
Lab 11 (Fri 13:00-15:00, Online Live)



This course is an introduction to document analysis from the perspective of interpreting the content of text-based documents, and introduces the key concepts of Natural Language Processing and the Machine Learning that supports it. It considers the “document” and itsvarious genres as a fundamental object for business, government and community. It introduces the broad skills required for processing semi-structured documents such as internet pages, RSS feeds and their accompanying news items, and PDF brochures.
To do this, the course covers four broad areas: (a) information retrieval (IR), (b) machine learning (ML) for Natural Language Processing (NLP), (c) Natural Language Processing (NLP), and (d) NLP in Practice. Basic tasks are covered including content collection and extraction, formal and informal natural language processing, information extraction, information retrieval, classification and analysis. Fundamental probabilistic techniques for performing these tasks, some common software systems, and electing and applying relevant machine learning algorithms will be covered. The course covers a breadth of common and emerging techniques from statistics and computer science with the aim of understanding where they might be useful and how to use them properly, while understanding limitations.
Detailed course content will be made available during the course at the Wattle site.



  • A late penalty of 5% will be applied to assignments submitted up to 24hrs after the due date. Any assignments submitted more than 24hrs late will be graded with 0.逾期5%的罚款将适用于在截止日期后24小时内提交的作业。任何迟交超过24小时的作业将被评分为0。
  • No late submission of End of Module Quizzes will be permitted, without a pre- arranged extension.没有预先安排的延期,不允许迟交模块结束测验。
  • For assessment task due dates and time please see the _Course Schedule _on the Wattle site.
  • For assignment details please see the Wattle site where updates will be posted.
  • Online quizzes will be offered when the content of each Module has been delivered.
    Marks for all quizzes will be totalled and scaled to contribute 5% to the overall course mark. Quizzes are primarily intended for self-learning. Automated feedback on correct answers is given and multiple attempts are permitted.
  • You must complete the quiz before the due date, once started you will have 30 minutes to complete the quiz and will only get one attempt.
  • The Final exam will be a 3-hour online exam. Detailed information will be provided via the Wattle course site.

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