title: 100 Helpful Python Tipssubtitle: 100 Helpful Python Tips
date: 2020-06-28
author: NSX
catalog: true
- Python
- Python Tips


  • 问题1:
  • 问题1
  • 问题1



  1. x = 1
  2. y = 2
  3. l = [x, y]
  4. x += 5
  5. a = [1]
  6. b = [2]
  7. s = [a, b]
  8. a.append(5)





  1. def f(x, s=set()):
  2. s.add(x)
  3. print(s)

What will happen if you call:

  1. >>f(7)
  2. >>f(6, {4, 5})
  3. >>f(2)




  1. def f():
  2. l = [1]
  3. def inner(x):
  4. l.append(x)
  5. return l
  6. return inner
  7. def g():
  8. y = 1
  9. def inner(x):
  10. y += x
  11. return y
  12. return inner
  13. def h():
  14. l = [1]
  15. def inner(x):
  16. l += [x]
  17. return l
  18. return inner


  1. >>f_inner = f()
  2. >>print(f_inner(2))
  3. >>g_inner = g()
  4. >>print(g_inner(2))
  5. >>h_inner = h()
  6. >>print(h_inner(2))



Difference between zip(list) and zip(*list)

  1. p = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
  2. >>>d=zip(p)
  3. >>>list(d)
  4. [([1, 2, 3],), ([4, 5, 6],)]
  5. >>>d=zip(*p)
  6. >>>list(d)
  7. [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]


zip wants a bunch of arguments to zip together, but what you have is a single argument (a list, whose elements are also lists). The * in a function call “unpacks” a list (or other iterable), making each of its elements a separate argument. So without the *, you’re doing zip( [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] ). With the *, you’re doing zip([1,2,3], [4,5,6]).


  1. >>print(l)
  2. [1, 2]
  3. >>print(s)
  4. [[1, 5], [2]]


如果对象是可变的a,则a.append(5)更改原始对象,因此列表s 的输出变了!


  1. >>f(7)
  2. {7}
  3. >>f(6, {4, 5})
  4. {4, 5, 6}
  5. >>f(2)
  6. {2, 7}

前两个输出是完全有意义的:首先将的值7添加到默认的空集结果中{7},然后将的值6添加到{4, 5}结果集中{4, 5, 6}

但是随后发生了一件奇怪的事情:的值2不是添加到默认的空集,而是添加到的集{7}。为什么?可选参数s的默认值仅被评估一次-仅在第一次调用期间s将被初始化为空集。因为在调用后s可变的f(7)所以对其进行了修改。第二个调用f(6, {4, 5})不会影响默认参数-提供的设置将其{4, 5}隐藏,换句话说,它{4, 5}是一个不同的变量。第三次调用f(2)使用的s变量与第一次调用中使用的变量相同,但不会将s重新初始化为空集,而是使用s的先前值{7}

这就是为什么 你不应该使用可变的默认参数。在这种情况下,应按以下方式修改功能:

  1. def f(x, s=None):
  2. if s is None:
  3. s = set()
  4. s.add(x)
  5. print(s)


  1. >>f_inner = f()
  2. >>print(f_inner(2))
  3. [1, 2]
  4. >>g_inner = g()
  5. >>print(g_inner(2))
  6. UnboundLocalError: local variable y referenced before assignment
  7. >>h_inner = h()
  8. >>print(h_inner(2))
  9. UnboundLocalError: local variable l referenced before assignment

In this problem we deal with closures — the fact that inner functions remember how their enclosing namespaces looked at the time of definition.

So what is happening? If you compared just the behavior of the first two functions, you could think that once again the difference has to do with l being a mutable list and x being an immutable string.

Looking at the example with the function h shows that there is something else to it. Here just like in the function f we are trying to alter a mutable list, but this time we fail. You would think that operations l.extend([x]) andl += [x] are equivalent, but in fact there is a subtle difference between them: behind the scenes l.extend will cause compiler to call LOAD_DEREF instruction which will load the non-local list l (and then the list will be modified), while with l += [x] the compiler will call LOAD_FAST which looks for the variable l to in the local scope of the inner function and therefore fails.





3. Get n largest or n smallest elements in a list using the module heapq

  1. import heapq
  2. scores = [51, 33, 64, 87, 91, 75, 15, 49, 33, 82]
  3. print(heapq.nlargest(3, scores)) # [91, 87, 82]
  4. print(heapq.nsmallest(5, scores)) # [15, 33, 33, 49, 51]

4. Pass values from a list as method arguments

We can extract all elements of a list using “*”:

  1. my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]print(my_list) # [1, 2, 3, 4]
  2. print(*my_list) # 1 2 3 4

This can be helpful in situations where we want to pass all elements of a list as method arguments:

  1. def sum_of_elements(*arg):
  2. total = 0
  3. for i in arg:
  4. total += i
  5. return total
  6. result = sum_of_elements(*[1, 2, 3, 4])
  7. print(result) # 10


Can you solve these 3 (seemingly) easy Python problems?