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CDPropertyModifier类 参考

Base class for classes that modify properties such as pitch, pan and gain. 更多…


类 CDPropertyModifier 继承关系图:

Instance Methods - 图3 CDLongAudioSourceFader CDLongAudioSourceFader CDSoundEngineFader CDSoundEngineFader CDSoundSourceFader CDSoundSourceFader CDSoundSourcePanner CDSoundSourcePanner CDSoundSourcePitchBender CDSoundSourcePitchBender

## Instance Methods
(id) - init:interpolationType:startVal:endVal:
(void) - modify:
Set to a fractional value between 0 and 1 where 0 equals the start and 1 equals the end. 更多…
(void) - _setTargetProperty:
(float) - _getTargetProperty
(void) - _stopTarget
(Class) - _allowableType
(id) - init:interpolationType:startVal:endVal:
(void) - modify:
Set to a fractional value between 0 and 1 where 0 equals the start and 1 equals the end. 更多…
(void) - _setTargetProperty:
(float) - _getTargetProperty
(void) - _stopTarget
(Class) - _allowableType
## Protected 属性
CDFloatInterpolator * interpolator
id target
## 属性
BOOL stopTargetWhenComplete
float startValue
float endValue
tCDInterpolationType interpolationType


Base class for classes that modify properties such as pitch, pan and gain.

Method Documentation

- (Class) _allowableType

- (Class) _allowableType

- (float) _getTargetProperty

- (float) _getTargetProperty

- (void) _setTargetProperty: (float) newVal

- (void) _setTargetProperty: (float) newVal

- (void) _stopTarget

- (void) _stopTarget

- (id) init: (id) theTarget
interpolationType: (tCDInterpolationType) type
startVal: (float) startVal
endVal: (float) endVal

- (id) init: (id) theTarget
interpolationType: (tCDInterpolationType) type
startVal: (float) startVal
endVal: (float) endVal

- (void) modify: (float) t

Set to a fractional value between 0 and 1 where 0 equals the start and 1 equals the end.

- (void) modify: (float) t

Set to a fractional value between 0 and 1 where 0 equals the start and 1 equals the end.


- (CDFloatInterpolator *) interpolator


- (id) target



- (float) endValue


- (tCDInterpolationType) interpolationType


- (float) startValue


- (BOOL) stopTargetWhenComplete



  • /Users/zeroyang/Documents/github/cocos2d-x/cocos/audio/ios/CocosDenshion.h
  • CDPropertyModifier
  • 生成于 2014年 五月 29日 星期四 09:41:42 , 为 cocos2d-x使用 doxygen 1.8.6