Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图2

Monocle2使用反向图嵌入(Reversed Graph Embedding)的机器学习算法,来对单细胞RNA-seq数据进行单细胞发育轨迹推断分析。Monocle2不是通过实验方法将细胞纯化成不同的离散状态,而是使用一种算法来学习每个细胞在动态生物学过程中经历的基因表达变化的顺序。一旦它了解了基因表达变化的整体“轨迹”,Monocle2就可以将每个细胞分配到发育轨迹中的适当位置中。并且,我们还可以使用Monocle2的差异分析工具来查找在发育轨迹过程中受到调控的基因。如果这个发育过程中存在多个分支结果,Monocle2将重建一个“分支”轨迹。这些不同的分支与细胞的“决策”相对应,Monocle2提供了强大的分析工具来识别受它们影响的基因,并参与这些基因的形成。



Trajectory step 1: choose genes that define a cell’s progress(选择用于定义细胞进程的基因)

首先,我们必须选择用哪些基因去用于后续的细胞排序过程,这个过程称为特征选择(feature selection),筛选出的这些基因对后续细胞轨迹的形状有着最重要的影响。因此,我们应该尽可能的选择那些最能反映细胞状态的基因。

  1. # 使用differentialGeneTest函数进行差异分析
  2. diff_test_res <- differentialGeneTest(HSMM_myo[expressed_genes,],
  3. fullModelFormulaStr = "~Media")
  4. # 提取显著的差异表达基因
  5. ordering_genes <- row.names (subset(diff_test_res, qval < 0.01))
  6. # 细胞筛选过滤
  7. HSMM_myo <- setOrderingFilter(HSMM_myo, ordering_genes)
  8. # 筛选结果可视化
  9. plot_ordering_genes(HSMM_myo)

Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图3

Trajectory step 2: reduce data dimensionality(降低数据的维度)


  1. # 使用reduceDimension函数进行数据降维,并指定method = 'DDRTree'参数使用DDRTree方法
  2. HSMM_myo <- reduceDimension(HSMM_myo, max_components = 2,
  3. method = 'DDRTree')

Trajectory step 3: order cells along the trajectory(根据发育轨迹对细胞进行排序)


  1. # 使用orderCells函数进行细胞排序
  2. HSMM_myo <- orderCells(HSMM_myo)
  3. # 使用plot_cell_trajectory函数对排序的细胞进行可视化
  4. plot_cell_trajectory(HSMM_myo, color_by = "Hours")

Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图4

  1. plot_cell_trajectory(HSMM_myo, color_by = "State")

Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图5

  1. GM_state <- function(cds){
  2. if (length(unique(pData(cds)$State)) > 1){
  3. T0_counts <- table(pData(cds)$State, pData(cds)$Hours)[,"0"]
  4. return(as.numeric(names(T0_counts)[which
  5. (T0_counts == max(T0_counts))]))
  6. } else {
  7. return (1)
  8. }
  9. }
  10. # 使用root_state参数指定起点
  11. HSMM_myo <- orderCells(HSMM_myo, root_state = GM_state(HSMM_myo))
  12. # 根据伪时间对细胞进行着色
  13. plot_cell_trajectory(HSMM_myo, color_by = "Pseudotime")

Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图6

  1. # 根据细胞的状态进行分面展示
  2. plot_cell_trajectory(HSMM_myo, color_by = "State") +
  3. facet_wrap(~State, nrow = 1)

Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图7


  1. # 选择marker基因
  2. blast_genes <- row.names(subset(fData(HSMM_myo),
  3. gene_short_name %in% c("CCNB2", "MYOD1", "MYOG")))
  4. # 使用plot_genes_jitter函数可视化marker基因的表达
  5. plot_genes_jitter(HSMM_myo[blast_genes,],
  6. grouping = "State",
  7. min_expr = 0.1)

Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图8


  1. HSMM_expressed_genes <- row.names(subset(fData(HSMM_myo),
  2. num_cells_expressed >= 10))
  3. HSMM_filtered <- HSMM_myo[HSMM_expressed_genes,]
  4. # 筛选marker基因
  5. my_genes <- row.names(subset(fData(HSMM_filtered),
  6. gene_short_name %in% c("CDK1", "MEF2C", "MYH3")))
  7. cds_subset <- HSMM_filtered[my_genes,]
  8. # 使用plot_genes_in_pseudotime函数可视化marker基因的表达
  9. plot_genes_in_pseudotime(cds_subset, color_by = "Hours")

Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图9

Alternative choices for ordering genes

Ordering based on genes that differ between clusters


  1. HSMM_myo <- detectGenes(HSMM_myo, min_expr = 0.1)
  2. fData(HSMM_myo)$use_for_ordering <- fData(HSMM_myo)$num_cells_expressed > 0.05 * ncol(HSMM_myo)


