
  • QC and filtering of cells(细胞水平的QC和过滤)
  • QC and filtering of features (genes)(基因水平的QC和过滤)
  • QC of experimental variables(实验变量的QC)


  1. library(scater)
  2. data("sc_example_counts")
  3. data("sc_example_cell_info")
  4. example_sce <- SingleCellExperiment(
  5. assays = list(counts = sc_example_counts),
  6. colData = sc_example_cell_info
  7. )
  8. example_sce
  9. ## class: SingleCellExperiment
  10. ## dim: 2000 40
  11. ## metadata(0):
  12. ## assays(1): counts
  13. ## rownames(2000): Gene_0001 Gene_0002 ... Gene_1999 Gene_2000
  14. ## rowData names(0):
  15. ## colnames(40): Cell_001 Cell_002 ... Cell_039 Cell_040
  16. ## colData names(4): Cell Mutation_Status Cell_Cycle Treatment
  17. ## reducedDimNames(0):
  18. ## spikeNames(0):

计算QC metrics

scater使用calculateQCMetrics函数计算QC metrics,它可以对细胞和基因进行一系列的数据质量控制,其结果分别存储在colData和rowData中。默认情况下,calculateQCMetrics函数使用原始的count值计算这些QC metrics,也可以通过exprs_values参数进行修改。

  1. # 使用calculateQCMetrics函数计算QC metrics
  2. example_sce <- calculateQCMetrics(example_sce)
  3. # 查看细胞水平的QC metrics
  4. colnames(colData(example_sce))
  5. [1] "Cell" "Mutation_Status"
  6. [3] "Cell_Cycle" "Treatment"
  7. [5] "is_cell_control" "total_features_by_counts"
  8. [7] "log10_total_features_by_counts" "total_counts"
  9. [9] "log10_total_counts" "pct_counts_in_top_50_features"
  10. [11] "pct_counts_in_top_100_features" "pct_counts_in_top_200_features"
  11. [13] "pct_counts_in_top_500_features"
  12. head(colData(example_sce))
  13. DataFrame with 6 rows and 13 columns
  14. Cell Mutation_Status Cell_Cycle Treatment is_cell_control
  15. <character> <character> <character> <character> <logical>
  16. Cell_001 Cell_001 positive S treat1 FALSE
  17. Cell_002 Cell_002 positive G0 treat1 FALSE
  18. Cell_003 Cell_003 negative G1 treat1 FALSE
  19. Cell_004 Cell_004 negative S treat1 FALSE
  20. Cell_005 Cell_005 negative G1 treat2 FALSE
  21. Cell_006 Cell_006 negative G0 treat1 FALSE
  22. total_features_by_counts log10_total_features_by_counts
  23. <integer> <numeric>
  24. Cell_001 881 2.94546858513182
  25. Cell_002 624 2.79588001734408
  26. Cell_003 730 2.86391737695786
  27. Cell_004 728 2.86272752831797
  28. Cell_005 667 2.82477646247555
  29. Cell_006 646 2.8109042806687
  30. # 查看基因水平的QC metrics
  31. colnames(rowData(example_sce))
  32. [1] "is_feature_control" "mean_counts" "log10_mean_counts"
  33. [4] "n_cells_by_counts" "pct_dropout_by_counts" "total_counts"
  34. [7] "log10_total_counts"
  35. head(rowData(example_sce))
  36. DataFrame with 6 rows and 7 columns
  37. is_feature_control mean_counts log10_mean_counts n_cells_by_counts
  38. <logical> <numeric> <numeric> <integer>
  39. Gene_0001 FALSE 252.25 2.40354945403232 17
  40. Gene_0002 FALSE 366.05 2.56472522840747 27
  41. Gene_0003 FALSE 191.65 2.28476901334902 13
  42. Gene_0004 FALSE 178.35 2.25370138101199 21
  43. Gene_0005 FALSE 0.975 0.295567099962479 13
  44. Gene_0006 FALSE 185.225 2.27003798294626 16
  45. pct_dropout_by_counts total_counts log10_total_counts
  46. <numeric> <integer> <numeric>
  47. Gene_0001 57.5 10090 4.00393420617371
  48. Gene_0002 32.5 14642 4.16563006237618
  49. Gene_0003 67.5 7666 3.88462546325623
  50. Gene_0004 47.5 7134 3.85339397745067
  51. Gene_0005 67.5 39 1.60205999132796
  52. Gene_0006 60 7409 3.86981820797933

