Complex state 复杂状态

如果我们的应用需要一个更复杂的状态怎么办?在大多数情况下,实现这一点的最简单和最好的方法是多次使用 useState 函数来创建单独的状态“片段”。

  1. import React, { useState } from "react"
  2. const App = () => {
  3. const [left, setLeft] = useState(0)
  4. const [right, setRight] = useState(0)
  5. return (
  6. <div>
  7. {left}
  8. <button onClick={() => setLeft(left + 1)}>
  9. left
  10. </button>
  11. <button onClick={() => setRight(right + 1)}>
  12. right
  13. </button>
  14. {right}
  15. </div>
  16. )
  17. }
  18. export default App


  1. import React, { useState } from "react"
  2. const App = () => {
  3. const [clicks, setClicks] = useState({
  4. left: 0, right: 0
  5. })
  6. const handleLeftClick = () => {
  7. const newClicks = {
  8. left: clicks.left + 1,
  9. right: clicks.right
  10. }
  11. setClicks(newClicks)
  12. }
  13. -- snip --
  14. return (
  15. <div>
  16. {clicks.left}
  17. <button onClick={handleLeftClick}>
  18. left
  19. </button>
  20. -- snip --
  21. </div>
  22. )
  23. }
  24. export default App


  1. let obj1 = { foo: 'bar', x: 42 };
  2. let obj2 = { foo: 'baz', y: 13 };
  3. let clonedObj = { ...obj1 };
  4. // Object { foo: "bar", x: 42 }
  5. let mergedObj = { ...obj1, ...obj2 };
  6. // Object { foo: "baz", x: 42, y: 13 }


  1. const handleLeftClick = () =>
  2. setClicks({ ...clicks, left: clicks.left + 1 })
  3. const handleRightClick = () =>
  4. setClicks({ ...clicks, right: clicks.right + 1 })


  1. const handleLeftClick = () => {
  2. clicks.left++
  3. setClicks(clicks)
  4. }

这违反了React 中状态不可直接修改的原则,因为它会导致意想不到的副作用。 必须始终通过将状态设置为新对象来更改状态。 如果之前的状态没有变化,属性仅仅需要简单地复制,就是通过将这些属性复制到新的对象中,并将其设置为新状态。
对于这个特定的应用来说,将所有状态存储在单个状态对象中是一个糟糕的选择; 没有明显的好处,还会导致产生的应用要复杂得多。 在这种情况下,将点击计数器存储到单独的状态块中是一个更合适的选择。

Handling arrays 处理数组

向数组中添加新元素是通过concat方法完成的,该方法不改变现有数组,而是返回数组 新副本,并将元素添加到该数组中。如果用push方法会直接改变状态,这违反react原则

  1. import React, { useState } from "react"
  2. const App = () => {
  3. const [left, setLeft] = useState(0)
  4. const [right, setRight] = useState(0)
  5. const [allClicks, setAll] = useState([])
  6. const handleLeftClick = () => {
  7. setAll(allClicks.concat('L'))
  8. setLeft(left + 1)
  9. }
  10. -- snip --
  11. return (
  12. <div>
  13. {left}
  14. <button onClick={handleLeftClick}>
  15. left
  16. </button>
  17. -- snip --
  18. <p>{allClicks.join(' ')}</p>
  19. </div>
  20. )
  21. }
  22. export default App

Conditional rendering 条件渲染

  1. import React, { useState } from "react"
  2. const History = (props) => {
  3. if (props.allClicks.length === 0) {
  4. return (
  5. <div>
  6. the app is used by pressing the buttons
  7. </div>
  8. )
  9. }
  10. return (
  11. <div>
  12. button press history: {props.allClicks.join(' ')}
  13. </div>
  14. )
  15. }
  16. const App = () => {
  17. -- snip --
  18. return (
  19. <div>
  20. -- snip --
  21. <History allClicks={allClicks} />
  22. </div>
  23. )
  24. }
  25. export default App

Debugging React applications 调试应用

典型的开发人员的大部分时间都花在调试和读取现有代码上。 我们时不时地会写一两行新代码,但是我们的大部分时间都花在试图弄明白为什么有些东西坏了,或者某些东西是如何工作的上面。 出于这个原因,良好的调试实践和工具非常重要。

The first rule of web development web开发第一原则

Keep the browser’s developer console open at all times. 始终打开浏览器的开发控制台 The Console tab in particular should always be open, unless there is a specific reason to view another tab. 尤其是Console 选项卡应该始终处于打开状态,除非有特定的原因需要查看另一个选项卡。


  1. console.log('props value is', props)

你可以在 Chrome 开发者控制台的debugger 中暂停应用代码的执行,只需在代码中的任何地方写入命令debugger即可。
强烈建议在 Chrome 中添加 React developer tools扩展。 它为开发工具增加了一个新的 Components 选项卡。新的开发者工具页可以用来检查不同的React 元素,以及它的属性和状态:

Rules of Hooks

不能从循环、条件表达式或任何不是定义组件的函数的地方调用 useState 和 useEffect

  1. const App = () => {
  2. // these are ok
  3. const [age, setAge] = useState(0)
  4. const [name, setName] = useState('Juha Tauriainen')
  5. if ( age > 10 ) {
  6. // this does not work!
  7. const [foobar, setFoobar] = useState(null)
  8. }
  9. for ( let i = 0; i < age; i++ ) {
  10. // also this is not good
  11. const [rightWay, setRightWay] = useState(false)
  12. }
  13. const notGood = () => {
  14. // and this is also illegal
  15. const [x, setX] = useState(-1000)
  16. }
  17. return (
  18. //...
  19. )
  20. }

Event Handling Revisited 复习事件处理


  1. <button onClick={console.log('clicked the button')}>
  2. button
  3. </button>


  1. <button onClick={() => console.log('clicked the button')}>
  2. button
  3. </button>


Function that returns a function 返回函数的函数


  1. const App = () => {
  2. const [value, setValue] = useState(10)
  3. const hello = (who) => {
  4. const handler = () => {
  5. console.log('hello', who)
  6. }
  7. return handler
  8. }
  9. return (
  10. <div>
  11. {value}
  12. <button onClick={hello('world')}>button</button>
  13. <button onClick={hello('react')}>button</button>
  14. <button onClick={hello('function')}>button</button>
  15. </div>
  16. )
  17. }


  1. const hello = (who) => () => {
  2. console.log('hello', who)
  3. }

Do Not Define Components Within Components

不要在组件内部定义组件,这种方法没有任何好处,而且会导致许多不愉快的问题。最大的问题是React 在每次渲染时,会将内部的组件当作一个新的组件。这回导致React 无法去优化组件。

Exercises 1.6.-1.14

create-react-app 会自动使项目成为一个 git 仓库,除非应用是在已有仓库中创建的。 而您很可能不希望项目成为一个存储库,因此可以在项目的根目录中运行命令

  1. rm -rf .git


  1. rm -rf node_modules/ && npm i

1.6 - 1.11 unicafe调查统计

  1. import React, { useState } from 'react'
  2. const Button = ({ handleClick, text }) => (
  3. <button onClick={handleClick}>{text}</button>
  4. )
  5. const Statistic = ({ text, value }) => (
  6. <tr>
  7. <td>{text}</td>
  8. <td>{value}</td>
  9. </tr>
  10. )
  11. const Statistics = ({ good, neutral, bad, all, average, positive }) => {
  12. if (all === 0) {
  13. return <div>No feedback given</div>
  14. } else return (
  15. <table>
  16. <tbody>
  17. <Statistic text={'good'} value={good} />
  18. <Statistic text={'neutral'} value={neutral} />
  19. <Statistic text={'bad'} value={bad} />
  20. <Statistic text={'all'} value={all} />
  21. <Statistic text={'average'} value={average} />
  22. <Statistic text={'positive'} value={positive} />
  23. </tbody>
  24. </table>
  25. )
  26. }
  27. const App = () => {
  28. const [good, setGood] = useState(0)
  29. const [neutral, setNeutral] = useState(0)
  30. const [bad, setBad] = useState(0)
  31. let all = good + neutral + bad
  32. let average = good - bad / 3
  33. let positive = all !== 0 ? (good / all) * 100 + '%' : '0'
  34. return (
  35. <div>
  36. <h1>Give Feedback</h1>
  37. <div>
  38. <Button handleClick={() => setGood(good + 1)} text={'good'} />
  39. <Button handleClick={() => setNeutral(neutral + 1)} text={'neutral'} />
  40. <Button handleClick={() => setBad(bad + 1)} text={'bad'} />
  41. </div>
  42. <h2>Statistics</h2>
  43. <Statistics good={good} neutral={neutral} bad={bad}
  44. all={all} average={average} positive={positive} />
  45. </div>
  46. )
  47. }
  48. export default App;

1.12 - 1.14 anecdotes


  • 用map生成零填充数组
  • 找出最大得分
  • 随机数生成
  • 复制数组
  • 利用setState后页面刷新的原理 ```javascript import React, { useState } from ‘react’

const Anecdote = ({ anecdote, point, title }) => ( <>


has {point} points
</> )

const App = () => { const anecdotes = [ ‘If it hurts, do it more often’, ‘Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later!’, ‘The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time…The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time.’, ‘Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.’, ‘Premature optimization is the root of all evil.’, ‘Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.’, ‘Programming without an extremely heavy use of console.log is same as if a doctor would refuse to use x-rays or blod tests when dianosing patients’ ]

const [selected, setSelected] = useState(0) const [points, setPoints] = useState( => 0))

const randomNumber = () => { const num = Math.floor(Math.random() * anecdotes.length) setSelected(num) }

const changePoints = () => { const newPoints = […points] newPoints[selected] += 1 setPoints(newPoints) }

const findMostVotes = () => { let maxNumber = points[0] for (let i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { if (points[i] > maxNumber) { maxNumber = points[i] } }

  1. return points.indexOf(maxNumber)


return (

) }

export default App ```