cocos2d-x 3.0
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SpriteFrame类 参考 Sprite Nodes

A SpriteFrame has: 更多…


类 SpriteFrame 继承关系图:

Public 成员函数 - 图3 Ref Clonable

## Public 成员函数
virtual ~SpriteFrame (void)
NA NA 更多…
bool initWithTexture (Texture2D pobTexture, const Rect &rect)
Initializes a SpriteFrame with a texture, rect in points. 更多…
bool initWithTextureFilename (const std::string &filename, const Rect &rect)
Initializes a SpriteFrame with a texture filename, rect in points; It is assumed that the frame was not trimmed. 更多…
bool initWithTexture (Texture2D pobTexture, const Rect &rect, bool rotated, const Vec2 &offset, const Size &originalSize)
Initializes a SpriteFrame with a texture, rect, rotated, offset and originalSize in pixels. 更多…
bool initWithTextureFilename (const std::string &filename, const Rect &rect, bool rotated, const Vec2 &offset, const Size &originalSize)
Initializes a SpriteFrame with a texture, rect, rotated, offset and originalSize in pixels. 更多…
const Rect & getRectInPixels () const
void setRectInPixels (const Rect &rectInPixels)
bool isRotated (void) const
void setRotated (bool rotated)
const Rect & getRect (void) const
get rect of the frame 更多…
void setRect (const Rect &rect)
set rect of the frame 更多…
const Vec2 & getOffsetInPixels (void) const
get offset of the frame 更多…
void setOffsetInPixels (const Vec2 &offsetInPixels)
set offset of the frame 更多…
const Size & getOriginalSizeInPixels (void) const
get original size of the trimmed image 更多…
void setOriginalSizeInPixels (const Size &sizeInPixels)
set original size of the trimmed image 更多…
const Size & getOriginalSize (void) const
get original size of the trimmed image 更多…
void setOriginalSize (const Size &sizeInPixels)
set original size of the trimmed image 更多…
Texture2D getTexture (void)
get texture of the frame 更多…
void setTexture (Texture2D pobTexture)
set texture of the frame, the texture is retained 更多…
const Vec2 & getOffset (void) const
void setOffset (const Vec2 &offsets)
virtual SpriteFrame clone () const override
返回Ref对象的一份拷贝 更多…
- Public 成员函数 继承自 Ref
void retain ()
保留所有权. 更多…
void release ()
立即释放所有权. 更多…
Ref autorelease ()
自动释放所有权在不久的将来. 更多…
unsigned int getReferenceCount () const
返回Ref对象当前的引用计数. 更多…
virtual ~Ref ()
NA NA 更多…
- Public 成员函数 继承自 Clonable
virtual ~Clonable ()
NA NA 更多…
返回Ref对象的一份拷贝. 更多…
## 静态 Public 成员函数
static SpriteFrame create (const std::string &filename, const Rect &rect)
Create a SpriteFrame with a texture filename, rect in points. 更多…
static SpriteFrame create (const std::string &filename, const Rect &rect, bool rotated, const Vec2 &offset, const Size &originalSize)
Create a SpriteFrame with a texture filename, rect, rotated, offset and originalSize in pixels. 更多…
static SpriteFrame createWithTexture (Texture2D pobTexture, const Rect &rect)
Create a SpriteFrame with a texture, rect in points. 更多…
static SpriteFrame createWithTexture (Texture2D pobTexture, const Rect &rect, bool rotated, const Vec2 &offset, const Size &originalSize)
Create a SpriteFrame with a texture, rect, rotated, offset and originalSize in pixels. 更多…
## Protected 属性
Vec2 _offset
Size _originalSize
Rect _rectInPixels
bool _rotated
Rect _rect
Vec2 _offsetInPixels
Size _originalSizeInPixels
Texture2D * _texture
std::string _textureFilename
- Protected 属性 继承自 Ref
unsigned int _referenceCount
引用计数 更多…
## 额外继承的成员函数
- Protected 成员函数 继承自 Ref
Ref ()
构造函数 更多…