当然,我们也可以设置一些参照(如ERCC spike-in,线粒体基因,死亡的细胞等),计算其相应的QC metrics进行质量控制。

  1. example_sce <- calculateQCMetrics(example_sce,
  2. feature_controls = list(ERCC = 1:20, mito = 500:1000),
  3. cell_controls = list(empty = 1:5, damaged = 31:40))
  4. all_col_qc <- colnames(colData(example_sce))
  5. all_col_qc <- all_col_qc[grep("ERCC", all_col_qc)]
  6. all_col_qc
  7. [1] "total_features_by_counts_ERCC"
  8. [2] "log10_total_features_by_counts_ERCC"
  9. [3] "total_counts_ERCC"
  10. [4] "log10_total_counts_ERCC"
  11. [5] "pct_counts_ERCC"
  12. [6] "pct_counts_in_top_50_features_ERCC"
  13. [7] "pct_counts_in_top_100_features_ERCC"
  14. [8] "pct_counts_in_top_200_features_ERCC"
  15. [9] "pct_counts_in_top_500_features_ERCC"

细胞水平的QC metrics

  • total_counts: total number of counts for the cell (i.e., the library size).
  • total_features_by_counts: the number of features for the cell that have counts above the detection limit (default of zero).
  • pct_counts_X: percentage of all counts that come from the feature control set named X.

基因水平的QC metrics

  • mean_counts: the mean count of the gene/feature.
  • pct_dropout_by_counts: the percentage of cells with counts of zero for each gene.
  • pct_counts_Y: percentage of all counts that come from the cell control set named Y.


Examining the most expressed features


  1. plotHighestExprs(example_sce, exprs_values = "counts")

使用scater包进行单细胞测序分析(二):数据质量控制 - 图1

Frequency of expression as a function of the mean


  1. plotExprsFreqVsMean(example_sce)

使用scater包进行单细胞测序分析(二):数据质量控制 - 图2


Percentage of counts assigned to feature controls

对于细胞水平上的质控,我们可以查看参照基因(feature controls)的表达量比上总基因表达量的百分比,如果一个基因在总基因表达量上的比例多,而在参照基因(如ERCC)里少,就是正常的细胞,反之则不正常。

  1. plotColData(example_sce, x = "total_features_by_counts",
  2. y = "pct_counts_feature_control", colour = "Mutation_Status") +
  3. theme(legend.position = "top") +
  4. stat_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, size = 2, fullrange = TRUE)

使用scater包进行单细胞测序分析(二):数据质量控制 - 图3

Cumulative expression plot

plotScater函数会从表达量最高的基因(默认为500个)中选一部分,然后从高到低累加,看看它们对每个细胞文库的贡献值大小。这种类型的图类似于对芯片数据或bulk RNA-seq数据中按样本绘制箱线图可视化不同样本的表达分布差异。累积表达图更适用于单细胞数据,因为单细胞数据难以一次性查看所有细胞的表达分布的箱形图。

  1. plotScater(example_sce, block1 = "Mutation_Status", block2 = "Treatment",
  2. colour_by = "Cell_Cycle", nfeatures = 300, exprs_values = "counts")

使用scater包进行单细胞测序分析(二):数据质量控制 - 图4

Plate position plot

For plate-based experiments, it is useful to see how expression or factors vary with the position of cell on the plate. This can be visualized using the plotPlatePosition function:

  1. example_sce2 <- example_sce
  2. example_sce2$plate_position <- paste0(
  3. rep(LETTERS[1:5], each = 8),
  4. rep(formatC(1:8, width = 2, flag = "0"), 5)
  5. )
  6. plotPlatePosition(example_sce2, colour_by = "Gene_0001",
  7. by_exprs_values = "counts")

使用scater包进行单细胞测序分析(二):数据质量控制 - 图5

Other quality control plots


  1. plotRowData(example_sce, x = "n_cells_by_counts", y = "mean_counts")

使用scater包进行单细胞测序分析(二):数据质量控制 - 图6

The multiplot function also allows multiple plots to be generated on the same page, as demonstrated below.

  1. p1 <- plotColData(example_sce, x = "total_counts",
  2. y = "total_features_by_counts")
  3. p2 <- plotColData(example_sce, x = "pct_counts_feature_control",
  4. y = "total_features_by_counts")
  5. p3 <- plotColData(example_sce, x = "pct_counts_feature_control",
  6. y = "pct_counts_in_top_50_features")
  7. multiplot(p1, p2, p3, cols = 3)

使用scater包进行单细胞测序分析(二):数据质量控制 - 图7

This is especially useful for side-by-side comparisons between control sets, as demonstrated below for the plot of highest-expressing features. A plot for non-control cells is shown on the left while the plot for the controls is shown on the right.

