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CCEAGLView类 参考
CCEAGLView Class. 更多…
类 CCEAGLView 继承关系图:
CCEAGLView Class.
This class wraps the CAEAGLLayer from CoreAnimation into a convenient UIView subclass. The view content is basically an EAGL surface you render your OpenGL scene into. Note that setting the view non-opaque will only work if the EAGL surface has an alpha channel.
Method Documentation
- (CGPoint) convertPointFromViewToSurface: | | (CGPoint) | point | |
- (CGRect) convertRectFromViewToSurface: | | (CGRect) | rect | |
- (void) doAnimationWhenAnotherEditBeClicked | | | |
- (void) doAnimationWhenKeyboardMoveWithDuration: | | (float) | duration |
distance: | | (float) | dis |
| | | |
- (id) initWithFrame: | | (CGRect) | frame | |
Initializes an CCEAGLView with a frame and 0-bit depth buffer, and a RGB565 color buffer.
Initializes an CCEAGLView with a frame, a color buffer format, and 0-bit depth buffer.
- (id) initWithFrame: | | (CGRect) | frame |
pixelFormat: | | (NSString ) | format |
depthFormat: | | (GLuint) | depth |
preserveBackbuffer: | | (BOOL) | retained |
sharegroup: | | (EAGLSharegroup ) | sharegroup |
multiSampling: | | (BOOL) | sampling |
numberOfSamples: | | (unsigned int) | nSamples |
| | | |
Initializes an CCEAGLView with a frame, a color buffer format, a depth buffer format, a sharegroup and multisampling support.
CCEAGLView uses double-buffer.
This method swaps the buffers
+ (id) viewWithFrame: | | (CGRect) | frame | |
creates an initializes an CCEAGLView with a frame and 0-bit depth buffer, and a RGB565 color buffer
creates an initializes an CCEAGLView with a frame, a color buffer format, and 0-bit depth buffer
+ (id) viewWithFrame: | | (CGRect) | frame |
pixelFormat: | | (NSString *) | format |
depthFormat: | | (GLuint) | depth |
| | | |
creates an initializes an CCEAGLView with a frame, a color buffer format, and a depth buffer format
+ (id) viewWithFrame: | | (CGRect) | frame |
pixelFormat: | | (NSString ) | format |
depthFormat: | | (GLuint) | depth |
preserveBackbuffer: | | (BOOL) | retained |
sharegroup: | | (EAGLSharegroup ) | sharegroup |
multiSampling: | | (BOOL) | multisampling |
numberOfSamples: | | (unsigned int) | samples |
| | | |
creates an initializes an CCEAGLView with a frame, a color buffer format, a depth buffer format, a sharegroup, and multisamping
- (EAGLContext*) context_ |
| protected |
- (BOOL) discardFramebufferSupported_ |
| protected |
- (BOOL) isUseUITextField |
| protected |
- (NSString*) pixelformat_ |
| protected |
- (BOOL) preserveBackbuffer_ |
| protected |
- (unsigned int) requestedSamples_ |
| protected |
- (UITextPosition*) beginningOfDocument |
| readnonatomicassign |
OpenGL context.
depth format of the render buffer: 0, 16 or 24 bits
- (UITextPosition*) endOfDocument |
| readnonatomicassign |
- (id<UITextInputDelegate>) inputDelegate |
| readwritenonatomicassign |
- (NSNotification*) keyboardShowNotification |
| readwritenonatomiccopy |
- (UITextRange*) markedTextRange |
| readnonatomicassign |
- (NSDictionary*) markedTextStyle |
| readwritenonatomiccopy |
- (NSString*) pixelFormat |
| readnonatomicassign |
pixel format: it could be RGBA8 (32-bit) or RGB565 (16-bit)
- (UITextRange*) selectedTextRange |
| readwriteatomiccopy |
returns surface size in pixels
- (id<UITextInputTokenizer>) tokenizer |
| readnonatomicassign |
- /Users/zeroyang/Documents/github/cocos2d-x/cocos/2d/platform/ios/CCEAGLView.h
- 生成于 2014年 五月 29日 星期四 09:41:42 , 为 cocos2d-x使用