cocos2d-x 3.0 |

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Instance Methods | Class Methods | Protected 属性 | 属性 | 所有成员列表
CDSoundEngine类 参考
类 CDSoundEngine 继承关系图:
## Instance Methods | |
(id) | - init |
Initializes the engine with a group definition and a total number of groups. 更多… | |
(ALuint) | - playSound:sourceGroupId:pitch:pan:gain:loop: |
Plays a sound in a channel group with a pitch, pan and gain. 更多… | |
(CDSoundSource ) | - soundSourceForSound:sourceGroupId: |
Creates and returns a sound source object for the specified sound within the specified source group. 更多… | |
(void) | - stopSound: |
Stops playing a sound. 更多… | |
(void) | - stopSourceGroup: |
Stops playing a source group. 更多… | |
(void) | - stopAllSounds |
Stops all playing sounds. 更多… | |
(void) | - pauseSound: |
Pause a sound. 更多… | |
(void) | - pauseAllSounds |
Pause all sounds. 更多… | |
(void) | - resumeSound: |
Resume a sound. 更多… | |
(void) | - resumeAllSounds |
Resume all sounds. 更多… | |
(void) | - defineSourceGroups: |
(void) | - defineSourceGroups:total: |
(void) | - setSourceGroupNonInterruptible:isNonInterruptible: |
(void) | - setSourceGroupEnabled:enabled: |
(BOOL) | - sourceGroupEnabled: |
(BOOL) | - loadBufferFromData:soundData:format:size:freq: |
(BOOL) | - loadBuffer:filePath: |
(void) | - loadBuffersAsynchronously: |
(BOOL) | - unloadBuffer: |
(ALCcontext ) | - openALContext |
(float) | - bufferDurationInSeconds: |
Returns the duration of the buffer in seconds or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid. 更多… | |
(ALsizei) | - bufferSizeInBytes: |
Returns the size of the buffer in bytes or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid. 更多… | |
(ALsizei) | - bufferFrequencyInHertz: |
Returns the sampling frequency of the buffer in hertz or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid. 更多… | |
(void) | - _soundSourcePreRelease: |
Used internally, never call unless you know what you are doing. 更多… | |
(id) | - init |
Initializes the engine with a group definition and a total number of groups. 更多… | |
(ALuint) | - playSound:sourceGroupId:pitch:pan:gain:loop: |
Plays a sound in a channel group with a pitch, pan and gain. 更多… | |
(CDSoundSource ) | - soundSourceForSound:sourceGroupId: |
Creates and returns a sound source object for the specified sound within the specified source group. 更多… | |
(void) | - stopSound: |
Stops playing a sound. 更多… | |
(void) | - stopSourceGroup: |
Stops playing a source group. 更多… | |
(void) | - stopAllSounds |
Stops all playing sounds. 更多… | |
(void) | - pauseSound: |
Pause a sound. 更多… | |
(void) | - pauseAllSounds |
Pause all sounds. 更多… | |
(void) | - resumeSound: |
Resume a sound. 更多… | |
(void) | - resumeAllSounds |
Resume all sounds. 更多… | |
(void) | - defineSourceGroups: |
(void) | - defineSourceGroups:total: |
(void) | - setSourceGroupNonInterruptible:isNonInterruptible: |
(void) | - setSourceGroupEnabled:enabled: |
(BOOL) | - sourceGroupEnabled: |
(BOOL) | - loadBufferFromData:soundData:format:size:freq: |
(BOOL) | - loadBuffer:filePath: |
(void) | - loadBuffersAsynchronously: |
(BOOL) | - unloadBuffer: |
(ALCcontext ) | - openALContext |
(float) | - bufferDurationInSeconds: |
Returns the duration of the buffer in seconds or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid. 更多… | |
(ALsizei) | - bufferSizeInBytes: |
Returns the size of the buffer in bytes or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid. 更多… | |
(ALsizei) | - bufferFrequencyInHertz: |
Returns the sampling frequency of the buffer in hertz or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid. 更多… | |
(void) | - _soundSourcePreRelease: |
Used internally, never call unless you know what you are doing. 更多… | |
![]() | |
(BOOL) | - mute |
Is audio mute. 更多… | |
(void) | - setMute: |
If YES then audio is silenced but not stopped, calls to start new audio will proceed but silently. 更多… | |
(BOOL) | - enabled |