  1. p1 <- plotHighestExprs(example_sce[, !example_sce$is_cell_control])
  2. p2 <- plotHighestExprs(example_sce[, example_sce$is_cell_control])
  3. multiplot(p1, p2, cols = 2)

使用scater包进行单细胞测序分析(二):数据质量控制 - 图8




  1. # 选取前40个细胞
  2. example_sce <- example_sce[,1:40]


  1. filter(example_sce, Treatment == "treat1")
  2. ## class: SingleCellExperiment
  3. ## dim: 2000 27
  4. ## metadata(0):
  5. ## assays(1): counts
  6. ## rownames(2000): Gene_0001 Gene_0002 ... Gene_1999 Gene_2000
  7. ## rowData names(37): is_feature_control is_feature_control_ERCC ...
  8. ## log10_total_counts_damaged pct_counts_damaged
  9. ## colnames(27): Cell_001 Cell_002 ... Cell_037 Cell_039
  10. ## colData names(51): Cell Mutation_Status ...
  11. ## pct_counts_in_top_200_features_mito
  12. ## pct_counts_in_top_500_features_mito
  13. ## reducedDimNames(0):
  14. ## spikeNames(0):

根据QC metrics设定阈值筛选高质量的细胞,这里我们选取那些总counts数大于100,000,表达的基因数大于500的细胞。

  1. # 选取总counts数大于100,000的
  2. <- example_sce$total_counts > 1e5
  3. # 选取表达的基因数大于500的
  4. keep.n <- example_sce$total_features_by_counts > 500
  5. # 根据设定的条件进行过滤
  6. filtered <- example_sce[, & keep.n]
  7. dim(filtered)
  8. ## [1] 2000 37

我们还可以通过isOutlier函数计算筛选的阈值,它将阈值定义为距离中位数一定数量的“中位数绝对偏差(MAD)”。超出此阈值的值被认为是异常值,可以假定它们是一些低质量的细胞,而将其过滤掉。这里我们选取那些log(total counts)值小于3倍MAD值的细胞作为outliers。

  1. <- isOutlier(example_sce$total_counts, nmads=3,
  2. type="lower", log=TRUE)
  3. filtered <- example_sce[,]



  1. keep_feature <- nexprs(example_sce, byrow=TRUE) >= 4
  2. example_sce <- example_sce[keep_feature,]
  3. dim(example_sce)
  4. ## [1] 1753 40


Relationships between experimental factors and expression


  1. # 先对基因的表达进行归一化处理
  2. example_sce <- normalize(example_sce)
  3. plotExplanatoryVariables(example_sce)

使用scater包进行单细胞测序分析(二):数据质量控制 - 图9


  1. plotExplanatoryVariables(example_sce,
  2. variables = c("total_features_by_counts", "total_counts",
  3. "Mutation_Status", "Treatment", "Cell_Cycle"))

使用scater包进行单细胞测序分析(二):数据质量控制 - 图10


Removing technical biases 去除技术偏差

Scaling normalization 数据归一化处理

缩放归一化(Scaling normalization)可以消除细胞特异性偏差,其使特定细胞中所有基因的表达增加或减少,例如测序的覆盖率或捕获效率。
进行缩放归一化的最简便方法是根据所有细胞的缩放文库大小定义size factors,使得平均size factor等于1,确保归一化后的值与原始count值的范围相同。

  1. # 使用librarySizeFactors函数计算细胞文库size factors
  2. sizeFactors(example_sce) <- librarySizeFactors(example_sce)
  3. summary(sizeFactors(example_sce))
  4. ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
  5. ## 0.1463 0.6609 0.8112 1.0000 1.2533 2.7356

然后再使用normalize函数计算log转换后的归一化值,并将其存储在“logcounts” Assay中

  1. example_sce <- normalize(example_sce)


Batch correction 校正批次效应


  1. Rlibrary(limma)
  2. batch <- rep(1:2, each=20)
  3. # 使用removeBatchEffect函数去除批次效应
  4. corrected <- removeBatchEffect(logcounts(example_sce), block=batch)
  5. assay(example_sce, "corrected_logcounts") <- corrected


使用scater包进行单细胞测序分析(二):数据质量控制 - 图11
使用scater包进行单细胞测序分析(二):数据质量控制 - 图12