Java 类名
Python 类名:BertTextPairClassifier


Bert 文本对分类器。


名称 中文名称 描述 类型 是否必须? 取值范围 默认值
labelCol 标签列名 输入表中的标签列名 String
predictionCol 预测结果列名 预测结果列名 String
textCol 文本列 文本列 String
textPairCol 文本对列 文本对列 String
batchSize 数据批大小 数据批大小 Integer 32
bertModelName BERT模型名字 BERT模型名字: Base-Chinese,Base-Multilingual-Cased,Base-Uncased,Base-Cased String “Base-Chinese”
checkpointFilePath 保存 checkpoint 的路径 用于保存中间结果的路径,将作为 TensorFlow 中 Estimatormodel_dir 传入,需要为所有 worker 都能访问到的目录 String null
customConfigJson 自定义参数 对应 中的config_json String
inferBatchSize 推理数据批大小 推理数据批大小 Integer 256
intraOpParallelism Op 间并发度 Op 间并发度 Integer 4
learningRate 学习率 学习率 Double 0.001
maxSeqLength 句子截断长度 句子截断长度 Integer 128
modelFilePath 模型的文件路径 模型的文件路径 String null
numEpochs epoch 数 epoch 数 Double 0.01
numFineTunedLayers 微调层数 微调层数 Integer 1
numPSs PS 角色数 PS 角色的数量。值未设置时,如果 Worker 角色数也未设置,则为作业总并发度的 1/4(需要取整),否则为总并发度减去 Worker 角色数。 Integer null
numWorkers Worker 角色数 Worker 角色的数量。值未设置时,如果 PS 角色数也未设置,则为作业总并发度的 3/4(需要取整),否则为总并发度减去 PS 角色数。 Integer null
overwriteSink 是否覆写已有数据 是否覆写已有数据 Boolean false
predictionDetailCol 预测详细信息列名 预测详细信息列名 String
pythonEnv Python 环境路径 Python 环境路径,一般情况下不需要填写。如果是压缩文件,需要解压后得到一个目录,且目录名与压缩文件主文件名一致,可以使用 http://, https://, oss://, hdfs:// 等路径;如果是目录,那么只能使用本地路径,即 file://。 String “”
removeCheckpointBeforeTraining 是否在训练前移除 checkpoint 相关文件 是否在训练前移除 checkpoint 相关文件用于重新训练,只会删除必要的文件 Boolean null
reservedCols 算法保留列名 算法保留列 String[] null
modelStreamFilePath 模型流的文件路径 模型流的文件路径 String null
modelStreamScanInterval 扫描模型路径的时间间隔 描模型路径的时间间隔,单位秒 Integer 10
modelStreamStartTime 模型流的起始时间 模型流的起始时间。默认从当前时刻开始读。使用yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fffffffff格式,详见Timestamp.valueOf(String s) String null



Python 代码

  1. url = ""
  2. schemaStr = "f_quality bigint, f_id_1 string, f_id_2 string, f_string_1 string, f_string_2 string"
  3. data = CsvSourceBatchOp() \
  4. .setFilePath(url) \
  5. .setSchemaStr(schemaStr) \
  6. .setFieldDelimiter("\t") \
  7. .setIgnoreFirstLine(True) \
  8. .setQuoteChar(None)
  9. data = ShuffleBatchOp().linkFrom(data)
  10. classifier = BertTextPairClassifier() \
  11. .setTextCol("f_string_1").setTextPairCol("f_string_2").setLabelCol("f_quality") \
  12. .setNumEpochs(0.1) \
  13. .setMaxSeqLength(32) \
  14. .setNumFineTunedLayers(1) \
  15. .setBertModelName("Base-Uncased") \
  16. .setPredictionCol("pred") \
  17. .setPredictionDetailCol("pred_detail")
  18. model =
  19. predict = model.transform(data.firstN(300))
  20. predict.print()

Java 代码

  1. import;
  2. import;
  3. import;
  4. import;
  5. import;
  6. import org.junit.Test;
  7. public class BertTextClassifierTest {
  8. @Test
  9. public void test() throws Exception {
  10. String url = "";
  11. String schemaStr = "label bigint, review string";
  12. BatchOperator <?> data = new CsvSourceBatchOp()
  13. .setFilePath(url)
  14. .setSchemaStr(schemaStr)
  15. .setIgnoreFirstLine(true);
  16. data = data.where("review is not null");
  17. data = new ShuffleBatchOp().linkFrom(data);
  18. BertTextClassifier classifier = new BertTextClassifier()
  19. .setTextCol("review")
  20. .setLabelCol("label")
  21. .setNumEpochs(0.01)
  22. .setNumFineTunedLayers(1)
  23. .setMaxSeqLength(128)
  24. .setBertModelName("Base-Chinese")
  25. .setPredictionCol("pred")
  26. .setPredictionDetailCol("pred_detail");
  27. BertClassificationModel model =;
  28. BatchOperator <?> predict = model.transform(data.firstN(300));
  29. predict.print();
  30. }
  31. }


| f_quality | f_id_1 | f_id_2 | f_string_1 | f_string_2 | pred | pred_detail | | —- | —- | —- | —- | —- | —- | —- |

| 0 | 218017 | 218035 | Application Intelligence will be included as p… | The new application intelligence features will… | 1 | {“0”:0.20335173606872559,”1”:0.7966482639312744} |

| 1 | 1642169 | 1642368 | The new 25-member Governing Council ‘s first m… | Its first decisions were to scrap all holidays… | 1 | {“0”:0.20335173606872559,”1”:0.7966482639312744} |

| 1 | 3399091 | 3399055 | Also in Mosul , rebel gunmen on Friday assassi… | Near a mosque in the northern town of Mosul , … | 1 | {“0”:0.20335173606872559,”1”:0.7966482639312744} |

| 0 | 2583299 | 2583319 | “ We ‘re still confident that Gephardt will ge… | Whether or not we get to the two-thirds , we ‘… | 1 | {“0”:0.20335173606872559,”1”:0.7966482639312744} |

| 1 | 1568540 | 1568627 | Monday , the CIA said analysts concluded that … | The CIA on Monday said voice and sound analyst… | 1 | {“0”:0.20335173606872559,”1”:0.7966482639312744} |

| … | … | … | … | … | … | … |

| 1 | 1805639 | 1805436 | Printer maker Lexmark International Inc. spurt… | Other gainers included Lexmark , which rose $ … | 1 | {“0”:0.23678696155548096,”1”:0.763213038444519} |

| 1 | 2182211 | 2182122 | It ended a diplomatic drought between the two … | The contact between the delegations ended a di… | 1 | {“0”:0.23678696155548096,”1”:0.763213038444519} |

| 1 | 774666 | 774871 | An unclear number of people were killed and mo… | Four people were killed and 50 injured in the … | 1 | {“0”:0.23678696155548096,”1”:0.763213038444519} |

| 0 | 2582380 | 2582198 | Shaklee spokeswoman Jenifer Thompson said the … | Shaklee spokeswoman Jenifer Thompson referred … | 1 | {“0”:0.23678696155548096,”1”:0.763213038444519} |

| 1 | 427232 | 427141 | After three months , Atkins dieters had lost a… | Three months into the study , the Atkins group… | 1 | {“0”:0.23678696155548096,”1”:0.763213038444519} |