Is audio enabled. 更多… | |
(void) | - setEnabled: |
If NO then all audio is stopped and any calls to start new audio will be ignored. 更多… | |
(BOOL) | - mute |
Is audio mute. 更多… | |
(void) | - setMute: |
If YES then audio is silenced but not stopped, calls to start new audio will proceed but silently. 更多… | |
(BOOL) | - enabled |
Is audio enabled. 更多… | |
(void) | - setEnabled: |
If NO then all audio is stopped and any calls to start new audio will be ignored. 更多… | |
## Class Methods | |
(void) | + setMixerSampleRate: |
Sets the sample rate for the audio mixer. 更多… | |
(void) | + setMixerSampleRate: |
Sets the sample rate for the audio mixer. 更多… | |
## Protected 属性 | |
bufferInfo | _buffers |
sourceInfo | _sources |
sourceGroup | _sourceGroups |
ALCcontext | context |
NSUInteger | _sourceGroupTotal |
UInt32 | _audioSessionCategory |
BOOL | _handleAudioSession |
ALfloat | _preMuteGain |
NSObject * | _mutexBufferLoad |
BOOL | mute_ |
BOOL | enabled_ |
ALenum | lastErrorCode_ |
BOOL | functioning_ |
float | asynchLoadProgress_ |
BOOL | getGainWorks_ |
int | sourceTotal_ |
int | bufferTotal |
## 属性 | |
ALfloat | masterGain |
ALenum | lastErrorCode |
BOOL | functioning |
float | asynchLoadProgress |
BOOL | getGainWorks |
int | sourceTotal |
Total number of sources available. 更多… | |
NSUInteger | sourceGroupTotal |
Total number of source groups that have been defined. 更多… | |
Method Documentation
- (void) _soundSourcePreRelease: | (CDSoundSource *) | soundSource |
Used internally, never call unless you know what you are doing.
- (void) _soundSourcePreRelease: | (CDSoundSource *) | soundSource |
Used internally, never call unless you know what you are doing.
- (float) bufferDurationInSeconds: | (int) | soundId |
Returns the duration of the buffer in seconds or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid.
- (float) bufferDurationInSeconds: | (int) | soundId |
Returns the duration of the buffer in seconds or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid.
- (ALsizei) bufferFrequencyInHertz: | (int) | soundId |
Returns the sampling frequency of the buffer in hertz or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid.
- (ALsizei) bufferFrequencyInHertz: | (int) | soundId |
Returns the sampling frequency of the buffer in hertz or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid.
- (ALsizei) bufferSizeInBytes: | (int) | soundId |
Returns the size of the buffer in bytes or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid.
- (ALsizei) bufferSizeInBytes: | (int) | soundId |
Returns the size of the buffer in bytes or a negative value if the buffer id is invalid.
- (void) defineSourceGroups: | (NSArray *) | sourceGroupDefinitions |
- (void) defineSourceGroups: | (NSArray *) | sourceGroupDefinitions |
- (void) defineSourceGroups: | (int[]) | sourceGroupDefinitions | |
total: | (NSUInteger) | total | |
- (void) defineSourceGroups: | (int[]) | sourceGroupDefinitions | |
total: | (NSUInteger) | total | |
- (id) init |
Initializes the engine with a group definition and a total number of groups.
- (id) init |
Initializes the engine with a group definition and a total number of groups.
- (BOOL) loadBuffer: | (int) | soundId | |
filePath: | (NSString *) | filePath | |
- (BOOL) loadBuffer: | (int) | soundId | |
filePath: | (NSString *) | filePath | |
- (BOOL) loadBufferFromData: | (int) | soundId | |
soundData: | (ALvoid *) | soundData | |
format: | (ALenum) | format | |
size: | (ALsizei) | size | |
freq: | (ALsizei) | freq | |
- (BOOL) loadBufferFromData: | (int) | soundId | |
soundData: | (ALvoid *) | soundData | |
format: | (ALenum) | format | |
size: | (ALsizei) | size | |
freq: | (ALsizei) | freq | |
- (void) loadBuffersAsynchronously: | (NSArray *) | loadRequests |
- (void) loadBuffersAsynchronously: | (NSArray *) | loadRequests |
- (ALCcontext *) openALContext |
- (ALCcontext *) openALContext |
- (void) pauseAllSounds |
Pause all sounds.
