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Links to Python Information in Chinese. ISO 639-1 Code: zh There are some groundrules, some laid down by the site admins, some my suggestions: 1) Pages must be named in ASCII and English (PolishLanguage) 2) Pages must have an explanation in English at the top (Links to Python information in中文
Books and Reviews
- Lovely Python Cover
- Python book reviews, translated into Chinese. The English originals were written by David Mertz.
- Lovely Python book by Chinese users group
- Wesley Chun’s Core Python Programming is now available in Chinese! (China Machine Press, August 2001, 518 pp.)
- Dive Into Python - a free Python tutorial for experienced programmers, has been translated into Chinese by limodou.
- Python开发者网络 - Python Developer Network
- Python Chinese Forum and Mailing List
- PyTUG newsgroup - Google Groups
- Python Taiwan Forum
- Plone技术论坛 Python技术资料
- OBJCC Python技术社区
- cswang - blog with how-to’s and tutorials
- hanyh.javaeye - miscellaneous topics + code samples
- reiase198x.freebsdhost - Cython wrapper
- wotupset - cxfreeze - Python 3.1 -> .exe
- littleq - eval and operator hackery
- leftsnb - miscellaneous code
- aaz - PyQt
- Urner code snippet - gb18030 encode/decode after Pilgrim - Dive into Python 3
- gotandroid
- moskyat - intro to objects and methods
- reddit comment by liaohaohui - Tkinter in Python 3 with Chinese identifiers
- tzangms - django south database migration
- fcamel - narrative about testing and Python
- lauct - links to introduction to Python and datatypes in Chinese
- yehrayhey - plurk api code snippet
- yehrayhey - ctypes code
- falldog7 - nice collection of code snippets
- anemospring - Enlightenment code snippet
- globlalala - various topics (Unicode, twisted) - some code
- roodo - code to translate using microsoft.translator
- lauct - source code encodings
- igentle11 - lp-for-python - netbeans with screenshots
- hychen - binascii code snippet
- roto - iterating over list code snippet
- miloblogger - maya
- kenbe - some code
- jeffean - packaging and install (command line)
- 52xenos - Python blog - code
- yinfupig - simple command line hello world type script
- bluescorpio forum - os.path code and discussion
- handaoliang - Python for S60 - code snippet and install instructions
- wentrue - Python blog, some R
- 51cto - pydev, trac install
- methodmissing - urllib2 - code
- maincoolbo.javaeye - reportlab, platypus code
- blind - looks like translation of some database and miscellaneous code from Mark Pilgrim
- blind - win32com
- blind - dictionaries
- blind - using python from java (java code)
- rainsts - utf-8 in C and Python
- snail.comsing - Study Notes, Intro
- pro-share - comments and quoted strings
- alextu - intro
- cnblogs.shanyou - IronPython
- snail.comsing - django学习笔记——进阶——模型
- jenny_ming - Hello World
- globlalala - code naming conventions
- ossxp - sequence types
- roba.rushcj - dynamic typing with code
- hwhuang.javaeye - if else blocks
- wrsuifeng.javaeye - Qt
- everydayquest - another-light-weight-web-framework/Flask
- pylife - code snippets
- 52xenos - python-tips-regular-expression.html]] - python-tips-regular-expression
- ice-huli - matplot-python
- 52xenos - geometry
- elleryq - PIL
- jingweisun - factory function snippet
- qheroq - 現在我們再把焦點拉回大量文本的計算方法(就像1.1),在開始進行前,希望你對之前兩節談到的一些基本指令與資料結構有所瞭解,而且也可以預測執行了程式後Python直譯器會有什麼反映:
- shevc07 - snippet