使用Cicero包进行单细胞ATAC-seq分析(三):Single-cell accessibility trajectories - 图1

使用Cicero包进行单细胞ATAC-seq分析(三):Single-cell accessibility trajectories - 图2


使用Signac包进行单细胞ATAC-seq数据分析(一):Analyzing PBMC scATAC-seq
使用Signac包进行单细胞ATAC-seq数据分析(二):Motif analysis with Signac
使用Signac包进行单细胞ATAC-seq数据分析(三):scATAC-seq data integration
使用Signac包进行单细胞ATAC-seq数据分析(四):Merging objects
使用Cicero包进行单细胞ATAC-seq分析(一):Cicero introduction and installing
使用Cicero包进行单细胞ATAC-seq分析(二):Constructing cis-regulatory networks



Constructing trajectories with accessibility data


  • Choosing sites that define progress
  • Reducing the dimensionality of the data
  • Ordering cells in pseudotime

Aggregation: the primary method for addressing sparsity

对于单细胞染色质可及性数据的稀疏性,Cicero包处理的主要方法是进行单细胞的聚合(Aggregation)。通过将单个细胞或单个peak的counts进行聚合分组,可以得到一个“consensus”的计数矩阵,从而减少噪声并去除binary regime的影响。在此分组下,我们可以使用二项式分布,或对于足够大的组使用相应的高斯近似分布,来对可及性特定位置的细胞进行建模。


  1. # 加载示例数据集
  2. data("cicero_data")
  3. # 使用make_atac_cds函数将数据转换为CDS对象
  4. input_cds <- make_atac_cds(cicero_data, binarize = TRUE)
  5. # Add some cell meta-data
  6. data("cell_data")
  7. pData(input_cds) <- cbind(pData(input_cds), cell_data[row.names(pData(input_cds)),])
  8. pData(input_cds)$cell <- NULL
  9. # 使用aggregate_nearby_peaks函数进行细胞聚合
  10. agg_cds <- aggregate_nearby_peaks(input_cds, distance = 10000)
  11. agg_cds <- detectGenes(agg_cds)
  12. agg_cds <- estimateSizeFactors(agg_cds)
  13. agg_cds <- estimateDispersions(agg_cds)

Choosing sites that define progress

  • Choose sites by differential analysis (Alternative)

如果我们的数据已定义了起点和终点,则可以通过差异可及性(differential accessibility)分析来筛选用于定义发育轨迹进度的位点(sites)。我们可以使用Monocle中的differentGeneTest函数来筛选查找不同时间点组中的差异位点。

  1. # This takes a few minutes to run
  2. # 使用differentialGeneTest函数进行差异分析
  3. diff_timepoint <- differentialGeneTest(agg_cds,
  4. fullModelFormulaStr="~timepoint + num_genes_expressed")
  5. # We chose a very high q-value cutoff because there are so few sites in the sample dataset, in general a q-value cutoff in the range of 0.01 to 0.1 would be appropriate
  6. # 选择用于细胞排序的显著差异可及性位点
  7. ordering_sites <- row.names(subset(diff_timepoint, qval < 1))
  • Choose sites by dpFeature (Alternative)


  1. plot_pc_variance_explained(agg_cds, return_all = F) #Choose 2 PCs

使用Cicero包进行单细胞ATAC-seq分析(三):Single-cell accessibility trajectories - 图3

  1. # 使用reduceDimension函数进行数据降维
  2. agg_cds <- reduceDimension(agg_cds,
  3. max_components = 2,
  4. norm_method = 'log',
  5. num_dim = 3,
  6. reduction_method = 'tSNE',
  7. verbose = T)
  8. # 使用clusterCells函数进行细胞聚类
  9. agg_cds <- clusterCells(agg_cds, verbose = F)
  10. # 聚类结果可视化
  11. plot_cell_clusters(agg_cds, color_by = 'as.factor(Cluster)')

使用Cicero包进行单细胞ATAC-seq分析(三):Single-cell accessibility trajectories - 图4

  1. # 根据聚类的结果对不同细胞簇之间进行差异分析
  2. clustering_DA_sites <- differentialGeneTest(agg_cds, #Takes a few minutes
  3. fullModelFormulaStr = '~Cluster')
  4. # 选择用于细胞排序的差异可及性位点
  5. ordering_sites <-
  6. row.names(clustering_DA_sites)[order(clustering_DA_sites$qval)][1:1000]

Reduce the dimensionality of the data and order cells


  1. agg_cds <- setOrderingFilter(agg_cds, ordering_sites)


  1. # 使用reduceDimension函数进行数据降维
  2. agg_cds <- reduceDimension(agg_cds, max_components = 2,
  3. residualModelFormulaStr="~as.numeric(num_genes_expressed)",
  4. reduction_method = 'DDRTree')
  5. # 使用orderCells函数对降维后的结果进行细胞排序
  6. agg_cds <- orderCells(agg_cds)
  7. # 使用plot_cell_trajectory函数对细胞排序后的结果进行可视化
  8. # 根据时间点进行着色
  9. plot_cell_trajectory(agg_cds, color_by = "timepoint")

使用Cicero包进行单细胞ATAC-seq分析(三):Single-cell accessibility trajectories - 图5

  1. # 根据细胞状态进行着色
  2. plot_cell_trajectory(agg_cds, color_by = "State")

