cocos2d-x 3.0
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FrameData类 参考

NA NA 更多…


类 FrameData 继承关系图:

Public 成员函数 - 图3 BaseData Ref

## Public 成员函数
FrameData ()
ctor 更多…
~FrameData ()
NA NA 更多…
virtual void copy (const BaseData baseData)
- Public 成员函数 继承自 BaseData
BaseData ()
ctor 更多…
~BaseData (void)
NA NA 更多…
virtual void subtract (BaseData from, BaseData to, bool limit)
virtual void setColor (const cocos2d::Color4B &color)
virtual cocos2d::Color4B getColor ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 Ref
void retain ()
保留所有权. 更多…
void release ()
立即释放所有权. 更多…
Ref autorelease ()
自动释放所有权在不久的将来. 更多…
unsigned int getReferenceCount () const
返回Ref对象当前的引用计数. 更多…
virtual ~Ref ()
NA NA 更多…
## 静态 Public 成员函数
static FrameData create (void)
- 静态 Public 成员函数 继承自 BaseData
static BaseData create (void)
## Public 属性
int frameID
int duration
cocos2d::tweenfunc::TweenType tweenEasing
The frame will last duration frames. 更多…
int easingParamNumber
Every frame's tween easing effect. 更多…
float * easingParams
bool isTween
int displayIndex
Whether it's a tween key frame. 更多…
cocos2d::BlendFunc blendFunc
std::string strEvent
std::string strMovement
strMovement, strEvent, strSound, strSoundEffect do not support yet 更多…
std::string strSound
std::string strSoundEffect
- Public 属性 继承自 BaseData
float x
float y
position x attribute 更多…
int zOrder
position y attribute 更多…
float skewX
zorder attribute, used to order the Bone's depth order 更多…
float skewY
float scaleX
float scaleY
float tweenRotate
bool isUseColorInfo
SkewX, SkewY, and TweenRotate effect the rotation. 更多…
int a
Whether or not this frame have the color changed Info. 更多…
int r
int g
int b
## 额外继承的成员函数
- Protected 成员函数 继承自 Ref
Ref ()
构造函数 更多…
- Protected 属性 继承自 Ref
unsigned int _referenceCount
引用计数 更多…




FrameData ( )


~FrameData ( )



virtual void copy ( const BaseData * baseData)


重载 BaseData .

static FrameData* create ( void )



cocos2d::BlendFunc blendFunc

int displayIndex

Whether it's a tween key frame.

The current display index when change to this frame. If value is -1, then display will not be shown.

int duration

int easingParamNumber

Every frame's tween easing effect.

float* easingParams

int frameID

bool isTween

std::string strEvent

std::string strMovement

strMovement, strEvent, strSound, strSoundEffect do not support yet

std::string strSound

std::string strSoundEffect

cocos2d::tweenfunc::TweenType tweenEasing

The frame will last duration frames.


  • /Users/zeroyang/Documents/github/cocos2d-x/cocos/editor-support/cocostudio/CCDatas.h