- Non-linear Relationships 非线性关系
- Neural Networks: Bio-Inspired 神经网络:生物启发
- MLP Neural Network: Key Idea MLP神经网络:关键思想
- Notation
- Why use a non-linearity? 为什么要使用非线性
- Other non-linearities 其他的 非线性关系
- Notation
- Hidden Dimensions
- Network with 2 ReLU Neurons 两个relu的神经网络
- Network with 50 ReLU Neurons 50个ReLU的神经网络
- Recap
- Recap: Gradient Descent 概述:梯度下降
- Summary
Non-linear Relationships 非线性关系
• What do we do if the target does not have a linear relationship with the input? 如果输入输出是非线性关系我们怎么办?
• We need to fit a non-linear function to our data 我们需要用非线性函数拟合我们的数据
Neural Networks: Bio-Inspired 神经网络:生物启发
Initially inspired by models of the brain 被大脑的模型所启发
We keep some of the ideas and terminology, but it is not a current model of the brain 我们保留了一些想法和术语, 但它不是目前的大脑模型
A better way to think of modern neural networks: Differentiable vector cascades 思考现代神经网络的更好方法:可微向量级联
MLP Neural Network: Key Idea MLP神经网络:关键思想
• MLP = Multi-Layer Perceptron 多层感知器(a simple type of neural network, also called a feed forward network) (一种简单的神经网络,也称为前馈网络)
– Stack multiple linear models on top of each other 将多个线性模型堆叠在一起
– Output of one model after a non-linearity is used as input to next model. 非线性后一个模型的输出用作下一个模型的输入。
• Note: Superscript [#] notation denotes layer number.注:上标[#]表示层数。
• The intermediate models learns to output a ‘useful representation’ of the input. 中间模型学会输出输入的“有用表示”。
• The final model still learns to predict the desired output 最终模型仍然学会预测期望的输出
Sometimes written without the bias since we can absorb it into W by adding an extra dimension of value 1 to the x vector 有时写起来没有偏差,因为我们可以通过在x向量上加一个额外的维度值1来把它吸收到W中
Why use a non-linearity? 为什么要使用非线性
If you compose two linear functions, you just get another linear function, we are still fitting a straight line. 如果你简单将两个线性函数合并,你只能得到另外一个线性函数,仍然在拟合一条直线
is some function that is non-linear and (mostly) differentiable. seita 是非线性函数且一般可求导。
is called the ‘activation function’. 称作激活函数。
Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) 整流器线性单元
• In principle we can use any non-linear (mostly) differentiable function as the activation function. 原则上,我们可以使用任何非线性(大部分)可微函数作为激活函数。
• Commonly used in practice:
• 0或最大值
• Fast to compute. 计算快速
• Works well 效果好
Other non-linearities 其他的 非线性关系
Sigmoid was popular for a long period of time. Sigmoid流行了很长一段时间。
Tanh was also often used.
Various smooth approximations to ReLU are common ReLU的各种平滑近似是常见的
For the output layer: 对于输出层
For classification use softmax 经常使用softmax来做分类任务
For regression use a linear last layer. 使用线性层做回归
For an MLP we typically think of each composition of an activation function with a linear function as a ‘layer’. 对于MLP,我们通常把具有线性函数的激活函数的每个组成部分看作“层”。
• Input layer is the first layer. 输入层是第一层
• Output layer is the last layer. 输出层是最后一层
• All other layers are ‘hidden layers’. 其他的都是隐藏层
In general:
Almost anything, regardless of complexity, can be called a layer, much like almost anything can be called a function. The term is used to conceptually distinguish between different components. 几乎任何东西,不管复杂程度如何,都可以称为层,就像几乎任何东西都可以称为函数一样。该术语用于在概念上区分不同的组件。、
Hidden Dimensions
• The size of the input layer is defined by the number of input features. 输入层的尺寸由输入特征数量定义
• The size of the output layer is defined by the number of output targets. 输出层尺寸由输出目标的数量定义
• The size of the hidden layers can be anything, this is a hyper-parameter for you to choose. 隐藏层的尺寸不固定,可以是你选择设置的超参数
• The dimension of the output of a hidden layer is called the ‘number of hidden neurons’ in that layer. 隐藏层输出的维度称为该层中的“隐藏神经元数量”。
Network with 2 ReLU Neurons 两个relu的神经网络
• What does it look like if we fit a neural network with one layer of 2 hidden neurons with ReLU activations? 如果一个神经网络的一层有两个具有ReLU激活的隐藏神经元