使用Cicero包进行单细胞ATAC-seq分析(三):Single-cell accessibility trajectories - 图6

从上图中我们可以看出,伪时间应该是从state 4开始的。因此,我们可以对细胞进行重新排序,并将根状态设置为state 4。最后,可以根据伪时间对图进行着色来检查细胞排序的结果是否有意义。

  1. agg_cds <- orderCells(agg_cds, root_state = 4)
  2. plot_cell_trajectory(agg_cds, color_by = "Pseudotime")

使用Cicero包进行单细胞ATAC-seq分析(三):Single-cell accessibility trajectories - 图7


  1. pData(input_cds)$Pseudotime <- pData(agg_cds)[colnames(input_cds),]$Pseudotime
  2. pData(input_cds)$State <- pData(agg_cds)[colnames(input_cds),]$State

Differential Accessibility Analysis


Visualizing accessibility across pseudotime


  1. input_cds_lin <- input_cds[,row.names(subset(pData(input_cds), State != 5))]
  2. plot_accessibility_in_pseudotime(input_cds_lin[c("chr18_38156577_38158261", "chr18_48373358_48374180", "chr18_60457956_60459080")])

使用Cicero包进行单细胞ATAC-seq分析(三):Single-cell accessibility trajectories - 图8

Running differentialGeneTest with single cell chromatin accessibility data


  1. # 根据伪时间值将细胞分成10个类型
  2. pData(input_cds_lin)$cell_subtype <- cut(pData(input_cds_lin)$Pseudotime, 10)
  3. # 使用aggregate_by_cell_bin函数将细胞进行聚合
  4. binned_input_lin <-aggregate_by_cell_bin(input_cds_lin, "cell_subtype")


  1. diff_test_res <- differentialGeneTest(binned_input_lin,
  2. fullModelFormulaStr="~sm.ns(Pseudotime, df=3) + sm.ns(num_genes_expressed, df=3)",
  3. reducedModelFormulaStr="~sm.ns(num_genes_expressed, df=3)", cores=1)

Useful Functions

  • annotate_cds_by_site

将有关peak的其他注释信息添加到CDS对象中通常是很有用的。例如,我们可能想知道哪些peak是与外显子或转录起始位点重叠的。Cicero提供了annotate_cds_by_site函数,该函数使用CDS对象和带有bed格式信息(chromosome, bp1, bp2, further columns)的数据作为输入。

  1. head(fData(input_cds))
  2. # site_name chr bp1 bp2 num_cells_expressed
  3. # chr18_10025_10225 chr18_10025_10225 18 10025 10225 5
  4. # chr18_10603_11103 chr18_10603_11103 18 10603 11103 1
  5. # chr18_11604_13986 chr18_11604_13986 18 11604 13986 9
  6. # chr18_49557_50057 chr18_49557_50057 18 49557 50057 2
  7. # chr18_50240_50740 chr18_50240_50740 18 50240 50740 2
  8. # chr18_104385_104585 chr18_104385_104585 18 104385 104585 1
  9. feat <- data.frame(chr = c("chr18", "chr18", "chr18", "chr18"),
  10. bp1 = c(10000, 10800, 50000, 100000),
  11. bp2 = c(10700, 11000, 60000, 110000),
  12. type = c("Acetylated", "Methylated", "Acetylated", "Methylated"))
  13. head(feat)
  14. # chr bp1 bp2 type
  15. # 1 chr18 10000 10700 Acetylated
  16. # 2 chr18 10800 11000 Methylated
  17. # 3 chr18 50000 60000 Acetylated
  18. # 4 chr18 100000 110000 Methylated
  19. # 使用annotate_cds_by_site函数添加peak注释信息
  20. temp <- annotate_cds_by_site(input_cds, feat)
  21. head(fData(temp))
  22. # site_name chr bp1 bp2 num_cells_expressed overlap type
  23. # chr18_10025_10225 chr18_10025_10225 18 10025 10225 5 201 Acetylated
  24. # chr18_10603_11103 chr18_10603_11103 18 10603 11103 1 201 Methylated
  25. # chr18_11604_13986 chr18_11604_13986 18 11604 13986 9 NA <NA>
  26. # chr18_49557_50057 chr18_49557_50057 18 49557 50057 2 58 Acetylated
  27. # chr18_50240_50740 chr18_50240_50740 18 50240 50740 2 501 Acetylated
  28. # chr18_104385_104585 chr18_104385_104585 18 104385 104585 1 201 Methylated


  1. temp <- annotate_cds_by_site(input_cds, feat, all=TRUE)
  2. head(fData(temp))
  3. # site_name chr bp1 bp2 num_cells_expressed overlap type
  4. # chr18_10025_10225 chr18_10025_10225 18 10025 10225 5 201 Acetylated
  5. # chr18_10603_11103 chr18_10603_11103 18 10603 11103 1 98,201 Acetylated,Methylated
  6. # chr18_11604_13986 chr18_11604_13986 18 11604 13986 9 NA <NA>
  7. # chr18_49557_50057 chr18_49557_50057 18 49557 50057 2 58 Acetylated
  8. # chr18_50240_50740 chr18_50240_50740 18 50240 50740 2 501 Acetylated
  9. # chr18_104385_104585 chr18_104385_104585 18 104385 104585 1 201 Methylated


  • find_overlapping_coordinates


  1. find_overlapping_coordinates(fData(temp)$site_name, "chr18:10,100-10,604")
  2. # [1] "chr18_10025_10225" "chr18_10603_11103"
