via The Difference Between AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning? | NVIDIA Blog
Nvidia 博客上的这张图很好表示了 AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning 三者的关系。人工智能是一类非常广泛的问题,机器学习是其中一个重要领域和手段,深度学习则是机器学习的一个分支。在很多人工智能问题上,深度学习的方法突破了传统机器学习的瓶颈,因而影响力迅速扩大。
00 试着翻出一些机器学习相对权威的定义,看看它们有什么共同点:
Definition | Translation | Source | Key words |
The field of machine learning is concerned with the question of how to construct computer programs that automatically improve with experience. | 机器学习聚焦于一个问题:如何构建随着经验而自动改进的计算机程序。 | Tom Mitchell in Machine Learning | 会自我改进的程序 |
Vast amounts of data are being generated in many fields, and the statisticians’s job is to make sense of it all: to extract important patterns and trends, and to understand “what the data says”. We call this learning from data. | 从数据中提取重要的模式和规律/趋势 | The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction | 模式提取 |
Pattern recognition has its origins in engineering, whereas machine learning grew out of computer science. However, these activities can be viewed as two facets of the same field… | 模式识别和机器学习是一体两面 | Bishop in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning | 模式识别 |
Machine Learning is the training of a model from data that generalizes a decision against a performance measure. | 机器学习是通过用于决策的数据去训练模型,并达到某些运行标准 | Jason Brownlee in What is Machine Learning: A Tour of Authoritative Definitions and a Handy One-Liner You Can Use |
通过数据训练模型 |
- 监督学习:给出定义好的标签,程序「学习」标签和数据之间的映射关系
- 非监督学习:没有标签的数据集
- 强化学习:达到目标会有正向反馈
- Classification 分类,如垃圾邮件识别(detection, ranking)
- Regression 回归,例如股市预测
- Clustering 聚类,如 iPhoto 按人分组
- Rule Extraction 规则提取,如数据挖掘
比如垃圾邮件识别的问题,做法是先从每一封邮件中抽取出对识别结果可能有影响的因素(称为特征 feature),比如发件地址、邮件标题、收件人数量等等。然后使用算法去训练数据中每个特征和预测结果的相关度,最终得到可以预测结果的特征。