1. 介绍

MAFFT (Multiple Alignment using Fast Fourier Transform) is a high speed multiple sequence alignment program.



2. 使用

  1. mafft --help
  2. ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. ## MAFFT v7.525 (2024/Mar/13)
  4. ## https://mafft.cbrc.jp/alignment/software/
  5. ## MBE 30:772-780 (2013), NAR 30:3059-3066 (2002)
  6. ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. ## High speed:
  8. ## % mafft in > out
  9. ## % mafft --retree 1 in > out (fast)
  10. ##
  11. ## High accuracy (for <~200 sequences x <~2,000 aa/nt):
  12. ## % mafft --maxiterate 1000 --localpair in > out (% linsi in > out is also ok)
  13. ## % mafft --maxiterate 1000 --genafpair in > out (% einsi in > out)
  14. ## % mafft --maxiterate 1000 --globalpair in > out (% ginsi in > out)
  15. ##
  16. ## If unsure which option to use:
  17. ## % mafft --auto in > out
  18. ##
  19. ## --op # : Gap opening penalty, default: 1.53
  20. ## --ep # : Offset (works like gap extension penalty), default: 0.0
  21. ## --maxiterate # : Maximum number of iterative refinement, default: 0
  22. ## --clustalout : Output: clustal format, default: fasta
  23. ## --reorder : Outorder: aligned, default: input order
  24. ## --quiet : Do not report progress
  25. ## --thread # : Number of threads (if unsure, --thread -1)
  26. ## --dash : Add structural information (Rozewicki et al, submitted)
