cocos2d-x 3.0
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Instance Methods | Public 属性 | 属性 | 所有成员列表

CDSoundSource类 参考

CDSoundSource is a wrapper around an OpenAL sound source. 更多…


类 CDSoundSource 继承关系图:

Instance Methods - 图3 <CDAudioTransportProtocol> <CDAudioInterruptProtocol> <CDAudioTransportProtocol> <CDAudioInterruptProtocol>

## Instance Methods
(id) - init:sourceIndex:soundEngine:
Do not init yourself, get an instance from the sourceForSound factory method on CDSoundEngine. 更多…
(id) - init:sourceIndex:soundEngine:
Do not init yourself, get an instance from the sourceForSound factory method on CDSoundEngine. 更多…
- Instance Methods 继承自 <CDAudioTransportProtocol>
(BOOL) - play
Play the audio. 更多…
(BOOL) - pause
Pause the audio, retain resources. 更多…
(BOOL) - stop
Stop the audio, release resources. 更多…
(BOOL) - rewind
Return playback to beginning. 更多…
(BOOL) - play
Play the audio. 更多…
(BOOL) - pause
Pause the audio, retain resources. 更多…
(BOOL) - stop
Stop the audio, release resources. 更多…
(BOOL) - rewind
Return playback to beginning. 更多…
- Instance Methods 继承自 <CDAudioInterruptProtocol>
(BOOL) - mute
Is audio mute. 更多…
(void) - setMute:
If YES then audio is silenced but not stopped, calls to start new audio will proceed but silently. 更多…
(BOOL) - enabled
Is audio enabled. 更多…
(void) - setEnabled:
If NO then all audio is stopped and any calls to start new audio will be ignored. 更多…
(BOOL) - mute
Is audio mute. 更多…
(void) - setMute:
If YES then audio is silenced but not stopped, calls to start new audio will proceed but silently. 更多…
(BOOL) - enabled
Is audio enabled. 更多…
(void) - setEnabled:
If NO then all audio is stopped and any calls to start new audio will be ignored. 更多…
## Public 属性
ALuint _sourceId
ALuint _sourceIndex
CDSoundEngine * _engine
int _soundId
float _preMuteGain
BOOL enabled_
BOOL mute_
## 属性
float pitch
float gain
float pan
BOOL looping
BOOL isPlaying
int soundId
float durationInSeconds
Returns the duration of the attached buffer in seconds or a negative value if the buffer is invalid. 更多…
ALenum lastError
Stores the last error code that occurred. 更多…


CDSoundSource is a wrapper around an OpenAL sound source.

It allows you to manipulate properties such as pitch, gain, pan and looping while the sound is playing. CDSoundSource is based on the old CDSourceWrapper class but with much added functionality.

  • 自从
  • v1.0

Method Documentation

- (id) init: (ALuint) theSourceId
sourceIndex: (int) index
soundEngine: (CDSoundEngine *) engine

Do not init yourself, get an instance from the sourceForSound factory method on CDSoundEngine.

- (id) init: (ALuint) theSourceId
sourceIndex: (int) index
soundEngine: (CDSoundEngine *) engine

Do not init yourself, get an instance from the sourceForSound factory method on CDSoundEngine.


- (CDSoundEngine *) _engine

- (float) _preMuteGain

- (int) _soundId

- (ALuint) _sourceId

- (ALuint) _sourceIndex

- (BOOL) enabled_

- (BOOL) mute_


- (float) durationInSeconds


Returns the duration of the attached buffer in seconds or a negative value if the buffer is invalid.

- (float) gain


- (BOOL) isPlaying


- (ALenum) lastError


Stores the last error code that occurred.

Check against AL_NO_ERROR

- (BOOL) looping


- (float) pan


- (float) pitch


- (int) soundId



  • /Users/zeroyang/Documents/github/cocos2d-x/cocos/audio/ios/CocosDenshion.h
  • CDSoundSource
  • 生成于 2014年 五月 29日 星期四 09:41:43 , 为 cocos2d-x使用 doxygen 1.8.6