- Paying undivided attention and avoiding distraction or interruptions.
- Using nonverbal signs (like eye contact, nods, facial expressions) to acknowledge what is being said. This, in turn, makes the speaker feel at home and communicate more easily, openly and honestly.
- Providing feedback in the form of asking questions, paraphrasing what is being said, seeking clarifications, or summarization.
- Deferring any temptation to interrupt the speaker with counterarguments, remaining neutral and nonjudgmental.
- Responding in a respectful, transparent and candid manner.
- 全神贯注,避免分心或干扰
- 使用非言语方法:如眼神交流,点头,面部表情来确认所说的话。这也会让说话者感到宾至如归,交流起来更轻松、公开、诚实。
- 提出问题、解释、以澄清或总结的形式提供反馈。
- 不要用打断的方式打断演讲者,保持中立和不作批判。
- 以尊重、透明和坦诚的方式回应。
Level I – Internal Listening 内容倾听:虽然在倾听,但只关注自己的感受
- Although we hear what the speaker is saying and we focus on what it means to us. Rather than the speaker, it is actually listening to our own thoughts, judgment and conclusion. When hearing a CEO of a product company at a seminar, we might actually be thinking, “Will I be able to afford the product?”
- 翻译:虽然我们听到了说话者所说的话,我们关注它对我们意味着什么。它实际上是在倾听我们自己的想法、判断和结论,而不是说话者。当我们在研讨会上听到一个产品公司的首席执行官时,我们可能会想,“我能买得起这个产品吗?”
Level II – Focused Listening 专注倾听:开始关注演说者所表达内容
- We hear each individual word and how the speaker expresses them without allowing to be distracted by one’s own thoughts and feelings. Sharp focus is put on the choice of words, tone of voice and body language as well as the overall story in the speaker’s context.
- 翻译:我们听到每一个单词,以及说话者在不被自己的思想和感情左右的情况下如何表达它们。重点放在遣词造句、语调和肢体语言以及说话人语境中的整个故事上。
Level III – Global Listening 全局倾听:开始感受情绪,肢体语言
- Not only focuses on the speaker, his words and emotions, but also picks up everything available with all senses. it helps to gauge temperature, energy levels, intent and the personal agenda of the speaker. It also observe the speaker’s gestures , pace of movement , usage of hands , and the excitement or energy level in his voice
- 翻译:不仅关注讲话者,他的语言和情感,而且捕捉感官。它有助于测量温度、能量水平、意图和演讲者的个人。它还能观察说话人的手势、动作速度、手势的使用以及声音中的兴奋或能量水平。