  1. plot_pc_variance_explained(HSMM_myo, return_all = F)

Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图10


  1. # 使用reduceDimension函数进行数据降维
  2. HSMM_myo <- reduceDimension(HSMM_myo,
  3. max_components = 2,
  4. norm_method = 'log',
  5. num_dim = 3,
  6. reduction_method = 'tSNE',
  7. verbose = T)
  8. # 使用clusterCells函数对细胞进行聚类分群
  9. HSMM_myo <- clusterCells(HSMM_myo, verbose = F)
  10. # 使用plot_cell_clusters函数对聚类后的结果进行可视化
  11. plot_cell_clusters(HSMM_myo, color_by = 'as.factor(Cluster)')
  12. plot_cell_clusters(HSMM_myo, color_by = 'as.factor(Hours)')

Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图11

After we confirm the clustering makes sense, we can then perform differential gene expression test as a way to extract the genes that distinguish them.

  1. # 使用differentialGeneTest函数进行差异表达分析
  2. clustering_DEG_genes <- differentialGeneTest(HSMM_myo[HSMM_expressed_genes,],
  3. fullModelFormulaStr = '~Cluster',
  4. cores = 1)

We will then select the top 1000 significant genes as the ordering genes.

  1. # 选择top 1000的基因
  2. HSMM_ordering_genes <- row.names(clustering_DEG_genes)[order(clustering_DEG_genes$qval)][1:1000]
  3. HSMM_myo <- setOrderingFilter(HSMM_myo, ordering_genes = HSMM_ordering_genes)
  4. # 数据降维
  5. HSMM_myo <- reduceDimension(HSMM_myo, method = 'DDRTree')
  6. # 细胞排序
  7. HSMM_myo <- orderCells(HSMM_myo)
  8. # 设置root状态
  9. HSMM_myo <- orderCells(HSMM_myo, root_state = GM_state(HSMM_myo))
  10. # 排序结果可视化
  11. plot_cell_trajectory(HSMM_myo, color_by = "Hours")

Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图12

Selecting genes with high dispersion across cells


  1. disp_table <- dispersionTable(HSMM_myo)
  2. ordering_genes <- subset(disp_table,
  3. mean_expression >= 0.5 &
  4. dispersion_empirical >= 1 * dispersion_fit)$gene_id

Ordering cells using known marker genes



  1. # 选择marker基因
  2. CCNB2_id <- row.names(subset(fData(HSMM_myo), gene_short_name == "CCNB2"))
  3. MYH3_id <- row.names(subset(fData(HSMM_myo), gene_short_name == "MYH3"))
  4. # 初始化CellTypeHierarchy对象
  5. cth <- newCellTypeHierarchy()
  6. # 根据marker基因的表达标记不同类型的细胞
  7. cth <- addCellType(cth,
  8. "Cycling myoblast",
  9. classify_func = function(x) { x[CCNB2_id,] >= 1 })
  10. cth <- addCellType(cth,
  11. "Myotube",
  12. classify_func = function(x) { x[MYH3_id,] >= 1 })
  13. cth <- addCellType(cth,
  14. "Reserve cell",
  15. classify_func = function(x) { x[MYH3_id,] == 0 & x[CCNB2_id,] == 0 })
  16. # 使用classifyCells函数对细胞进行分类
  17. HSMM_myo <- classifyCells(HSMM_myo, cth)

Now we select the set of genes that co-vary (in either direction) with these two “bellweather” genes:

  1. marker_diff <- markerDiffTable(HSMM_myo[HSMM_expressed_genes,],
  2. cth,
  3. cores = 1)
  4. #semisup_clustering_genes <- row.names(subset(marker_diff, qval < 0.05))
  5. # 选择top 1000的基因
  6. semisup_clustering_genes <-
  7. row.names(marker_diff)[order(marker_diff$qval)][1:1000]

Using the top 1000 genes for ordering produces a trajectory that’s highly similar to the one we obtained with unsupervised methods, but it’s a little “cleaner”.

  1. HSMM_myo <- setOrderingFilter(HSMM_myo, semisup_clustering_genes)
  2. #plot_ordering_genes(HSMM_myo)
  3. # 数据降维
  4. HSMM_myo <- reduceDimension(HSMM_myo, max_components = 2,
  5. method = 'DDRTree', norm_method = 'log')
  6. # 对细胞进行排序
  7. HSMM_myo <- orderCells(HSMM_myo)
  8. HSMM_myo <- orderCells(HSMM_myo, root_state = GM_state(HSMM_myo))
  9. # 细胞排序结果可视化
  10. plot_cell_trajectory(HSMM_myo, color_by = "CellType") +
  11. theme(legend.position = "right")

Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图13


Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图14
Monocle2包学习笔记(三):Constructing Single Cell Trajectories - 图15