- Assumption: a combination of multiple classifiers will improve classification performance. 假设:多个分类器的组合使用可以提升分类性能
- General approach 常用方法
- Ensemble approaches can be distinguished by the training set creation methods训练集创建方法, training models训练模型创建方法, and combination methods组合模型. e.g.
- Bagging
- Boosting
- Random Forest
An illustration of the ensemble approach. is the original data. From the original data, an ensemble approach curates
training data sets,
, and then trains
different classification models based on the training data sets. The combination of the trained models will be used for future prediction over new unlabelled data.
An example of the ensemble approach.
(a) two lines represent decision boundaries of two different classification models. 两个不同分类器
(b) An ensemble approach combines two decision boundaries to generate a more complex decision boundary.结合了两个不同的分类器