Aims to find syntactic dependencies between words and identify the type of dependency. 旨在发现词与词之间的句法依存关系,并确定依存关系的类型。
Explain how all the words in a sentence relate to each other 解释一个句子中的所有单词互相之间的联系。
For a tree: All the words, except one, are dependent on another word in the sentence 对于一棵树:除了一个词(根),所有的词都依赖于句子中的另一个词
• Root = special token which is not a dependent. Sometimes omitted. 根=非从属的特殊token。有时省略。
• Dependents = all other words, which are directly or indirectly linked to the root word In a dependency tree: 从属词=直接或间接链接到从属树中的根词的所有其他词:
• Nodes represent words 节点代表单词
• Edges represent dependencies (from head to dependent) 连线代表依赖关系
Analyses the grammatical structure of sentences, by establishing relationships between “head” words and “modifier”/“dependent” words: 通过建立“head” words and “modifier”/“dependent” words,分析句子的语法结构
- Build a tree that assigns a single ”head” or “parent” word to each word in the sentence 建立一棵树,为句子中的每个单词指定一个“head”或“parent”字
- The root of the tree is (typically) the main verb in the sentence 树根通常是句子中的主要动词
- Examples of dependency types:
Syntactic structure consists of lexical items, linked by binary asymmetric relations called dependencies 句法结构由被称为依赖关系的二元不对称关系连接的词汇项组成
head → dependent
head (governor) : grammatically most important 语法上最重要
dependent (modifier): modifier, object, or complement 修饰语、宾语或补语
Formal definition for unlabeled dependency trees: 未标记依赖树的正式定义:
Dependency parsing: task of mapping an input string to a dependency graph satisfying certain conditions (see following slides) 依赖解析:将输入字符串映射到满足特定条件的依赖图的任务(参见下面的幻灯片)
Crossing lines! 交叉线
English has very few non-projective cases 英语中很少有非投射依赖数
Which is good because methods that only allow projective dependency trees/forests tend to be simpler/faster 这很好,因为只允许投射依赖树/森林的方法往往更简单/更快
Well-Formedness 良好形式
A dependency tree is well-formed iff 一个良好形式的依赖树需要满足以下条件。
• Single head: Each word has only one head 单头:每个单词只有一个head
• Acyclic: The graph should be acyclic i.e. has no cycles 无循环:图应该是无循环的,即没有循环
• Connected: There is a path between any pair of nodes 连接:任何一对节点之间都有一条路径
• Projective: if an edge from word A to word B implies that there exists a directed path in the graph from A to every word between A and B in the sentence 投射:如果从单词A到单词B的一条边意味着在从A到句子中的A和B之间的每个单词的图中存在一条有向路径
Note: the graph may be a forest rather than a single tree. In which case it need not be connected, and not every node has a head. 注意:该图可能是一个森林,而不是一棵树。在这种情况下,它不需要连接,并且不是每个节点都有头。
Parsing Algorithms 解析算法
Graph-based parsing 基于图的解析
Eisner (CYK variant)
McDonald (Maximum Spanning Tree)
Transition-based parsing 基于转换的解析
Yamada and Matsumuto
Nivre Arc-eager
Nivre’s Parsing Algorithm (Arc-eager) [3]
Transition-based 基于转换的、
Parsing Details
− Each dependency graph has an artificial root so it might form a tree 每个依赖图都有一个人工根,因此它可能会形成一棵树
− Parsing starts with an initial configuration and terminates when it reaches through a sequence of transitions (aka when the buffer is empty) 解析从初始配置开始,当到达一系列转换时(也就是当缓冲区为空时)终止
− Result does not have to be a tree, it could be a forest 结果可以不是一个树,而是一个森林
• Choosing which transitions? 选择哪些转化?
− Priority ordering of transitions 转化的优先度:
− Using the order shown, pick the first transition with pre-conditions that are met: 使用所示顺序,选择满足先决条件的第一个过渡:
− Left-arc, Right arc, Reduce, Shift
− Guided parsing (Oracle, Machine Learning) 引导式解析(甲骨文,机器学习)
rammatical Rules for the Example
Configurations of the Example 示例的配置
Properties of Nivre’s Algorithm
O(n) : Linear time complexity 线性时间复杂度
Full dependency graphs are well-formed 完全依赖图格式良好
Though they might be a forest rather than a tree. 尽管他们可能是一个森林 而不是一个树
Guided Parsing
Train a classifier to predict parse transitions!
• A is a set of typed dependencies (arcs) Feature space:
Feature space:
Dependency Structures vs. Phrase Structures
Most training data for dependency parsing consists of: (sentence, ground truth parse) 大多数依赖解析的训练数据包括:(句子、基本事实解析)
To train a classifier we need tuples of the form: (configuration, correct parser action) 为了训练分类器,我们需要以下形式的元组:(配置,正确的解析器动作)
There are deterministic algorithms (called oracles) for turning a (sentence, ground truth parse) tuple into a sequence of (configuration, correct parser actions). 有确定性算法(称为预言)可以将一个(句子,基本事实解析)元组转换成一系列(配置,正确的解析动作)。
• Guaranteed to give a sequence of actions producing the gold tree (if possible, to construct) 保证给出生成树的一系列动作(如果可能,进行构建)
• Typically, only give one way to get the gold tree 通常,只给出一种获得树的方法
Off-the-Shelf Dependency Parsers
spaCy (
Stanza (from Stanford) (
MaltParser (Nivre) (
Dependency Structures vs. Phrase Structures
• Dependency structures explicitly represent 依赖结构明确表示
− Head-dependent relations (directed arcs) —头部相关关系(有向弧)
− Functional categories (arc labels) —功能类别(弧形标签)
− predicate-argument structure —谓词-自变量结构
• Dependency structure independent of word order 独立于词序的依存结构
− Suitable for free word order languages, such as Indian languages 适用于自由词序语言,如印度语
• Phrase structures explicitly represent 短语结构明确表示
− Phrases (non-terminal nodes) 短语(非终端节点)
− Structural categories (non-terminal labels) 结构类别(非终端标签)
− Fragments are directly interpretable 片段可以直接解释