cocos2d-x 3.0 |

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<CDAudioTransportProtocol>协议 参考
类 <CDAudioTransportProtocol> 继承关系图:
## Instance Methods | |
(BOOL) | - play |
Play the audio. 更多… | |
(BOOL) | - pause |
Pause the audio, retain resources. 更多… | |
(BOOL) | - stop |
Stop the audio, release resources. 更多… | |
(BOOL) | - rewind |
Return playback to beginning. 更多… | |
(BOOL) | - play |
Play the audio. 更多… | |
(BOOL) | - pause |
Pause the audio, retain resources. 更多… | |
(BOOL) | - stop |
Stop the audio, release resources. 更多… | |
(BOOL) | - rewind |
Return playback to beginning. 更多… | |
Method Documentation
- (BOOL) pause |
Pause the audio, retain resources.
- (BOOL) pause |
Pause the audio, retain resources.
- (BOOL) play |
Play the audio.
- (BOOL) play |
Play the audio.
- (BOOL) rewind |
Return playback to beginning.
- (BOOL) rewind |
Return playback to beginning.
- (BOOL) stop |
Stop the audio, release resources.
- (BOOL) stop |
Stop the audio, release resources.
- /Users/zeroyang/Documents/github/cocos2d-x/cocos/audio/ios/CocosDenshion.h
- CDAudioTransportProtocol
- 生成于 2014年 五月 29日 星期四 09:41:42 , 为 cocos2d-x使用