A SpriteFrame has:

  • texture: A Texture2D that will be used by the Sprite
  • rectangle: A rectangle of the texture

You can modify the frame of a Sprite by doing:

SpriteFrame *frame = SpriteFrame::frameWithTexture(texture, rect, offset); sprite->setDisplayFrame(frame);


virtual ~SpriteFrame ( void )




virtual SpriteFrame* clone ( ) const



实现了 Clonable.

static SpriteFrame* create ( const std::string & filename,
const Rect & rect


Create a SpriteFrame with a texture filename, rect in points.

It is assumed that the frame was not trimmed.

static SpriteFrame* create ( const std::string & filename,
const Rect & rect,
bool rotated,
const Vec2 & offset,
const Size & originalSize


Create a SpriteFrame with a texture filename, rect, rotated, offset and originalSize in pixels.

The originalSize is the size in pixels of the frame before being trimmed.

static SpriteFrame createWithTexture ( Texture2D pobTexture,
const Rect & rect


Create a SpriteFrame with a texture, rect in points.

It is assumed that the frame was not trimmed.

static SpriteFrame createWithTexture ( Texture2D pobTexture,
const Rect & rect,
bool rotated,
const Vec2 & offset,
const Size & originalSize


Create a SpriteFrame with a texture, rect, rotated, offset and originalSize in pixels.

The originalSize is the size in points of the frame before being trimmed.

const Vec2& getOffset ( void ) const

const Vec2& getOffsetInPixels ( void ) const

get offset of the frame

const Size& getOriginalSize ( void ) const


get original size of the trimmed image

const Size& getOriginalSizeInPixels ( void ) const


get original size of the trimmed image

const Rect& getRect ( void ) const


get rect of the frame

const Rect& getRectInPixels ( ) const


Texture2D* getTexture ( void )

get texture of the frame

bool initWithTexture ( Texture2D * pobTexture,
const Rect & rect

Initializes a SpriteFrame with a texture, rect in points.

It is assumed that the frame was not trimmed.

bool initWithTexture ( Texture2D * pobTexture,
const Rect & rect,
bool rotated,
const Vec2 & offset,
const Size & originalSize

Initializes a SpriteFrame with a texture, rect, rotated, offset and originalSize in pixels.

The originalSize is the size in points of the frame before being trimmed.

bool initWithTextureFilename ( const std::string & filename,
const Rect & rect

Initializes a SpriteFrame with a texture filename, rect in points; It is assumed that the frame was not trimmed.

bool initWithTextureFilename ( const std::string & filename,
const Rect & rect,
bool rotated,
const Vec2 & offset,
const Size & originalSize

Initializes a SpriteFrame with a texture, rect, rotated, offset and originalSize in pixels.

The originalSize is the size in pixels of the frame before being trimmed.

  • 自从
  • v1.1

bool isRotated ( void ) const


void setOffset ( const Vec2 & offsets)

void setOffsetInPixels ( const Vec2 & offsetInPixels)

set offset of the frame

void setOriginalSize ( const Size & sizeInPixels)


set original size of the trimmed image

void setOriginalSizeInPixels ( const Size & sizeInPixels)


set original size of the trimmed image

void setRect ( const Rect & rect)

set rect of the frame

void setRectInPixels ( const Rect & rectInPixels)

void setRotated ( bool rotated)


void setTexture ( Texture2D * pobTexture)

set texture of the frame, the texture is retained


Vec2 _offset


Vec2 _offsetInPixels


Size _originalSize


Size _originalSizeInPixels


Rect _rect


Rect _rectInPixels


bool _rotated


Texture2D* _texture


std::string _textureFilename



  • cocos2d
  • SpriteFrame
  • 生成于 2014年 五月 29日 星期四 09:41:50 , 为 cocos2d-x使用 doxygen 1.8.6