Java Shell
在工作过程中,大部分是Java开发,但只会Java肯定远远不够。 在文本处理过程中,主要是用脚本进行开发。脚本开发的特点就是在进行批处理的时候非常方便。比如这么一个需求场景:
有一些特殊文件需要特殊环境才能操作(比如:IOS 奔溃文件还原,Android 奔溃混淆文件还原),而部署上线后必须依赖Linux环境执行,所以需要借助Java的Process类调用shell脚本处理一些任务!
- Java的Process类是什么
- 如何使用Process类操作Shell脚本指令
- Process 类操作shell脚本文件
- Process类和ProcessBuilder源码
一、Java中的 Process类
//返回值是进程的出口值。0 表示正常终止;否则,就表示异常失败。
abstract int waitFor()
另外,调用某些Shell命令或脚本时,会有返回值,那么如果捕获这些返回值或输出呢?为了解决这个问题,Process类提供了:// 检测子进程是否存活,存活则返回 true
public boolean isAlive()
//获取子进程的输入流。 最好对输入流进行缓冲。
abstract InputStream getInputStream()
- 直接使用
类处理进程 -
2.1 直接使用 Process类操作
使用Java调用实现同样的功能private static void execDemo() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("pwd");
// 检查执行状态
int exitValue = process.waitFor();
if (0 != exitValue) {
log.error("call shell failed. error code is :" + exitValue);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
String line = null;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println("line = " + line);
2.2 使用
实现同样的功能private static void ProcessBuilderDemo() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("pwd");
// 将错误流重定向到输出流
Process start = processBuilder.start();
int exitValue = start.waitFor();
if (0 != exitValue) {
log.error("call shell failed. error code is :" + exitValue);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(start.getInputStream()));
String line = null;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println("line = " + line);
方式对比 Runtime
```bash!/usr/bin/env bash
args=1 if [ $# -eq 1 ];then args=$1 echo “The argument is: $args” fi
echo “This is a $call”
start=date +%s
sleep 3s
end=date +%s
cost=$((($end - $start) $args $val))
echo “Cost Time: $cost”
<a name="Hhtfh"></a>
### Java调用代码
public static void callShellScript_test() {
BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;
try {
String shellPath = CallShellScriptDemo01.class.getResource("/").getPath() + "shell/";
ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder("/bin/sh", shellPath);
// 错误流重定向到标准输出流
Process ps = builder.start();
int exitValue = ps.waitFor();
if (0 != exitValue) {
log.error("call shell failed. error code is :" + exitValue);
bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ps.getInputStream()));
String line;
while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println("line = " + line.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
4.1 Process类
* The {@link ProcessBuilder#start()} and
* {@link Runtime#exec(String[],String[],File) Runtime.exec}
* methods create a native process and return an instance of a
* subclass of {@code Process} that can be used to control the process
* and obtain information about it. The class {@code Process}
* provides methods for performing input from the process, performing
* output to the process, waiting for the process to complete,
* checking the exit status of the process, and destroying (killing)
* the process.
* <p>The methods that create processes may not work well for special
* processes on certain native platforms, such as native windowing
* processes, daemon processes, Win16/DOS processes on Microsoft
* Windows, or shell scripts.
* <p>By default, the created subprocess does not have its own terminal
* or console. All its standard I/O (i.e. stdin, stdout, stderr)
* operations will be redirected to the parent process, where they can
* be accessed via the streams obtained using the methods
* {@link #getOutputStream()},
* {@link #getInputStream()}, and
* {@link #getErrorStream()}.
* The parent process uses these streams to feed input to and get output
* from the subprocess. Because some native platforms only provide
* limited buffer size for standard input and output streams, failure
* to promptly write the input stream or read the output stream of
* the subprocess may cause the subprocess to block, or even deadlock.
* <p>Where desired, <a href="ProcessBuilder.html#redirect-input">
* subprocess I/O can also be redirected</a>
* using methods of the {@link ProcessBuilder} class.
* <p>The subprocess is not killed when there are no more references to
* the {@code Process} object, but rather the subprocess
* continues executing asynchronously.
* <p>There is no requirement that a process represented by a {@code
* Process} object execute asynchronously or concurrently with respect
* to the Java process that owns the {@code Process} object.
* <p>As of 1.5, {@link ProcessBuilder#start()} is the preferred way
* to create a {@code Process}.
* @since JDK1.0
public abstract class Process {
* Returns the output stream connected to the normal input of the
* subprocess. Output to the stream is piped into the standard
* input of the process represented by this {@code Process} object.
* <p>If the standard input of the subprocess has been redirected using
* {@link ProcessBuilder#redirectInput(Redirect)
* ProcessBuilder.redirectInput}
* then this method will return a
* <a href="ProcessBuilder.html#redirect-input">null output stream</a>.
