

工具 | MCScanX - 图1

工具 | MCScanX - 图2


  1. # module load GCCcore/13.2.0
  2. # module spider Java/17.0.6
  3. git clone https://github.com/wyp1125/MCScanX
  4. cd MCScanx
  5. make
  6. export PATH=$PATH:/proj/nobackup/hpc2nstor2024-021/shwzhao/bin/software/MCScanX


  1. MCScanX -h
  2. ## [Usage] ./MCScanX prefix_fn [options]
  4. ## (default: 50)
  5. ## -g GAP_PENALTY, gap penalty (default: -1)
  6. ## -s MATCH_SIZE, number of genes required to call a collinear block
  7. ## (default: 5)
  8. ## -e E_VALUE, alignment significance (default: 1e-05)
  9. ## -m MAX_GAPS, maximum gaps allowed (default: 25)
  10. ## -w OVERLAP_WINDOW, maximum distance (# of genes) to collapse BLAST matches (default: 5)
  11. ## -a only builds the pairwise blocks (.collinearity file)
  12. ## -b patterns of collinear blocks. 0:intra- and inter-species (default); 1:intra-species; 2:inter-species
  13. ## -h print this help page
  • -k: MATCH_SCORE,匹配得分。[50]


  • -g: GAP_PENALTY,Gap 罚分。[-1]

对于一个共线性基因对,其 final_score 定义为 MATCH_SCORE + NUM_GAPS · GAP_PENALTY。对于一个报告的共线性区块,通过将其所有共线性基因对的 final scores 相加生成总得分。因此,为了提供更宽松的共线性基因比对,可以将 GAP_PENALTY 调整为比默认值(即 -1)更小的绝对值(例如 -0.5)。

  • -s: MATCH_SIZE,匹配大小。[5]

表示推断一个共线性区块所需的基因数量。增加 MATCH_SIZE 会减少检测到的共线性区块数量。对于小型基因组,可以将此选项调到比默认值更小的值(例如 4)。

  • -e: E-value,表示共线性区块基因比对的统计阈值。[1e-05]

增加此值会导致检测到更多的共线性区块,而减少此值会导致检测到更少的共线性区块。CUTOFF_score 定义为 MATCH_SIZE * MATCH_SCORE。如果一个共线性区块的得分未超过 CUTOFF_score,则不会被报告。

  • -m: MAX_GAPS,指定允许连接下一个共线性基因对的最大间隙。[25]

如果遇到的间隙超过 MAX_GAPS,则共线性区块将停止扩展。

  • -w: OVERLAP_WINDOW,。[5]
  • -a:
  • -b: 共线性块模式。[0]

0: 物种内和物种间;1: 物种内;2: 物种间。

  • -h: 显示帮助信息。



  1. Arabidopsis thaliana 5 GCA_000001735.2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/datasets/genome/GCF_000001735.4/ at
  2. Arabidopsis suecica 13 GCA_019202805.1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/datasets/genome/GCA_019202805.1/ as
  3. Arabidopsis arenosa 8 GCA_905216605.1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/datasets/genome/GCA_905216605.1/ aa
  4. Thlaspi arvense 7 GCA_911865555.2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/datasets/genome/GCA_911865555.2/ ta
  5. Brassica oleracea var.oleracea 9 GCA_000695525.1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/datasets/genome/GCF_000695525.1/ bo
  6. Brassica carinata 17 GCA_016771965.1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/datasets/genome/GCA_016771965.1/ bc
  1. # Arabidopsis_thaliana
  2. wget -c https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCF/000/001/735/GCF_000001735.4_TAIR10.1/GCF_000001735.4_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff.gz -O Arabidopsis_thaliana.gff.gz
  3. wget -c https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCF/000/001/735/GCF_000001735.4_TAIR10.1/GCF_000001735.4_TAIR10.1_protein.faa.gz -O Arabidopsis_thaliana.pep.fa.gz
  4. # Arabidopsis_suecica
  5. wget -c https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/019/202/805/GCA_019202805.1_ASM1920280v1/GCA_019202805.1_ASM1920280v1_genomic.gff.gz -O Arabidopsis_suecica.gff.gz
  6. wget -c https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/019/202/805/GCA_019202805.1_ASM1920280v1/GCA_019202805.1_ASM1920280v1_protein.faa.gz -O Arabidopsis_suecica.pep.fa.gz
  7. gunzip *.gz


blastp 比对

  1. # module load GCC/12.3.0
  2. # module load OpenMPI/4.1.5
  3. # module load BLAST+/2.14.1
  4. cat Arabidopsis_thaliana.pep.fa Arabidopsis_suecica.pep.fa > all.pep.fa
  5. makeblastdb -in all.pep.fa -dbtype prot -parse_seqids -out all
  6. blastp -query all.pep.fa -db Artha -outfmt 6 -out "all.blastp_all.tab" -num_threads 20 -evalue 1e-10
  1. blastp \
  2. -db ncbiDB/species1 \
  3. -query ncbi/species2.fa \
  4. -evalue 1e-10 \
  5. -num_alignments 5 \
  6. -outfmt 6 \
  7. -out intermediateData/species1-2.blast

对于每一对基因组,调整 query 和 target 基因组,再进行第二次运行。


  1. 800 //plot width and height (in pixels)
  2. at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,aa1,aa2,aa3,aa4,aa5 //chromosomes in the circle
  1. java dual_synteny_plotter -g .gff -s .collinearity -c .ctl -o _synteny.png
  2. java dot_plotter -g.gff -s .collinearity -c .ctl -o _dot.png
  3. java circle_plotter -g .gff -s .collinearity -c .ctl -o _circle.png
  4. java bar_plotter -g .gff -s .collinearity -c .ctl -o _bar.png
  1. perl add_Ka_and_Ks_to_collinearity_Yn00.pl \
  2. -i sp.collinearity \
  3. -d sp.cds \
  4. -o sp.KaKs
  1. ./duplicate_gene_classifier data/at
  2. perl MCScanX-transposed.pl -i dir -t target_species -c outgroup1,outgroup2,…,outgroupN -x 2 -o outputDir
  3. perl detect_colinearity_within_gene_families.pl -i gene.family -d .collinearity -o collinearity_within_gene_families
  4. java family_circle_plotter -g .gff -s .collinearity -c family.ctl -f gene.family -o gene_family_circle_plot.png
  5. java family_tree_plotter -t family.tree -s .collinearity -d .tandem -x 400 -y 1100 -f 10 -o family_treePlot.png


  1. https://github.com/wyp1125/MCScanX
  2. Detection of colinear blocks and synteny and evolutionary analyses based on utilization of MCScanX
  3. 基因组分析 | 基于 MCScanX 的共线区块检测和进化分析
conda create -n comparative_genomics
conda activate comparative_genomics