在本教程中,我们将学习使用Signac包进行DNA序列的motif富集分析。Signac包可以使用两种互补的方法进行motif分析:一种是通过在一组差异可及性peaks中找到overrepresented的基序motifs,另一种是在不同细胞组之间执行差异基序活性(motif activity)分析的方法。


  1. if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
  2. install.packages("BiocManager")
  3. BiocManager::install("JASPAR2018")
  4. BiocManager::install("TFBSTools")
  5. library(Signac)
  6. library(Seurat)
  7. library(JASPAR2018)
  8. library(TFBSTools)
  9. library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10)
  10. library(patchwork)
  11. set.seed(1234)


  1. mouse_brain <- readRDS("../vignette_data/adult_mouse_brain.rds")
  2. mouse_brain
  3. ## An object of class Seurat
  4. ## 178653 features across 3503 samples within 2 assays
  5. ## Active assay: peaks (157203 features, 157203 variable features)
  6. ## 1 other assay present: RNA
  7. ## 2 dimensional reductions calculated: lsi, umap
  8. p1 <- DimPlot(mouse_brain, label = TRUE, pt.size = 0.1) + NoLegend()
  9. p1

使用Signac包进行单细胞ATAC-seq数据分析(二):Motif analysis with Signac - 图1



  1. # Get a list of motif position frequency matrices from the JASPAR database
  2. # 使用getMatrixSet函数从JASPAR数据库中提取Motif的PFM矩阵信息
  3. pfm <- getMatrixSet(
  4. x = JASPAR2018,
  5. opts = list(species = 9606, all_versions = FALSE)
  6. )
  7. # Scan the DNA sequence of each peak for the presence of each motif
  8. # 使用CreateMotifMatrix函数构建Motif矩阵对象
  9. motif.matrix <- CreateMotifMatrix(
  10. features = StringToGRanges(rownames(mouse_brain), sep = c(":", "-")),
  11. pwm = pfm,
  12. genome = 'mm10',
  13. sep = c(":", "-"),
  14. use.counts = FALSE
  15. )
  16. # Create a new Mofif object to store the results
  17. # 使用CreateMotifObject函数构建Motif对象
  18. motif <- CreateMotifObject(
  19. data = motif.matrix,
  20. pwm = pfm
  21. )
  22. # Add the Motif object to the assay
  23. # 使用AddMotifObject函数将Motif类添加到Seurat对象中
  24. mouse_brain[['peaks']] <- AddMotifObject(
  25. object = mouse_brain[['peaks']],
  26. motif.object = motif
  27. )


  1. # 使用RegionStats函数计算peaks区域的序列特生
  2. mouse_brain <- RegionStats(
  3. object = mouse_brain,
  4. genome = BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10,
  5. sep = c(":", "-")
  6. )

Finding overrepresented motifs


  1. # 使用FindMarkers函数鉴定差异可及性peaks
  2. da_peaks <- FindMarkers(
  3. object = mouse_brain,
  4. ident.1 = 'Pvalb',
  5. ident.2 = 'Sst',
  6. only.pos = TRUE,
  7. test.use = 'LR',
  8. latent.vars = 'nCount_peaks'
  9. )
  10. # Test the differentially accessible peaks for overrepresented motifs
  11. # 使用FindMotifs函数进行motif富集分析
  12. enriched.motifs <- FindMotifs(
  13. object = mouse_brain,
  14. features = head(rownames(da_peaks), 1000)
  15. )
  16. # 查看motif富集分析的结果
  17. # sort by p-value and fold change
  18. enriched.motifs <- enriched.motifs[order(enriched.motifs[, 7], -enriched.motifs[, 6]), ]
  19. head(enriched.motifs)
  20. ## motif observed background percent.observed percent.background
  21. ## MA0497.1 MA0497.1 431 9019 43.1 22.5475
  22. ## MA1151.1 MA1151.1 226 3227 22.6 8.0675
  23. ## MA0773.1 MA0773.1 304 5421 30.4 13.5525
  24. ## MA0072.1 MA0072.1 218 3160 21.8 7.9000
  25. ## MA0052.3 MA0052.3 315 5844 31.5 14.6100
  26. ## MA1150.1 MA1150.1 211 3108 21.1 7.7700
  27. ## fold.enrichment pvalue motif.name
  28. ## MA0497.1 1.911520 1.549646e-48 MEF2C
  29. ## MA1151.1 2.801363 5.818264e-47 RORC
  30. ## MA0773.1 2.243129 1.365161e-44 MEF2D
  31. ## MA0072.1 2.759494 4.091607e-44 RORA(var.2)
  32. ## MA0052.3 2.156057 6.539737e-43 MEF2A
  33. ## MA1150.1 2.715573 1.600301e-41 RORB


  1. MotifPlot(
  2. object = mouse_brain,
  3. motifs = head(rownames(enriched.motifs))
  4. )

使用Signac包进行单细胞ATAC-seq数据分析(二):Motif analysis with Signac - 图2

Computing motif activities

我们还可以通过运行chromVAR计算每个细胞的基序活性得分(motif activity score),这样我们可以查看每个细胞的motif activities,并且还提供了一种识别细胞类型之间差异激活的基序的替代方法。ChromVAR可识别与细胞之间染色质可及性变异相关的基序,有关该方法的完整说明,请参见chromVAR的说明文档

  1. # 使用RunChromVAR函数计算所有细胞中的motif activities
  2. mouse_brain <- RunChromVAR(
  3. object = mouse_brain,
  4. genome = BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10
  5. )
  6. DefaultAssay(mouse_brain) <- 'chromvar'
  7. # look at the activity of Mef2c, the top hit from the overrepresentation testing
  8. p2 <- FeaturePlot(
  9. object = mouse_brain,
  10. features = rownames(enriched.motifs)[[1]],
  11. min.cutoff = 'q10',
  12. max.cutoff = 'q90',
  13. pt.size = 0.1
  14. )
  15. p1 + p2

使用Signac包进行单细胞ATAC-seq数据分析(二):Motif analysis with Signac - 图3


  1. differential.activity <- FindMarkers(
  2. object = mouse_brain,
  3. ident.1 = 'Pvalb',
  4. ident.2 = 'Sst',
  5. only.pos = TRUE,
  6. test.use = 'LR',
  7. latent.vars = 'nCount_peaks'
  8. )
  9. # 使用MotifPlot函数对富集到的motif进行可视化
  10. MotifPlot(
  11. object = mouse_brain,
  12. motifs = head(rownames(differential.activity)),
  13. assay = 'peaks'
  14. )

使用Signac包进行单细胞ATAC-seq数据分析(二):Motif analysis with Signac - 图4
