent | ) | |
| protectedvirtual |
Calculate which frame arrived, and if current frame have event, then call the event listener.
virtual void updateHandler | ( | | ) | |
| protectedvirtual |
Update(float dt) will call this handler, you can handle your logic here.
重载 ProcessBase .
The next frame index in FrameList of MovementBoneData, it's different from m_iFrameIndex.
To frame data, used for calculate between value.
Dedermine which tween effect current frame use.
Between frame data, used for calculate current FrameData(m_pNode) value.
TweenType _frameTweenEasing |
| protected |
A weak reference to the Bone.
The computational tween frame data, //! A weak reference to the Bone's tweenData.
A weak reference to the current MovementBoneData. The data is in the data pool.
From frame data, used for calculate between value.
The current frame index in FrameList of MovementBoneData, it's different from m_iFrameIndex.
Current key frame will last _betweenDuration frames.
- /Users/zeroyang/Documents/github/cocos2d-x/cocos/editor-support/cocostudio/CCTween.h