Things” in the semantic web, even very abstract ones, are uniquely named by URIs. 在语义网络中的万物,每一个抽象目标,都可以唯一的被URI命名。
A URI is an identifier, not necessarily a locator as is a URL. URI是一个标识符,不一定像网址一样是一个定位器。
IRIs (International Resource Identifiers) allow extended characters and can be used in place of URIs. IRI允许扩展字符,可以用来代替URI
URI Syntax:
- ANU website: This is a URL but is reused as a URI referring to the thing that is the ANU website.
- The actual ANU itself: This is a URI that refers to the thing that is the Australian National University. It also happens to be a URL.
- URIs include URNs (e.g., urn:oid:2.16.840 e.g. urn:doi:10.1109/MIS.2013.102)