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TimerTargetSelector类 参考 Global


类 TimerTargetSelector 继承关系图:

Public 成员函数 - 图3 Timer Ref

## Public 成员函数
TimerTargetSelector ()
bool initWithSelector (Scheduler scheduler, SEL_SCHEDULE selector, Ref target, float seconds, unsigned int repeat, float delay)
Initializes a timer with a target, a selector and an interval in seconds, repeat in number of times to repeat, delay in seconds. 更多…
SEL_SCHEDULE getSelector () const
virtual void trigger () override
virtual void cancel () override
- Public 成员函数 继承自 Timer
float getInterval () const
get interval in seconds 更多…
void setInterval (float interval)
set interval in seconds 更多…
void setupTimerWithInterval (float seconds, unsigned int repeat, float delay)
void update (float dt)
triggers the timer 更多…
- Public 成员函数 继承自 Ref
void retain ()
保留所有权. 更多…
void release ()
立即释放所有权. 更多…
Ref * autorelease ()
自动释放所有权在不久的将来. 更多…
unsigned int getReferenceCount () const
返回Ref对象当前的引用计数. 更多…
virtual ~Ref ()
NA NA 更多…
## Protected 属性
Ref _target
SEL_SCHEDULE _selector
- Protected 属性 继承自 Timer
Scheduler _scheduler
float _elapsed
bool _runForever
bool _useDelay
unsigned int _timesExecuted
unsigned int _repeat
float _delay
float _interval
- Protected 属性 继承自 Ref
unsigned int _referenceCount
引用计数 更多…
## 额外继承的成员函数
- Protected 成员函数 继承自 Timer
Timer ()
- Protected 成员函数 继承自 Ref
Ref ()
构造函数 更多…


TimerTargetSelector ( )


virtual void cancel ( )


实现了 Timer.

SEL_SCHEDULE getSelector ( ) const


bool initWithSelector ( Scheduler scheduler,
SEL_SCHEDULE selector,
Ref target,
float seconds,
unsigned int repeat,
float delay

Initializes a timer with a target, a selector and an interval in seconds, repeat in number of times to repeat, delay in seconds.

virtual void trigger ( )


实现了 Timer.


SEL_SCHEDULE _selector


Ref* _target



  • /Users/zeroyang/Documents/github/cocos2d-x/cocos/base/CCScheduler.h