cocos2d-x 3.0
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Instance Methods | 所有成员列表

<CDAudioTransportProtocol>协议 参考


类 <CDAudioTransportProtocol> 继承关系图:

Instance Methods - 图3 CDSoundSource CDSoundSource

## Instance Methods
(BOOL) - play
Play the audio. 更多…
(BOOL) - pause
Pause the audio, retain resources. 更多…
(BOOL) - stop
Stop the audio, release resources. 更多…
(BOOL) - rewind
Return playback to beginning. 更多…
(BOOL) - play
Play the audio. 更多…
(BOOL) - pause
Pause the audio, retain resources. 更多…
(BOOL) - stop
Stop the audio, release resources. 更多…
(BOOL) - rewind
Return playback to beginning. 更多…

Method Documentation

- (BOOL) pause

Pause the audio, retain resources.

- (BOOL) pause

Pause the audio, retain resources.

- (BOOL) play

Play the audio.

- (BOOL) play

Play the audio.

- (BOOL) rewind

Return playback to beginning.

- (BOOL) rewind

Return playback to beginning.

- (BOOL) stop

Stop the audio, release resources.

- (BOOL) stop

Stop the audio, release resources.


  • /Users/zeroyang/Documents/github/cocos2d-x/cocos/audio/ios/CocosDenshion.h