• Each hidden neuron learns a linear function then applies ReLU. 每一个隐藏神经元学习一个线性函数然后应用ReLU
• Output is then a linear function of the hidden outputs. 输出是隐藏层后的一个线性函数。
• Resulting graph is equivalent to scaling, shifting and flipping two ReLU graphs then adding them. 结果图相当于缩放、移动和翻转两个ReLU图,然后将它们相加。
Network with 50 ReLU Neurons 50个ReLU的神经网络
• Increasing the number of hidden neurons means we add together more (scaled) versions of the activation function. 更多的隐藏神经元意味着我们增加了更多的激活函数
• As we add more neurons we can approximate more complicated functions. 随着我们增加了越多的神经元,我们可以拟合更复杂的函数。
• As we add more neurons, our model becomes more capable of fitting noise in the training dataset – overfitting. 但是,随着我们添加更多神经元,我们的模型变得更有能力拟合训练数据集中的噪声——过拟合。
Multinomial Logistic Regression (Classification) 多项式逻辑回归(分类)
Multi-Layer Perceptron 多层感知器
This MLP has 2 hidden layers, with 4 and 3 neurons. 这个多层感知器由两个隐藏层,分别有4个和3个神经元
Feature Learning 特征学习
Neural nets can be viewed as a way of learning features: 神经网络可以被看做一种学习特征值的方式
Recap: Gradient Descent 概述:梯度下降
A simple linear regression model with non-linearity and square loss: 下图是具有非线性和平方损失的简单线性回归模型
For gradient descent we need numerical values of the following derivatives at the current w and b: 对于梯度下降,我们需要当前w和b处的下列导数的数值:
Backpropagation 反向传导
We need the derivative of the loss with respect to the parameters. We want a systematic way of doing this:
- Forwards pass: compute the loss and store the output of each layer.
- Backwards pass: compute the derivatives layer by layer using the chain rule and the results stored from the forward pass.
Chain Rule 链式法则
Given the expression:
We have the derivative:
When a function has two parameters, we will need to use the chain rule in this form: 当一个函数有两个参数时,我们需要对其使用链式求导法则
Backpropagation 反向传导
Full model with loss function:
We can introduce intermediate variables中间变量 z, h to give:
Backpropagation: Forward Pass 反向传导:向前传播
Compute and store z, h, L
Backpropagation: Backward pass 反向传导:反向传播
Compute the derivative of the loss wrt h 计算L对于h的导数、
Note that both h, y are known (h is stored during the forward pass, y is the ground truth) 请注意,h和y都是已知的(h存储在前向传播期间,y是真实值)
Using Backpropagation Algorithm
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Computation Graph 计算图
• We can diagram out the computations using a computation graph. 我们可以用计算图来画出计算结果。
• The nodes represent all the inputs and computed quantities, and the edges represent which nodes are computed directly as a function of which other nodes. 节点代表所有输入和计算量,边代表哪些节点是根据哪些其他节点直接计算的。
Backpropagation Algorithm 反向传播算法
Full backpropagation (BP) algorithm:
Let be a topological ordering of the computation graph (i.e. parents come before children.)
denotes the variable we’re trying to compute derivatives of (e.g. loss).
Automatic Differentiation: Pytorch
Calculus is hard! Use Autograd Tools such as Pytorch (more in next week’s lab), TensorFlow, JAX:
Pytorch: Neural Network
Stochastic Gradient Descent 随机梯度下降
• For standard GD, the gradients are computed on the loss of the entire training dataset. 对于标准的梯度下降,梯度是根据整个训练数据集的损失来计算的。
– Slow if the dataset is very large. 如果数据集非常大,则速度较慢。
• For SGD, at each update we randomly sample a batch of data points and compute gradients only of the loss on these points. 对于SGD,在每次更新时,我们随机抽取一批数据点,并仅计算这些点的损失梯度。
– The batch size is a hyper-parameter. 批次大小是一个超级参数。
– Usually is one of 32, 64, …, 512. 通常是32,64,…,512中的一个。
• SGD is much faster to compute per step. 每一步计算SGD要快得多。
• SGD acts as a regularizer: models trained with SGD usually generalize better. SGD充当正则化器: 用SGD训练的模型通常能更好地概括。
• A neural network is a stack of linear and non-linear functions
• Neural networks build up intermediate feature representations
• Neural networks are commonly trained using backpropagation and SGD