- (void) pauseAllSounds |
Pause all sounds.
- (void) pauseSound: | (ALuint) | sourceId |
Pause a sound.
- (void) pauseSound: | (ALuint) | sourceId |
Pause a sound.
- (ALuint) playSound: | (int) | soundId | |
sourceGroupId: | (int) | sourceGroupId | |
pitch: | (float) | pitch | |
pan: | (float) | pan | |
gain: | (float) | gain | |
loop: | (BOOL) | loop | |
Plays a sound in a channel group with a pitch, pan and gain.
The sound could played looped or not
- (ALuint) playSound: | (int) | soundId | |
sourceGroupId: | (int) | sourceGroupId | |
pitch: | (float) | pitch | |
pan: | (float) | pan | |
gain: | (float) | gain | |
loop: | (BOOL) | loop | |
Plays a sound in a channel group with a pitch, pan and gain.
The sound could played looped or not
- (void) resumeAllSounds |
Resume all sounds.
- (void) resumeAllSounds |
Resume all sounds.
- (void) resumeSound: | (ALuint) | sourceId |
Resume a sound.
- (void) resumeSound: | (ALuint) | sourceId |
Resume a sound.
+ (void) setMixerSampleRate: | (Float32) | sampleRate |
Sets the sample rate for the audio mixer.
For best performance this should match the sample rate of your audio content
+ (void) setMixerSampleRate: | (Float32) | sampleRate |
Sets the sample rate for the audio mixer.
For best performance this should match the sample rate of your audio content
- (void) setSourceGroupEnabled: | (int) | sourceGroupId | |
enabled: | (BOOL) | enabled | |
- (void) setSourceGroupEnabled: | (int) | sourceGroupId | |
enabled: | (BOOL) | enabled | |
- (void) setSourceGroupNonInterruptible: | (int) | sourceGroupId | |
isNonInterruptible: | (BOOL) | isNonInterruptible | |
- (void) setSourceGroupNonInterruptible: | (int) | sourceGroupId | |
isNonInterruptible: | (BOOL) | isNonInterruptible | |
- (CDSoundSource *) soundSourceForSound: | (int) | soundId | |
sourceGroupId: | (int) | sourceGroupId | |
Creates and returns a sound source object for the specified sound within the specified source group.
- (CDSoundSource *) soundSourceForSound: | (int) | soundId | |
sourceGroupId: | (int) | sourceGroupId | |
Creates and returns a sound source object for the specified sound within the specified source group.
- (BOOL) sourceGroupEnabled: | (int) | sourceGroupId |
- (BOOL) sourceGroupEnabled: | (int) | sourceGroupId |
- (void) stopAllSounds |
Stops all playing sounds.
- (void) stopAllSounds |
Stops all playing sounds.
- (void) stopSound: | (ALuint) | sourceId |
Stops playing a sound.
- (void) stopSound: | (ALuint) | sourceId |
Stops playing a sound.
- (void) stopSourceGroup: | (int) | sourceGroupId |
Stops playing a source group.
- (void) stopSourceGroup: | (int) | sourceGroupId |
Stops playing a source group.
- (BOOL) unloadBuffer: | (int) | soundId |
- (BOOL) unloadBuffer: | (int) | soundId |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| protected |
| readwriteatomicassign |
| readatomicassign |
| readatomicassign |
| readatomicassign |
| readwritenonatomicassign |
| readatomicassign |
Total number of source groups that have been defined.
| readatomicassign |
Total number of sources available.
- /Users/zeroyang/Documents/github/cocos2d-x/cocos/audio/ios/CocosDenshion.h
- CDSoundEngine
- 生成于 2014年 五月 29日 星期四 09:41:42 , 为 cocos2d-x使用