* <p>Implementation note: It is a good idea for the returned
* output stream to be buffered.
* @return the output stream connected to the normal input of the
* subprocess
public abstract OutputStream getOutputStream();
* Returns the input stream connected to the normal output of the
* subprocess. The stream obtains data piped from the standard
* output of the process represented by this {@code Process} object.
* <p>If the standard output of the subprocess has been redirected using
* {@link ProcessBuilder#redirectOutput(Redirect)
* ProcessBuilder.redirectOutput}
* then this method will return a
* <a href="ProcessBuilder.html#redirect-output">null input stream</a>.
* <p>Otherwise, if the standard error of the subprocess has been
* redirected using
* {@link ProcessBuilder#redirectErrorStream(boolean)
* ProcessBuilder.redirectErrorStream}
* then the input stream returned by this method will receive the
* merged standard output and the standard error of the subprocess.
* <p>Implementation note: It is a good idea for the returned
* input stream to be buffered.
* @return the input stream connected to the normal output of the
* subprocess
public abstract InputStream getInputStream();
* Returns the input stream connected to the error output of the
* subprocess. The stream obtains data piped from the error output
* of the process represented by this {@code Process} object.
* <p>If the standard error of the subprocess has been redirected using
* {@link ProcessBuilder#redirectError(Redirect)
* ProcessBuilder.redirectError} or
* {@link ProcessBuilder#redirectErrorStream(boolean)
* ProcessBuilder.redirectErrorStream}
* then this method will return a
* <a href="ProcessBuilder.html#redirect-output">null input stream</a>.
* <p>Implementation note: It is a good idea for the returned
* input stream to be buffered.
* @return the input stream connected to the error output of
* the subprocess
public abstract InputStream getErrorStream();
* Causes the current thread to wait, if necessary, until the
* process represented by this {@code Process} object has
* terminated. This method returns immediately if the subprocess
* has already terminated. If the subprocess has not yet
* terminated, the calling thread will be blocked until the
* subprocess exits.
* @return the exit value of the subprocess represented by this
* {@code Process} object. By convention, the value
* {@code 0} indicates normal termination.
* @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is
* {@linkplain Thread#interrupt() interrupted} by another
* thread while it is waiting, then the wait is ended and
* an {@link InterruptedException} is thrown.
public abstract int waitFor() throws InterruptedException;
* Causes the current thread to wait, if necessary, until the
* subprocess represented by this {@code Process} object has
* terminated, or the specified waiting time elapses.
* <p>If the subprocess has already terminated then this method returns
* immediately with the value {@code true}. If the process has not
* terminated and the timeout value is less than, or equal to, zero, then
* this method returns immediately with the value {@code false}.
* <p>The default implementation of this methods polls the {@code exitValue}
* to check if the process has terminated. Concrete implementations of this
* class are strongly encouraged to override this method with a more
* efficient implementation.
* @param timeout the maximum time to wait
* @param unit the time unit of the {@code timeout} argument
* @return {@code true} if the subprocess has exited and {@code false} if
* the waiting time elapsed before the subprocess has exited.
* @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted
* while waiting.
* @throws NullPointerException if unit is null
* @since 1.8
public boolean waitFor(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)()
* Returns the exit value for the subprocess.
* @return the exit value of the subprocess represented by this
* {@code Process} object. By convention, the value
* {@code 0} indicates normal termination.
* @throws IllegalThreadStateException if the subprocess represented
* by this {@code Process} object has not yet terminated
public abstract int exitValue();
* Kills the subprocess. Whether the subprocess represented by this
* {@codeProcess} object is forcibly terminated or not is
* implementation dependent.
public abstract void destroy();
* Kills the subprocess. The subprocess represented by this
* {@code Process} object is forcibly terminated.
* <p>The default implementation of this method invokes {@link #destroy}
* and so may not forcibly terminate the process. Concrete implementations
* of this class are strongly encouraged to override this method with a
* compliant implementation. Invoking this method on {@code Process}
* objects returned by {@link ProcessBuilder#start} and
* {@link Runtime#exec} will forcibly terminate the process.
* <p>Note: The subprocess may not terminate immediately.
* i.e. {@code isAlive()} may return true for a brief period
* after {@code destroyForcibly()} is called. This method
* may be chained to {@code waitFor()} if needed.
* @return the {@code Process} object representing the
* subprocess to be forcibly destroyed.
* @since 1.8
public Process destroyForcibly(){}
* Tests whether the subprocess represented by this {@code Process} is
* alive.
* @return {@code true} if the subprocess represented by this
* {@code Process} object has not yet terminated.
* @since 1.8
public boolean isAlive(){}