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CDAudioInterruptTargetGroup类 参考

Container for objects that implement audio interrupt protocol i.e. 更多…


类 CDAudioInterruptTargetGroup 继承关系图:

Instance Methods - 图3 <CDAudioInterruptProtocol> <CDAudioInterruptProtocol>

## Instance Methods
(void) - addAudioInterruptTarget:
(void) - addAudioInterruptTarget:
- Instance Methods 继承自 <CDAudioInterruptProtocol>
(BOOL) - mute
Is audio mute. 更多…
(void) - setMute:
If YES then audio is silenced but not stopped, calls to start new audio will proceed but silently. 更多…
(BOOL) - enabled
Is audio enabled. 更多…
(void) - setEnabled:
If NO then all audio is stopped and any calls to start new audio will be ignored. 更多…
(BOOL) - mute
Is audio mute. 更多…
(void) - setMute:
If YES then audio is silenced but not stopped, calls to start new audio will proceed but silently. 更多…
(BOOL) - enabled
Is audio enabled. 更多…
(void) - setEnabled:
If NO then all audio is stopped and any calls to start new audio will be ignored. 更多…
## Protected 属性
BOOL mute_
BOOL enabled_
NSMutableArray * children_


Container for objects that implement audio interrupt protocol i.e.

they can be muted and enabled. Setting mute and enabled for the group propagates to all children. Designed to be used with your CDSoundSource objects to get them to comply with global enabled and mute settings if that is what you want to do.

Method Documentation

- (void) addAudioInterruptTarget: (NSObject< CDAudioInterruptProtocol > *) interruptibleTarget

- (void) addAudioInterruptTarget: (NSObject< CDAudioInterruptProtocol > *) interruptibleTarget


- (NSMutableArray *) children_


- (BOOL) enabled_


- (BOOL) mute_



  • /Users/zeroyang/Documents/github/cocos2d-x/cocos/audio/ios/CocosDenshion.h