cocos2d-x 3.0
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Matrix.h 文件参考

#include "math/Vector3.h"

#include "math/Vector4.h"

#include "Matrix.inl"

class Mat4
Copyright 2013 BlackBerry Inc. 更多…
## 函数
Vec3 & operator*= (Vec3 &v, const Mat4 &m)
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. 更多…
const Vec3 operator* (const Mat4 &m, const Vec3 &v)
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. 更多…
Vec4 & operator*= (Vec4 &v, const Mat4 &m)
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. 更多…
const Vec4 operator* (const Mat4 &m, const Vec4 &v)
Transforms the given vector by the given matrix. 更多…


const Vec3 operator* ( const Mat4 & m,
const Vec3 & v


Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.

Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.

  • 参数
  • mThe matrix to transform by. vThe vector to transform.

  • 返回
  • The resulting transformed vector.

const Vec4 operator* ( const Mat4 & m,
const Vec4 & v


Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.

Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.

  • 参数
  • mThe matrix to transform by. vThe vector to transform.

  • 返回
  • The resulting transformed vector.

Vec3& operator*= ( Vec3 & v,
const Mat4 & m


Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.

Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.

  • 参数
  • vThe vector to transform. mThe matrix to transform by.

  • 返回
  • This vector, after the transformation occurs.

Vec4& operator*= ( Vec4 & v,
const Mat4 & m


Transforms the given vector by the given matrix.

Note: this treats the given vector as a vector and not as a point.

  • 参数
  • vThe vector to transform. mThe matrix to transform by.

  • 返回
  • This vector, after the transformation occurs.
  • cocos
  • math
  • Matrix.h
  • 生成于 2014年 五月 29日 星期四 09:41:42 , 为 cocos2d-x使用 doxygen 1.8.6